
Chapter 18

His eyes had a sinister red glow, his smile from one side of his face to the other seemed nothing but cruel. This man is unrecognisable. Who the heck is he? Those were the thoughts of Alsi Amaris as he laid his eyes on the man who was supposed to be his adopted father. Shocked as hell, he backed away from Agyro. There was a very disturbing aura emanating from him.

Agyro stood up, he seemed like a beast that was happy to find some prey to toy with. Under the immense pressure of this dark aura, Ceal and Alsi felt like cattle, up for slaughter. He couldn't even blink before he felt a huge pressure against his abdomen. He felt himself ascend and bear the pain of breaking the ceiling and landing up stairs where Serena sat with her staff shaking in her hands. Alsi turned in pain to face her and she had a blank expression yet, it was engraved with fear.

"What the heck is going on Serena!"

She didn't reply immediately, but when she did she said…

"D-da- dad, has being po- posessed by a demon."

"A demon!-"

Alsi was interrupted by Ceal back flipping into the room from below.

"What are you guys doing!? Get your asses outside!"

He said as he rushed out the open door. Alsi and Serena snapped out of their bewildered state of mind and followed Ceal. They got a good distance away from the house. When they thought they could get some rest, Agyro appeared right behind Ceal. If it weren't for his good ears he would have had a blade go through him. Quickly drawing his katana he deflected Agyro's incoming sword and backed away.

Agyro tilted his head to the right. He took patient steps towards them. In turn they all backed away with their weapons in hand.

"I see, you're the one that bears the necklace. Where is it?" Said Agyro with a devilish smile. He didn't sound like himself, instead his voice sounded dark and distorted.

"What the F*CK HAVE YOU DONE WITH MY FATHER!!?" Ceal was up in ire.

"You insignificant fly. I asked a question and I expect an answer. You know what? Screw it… I'm going to torture you till you give me the answer, and then torture you some more! HAHAHA!!" The demon-possessed Agyro dashed at Ceal with an amazing speed.

He raised his sword and let it befall Ceal. Ceal blocked the attack with his katana and the result was an impact that sent the sound of metal clashing ringing into the air. Agyro forced his blade on Ceal as he struggled to hold his katana. Suddenly, Serena came from above with her staff. She was going to let it hit his head, unfortunately Agyro backed away quickly.

"What are we gonna do?!" Alsi came up from behind them.

"Hopefully, the demon hasn't taken full dominance over dad's soul. But if that's the case…w-we have to k-kill dad." Serena's voice trailed off at the end of her sentence.

"How do we know whether his soul hasn't been dominated already?!"

The siblings didn't answer Alsi for a moment. Until Ceal spoke to him…

"There's no way we could know. That's something only spirit whisperers are able to do. Non of us are capable of that ability."

Alsi's eyes widened at Ceal's words.

' What!? He's kidding right? Is he really saying we're going to…kill Agyro!?'

"I guess your friends are more knowledgeable than you are. Unfortunately I have already taken full control over this body. There's no saving this man. All I need now is that necklace.'

'unfortunately it seems none of you are welcome to the idea of telling me where it is-"

"Forget it, there's no way you're getting that necklace!" Serena interrupted the demon.

The demon's expression suddenly became dumbfounded. His lips frowned…

"So be it…' the demon took its stance, ' I'm going to enjoy the taste of your blood!"

"Don't let his sword cut you! He'll drain your energy!" Serena warned as she dashed forward to attack.

The demon welcomed the assault with a smile as she swinged her staff at it. Their weapons clashed repeatedly. Serena fought fiercely but carefully, it's like the fear she had moments ago just vanished. She was about to hit the demon with the end of her staff but the demon deflected it. It proceeded to give Serena an uppercut with its left fist. Serena went up into the air when the attack was about to be finished off with a slice to her abdomen.

Fortunately she was pulled back by Ceal and she fell to the ground as her brother continued the attack. Ceal and the demon engaged in a sword dance that showcased their agility and strength as well as skill. Ceal out in two swings that were dodged effortlessly by the demon. The demon then proceeded to come back with a thrust of its blade. To its surprise, Ceal parried the attack and with his left hand he let out a blast of force.


The demon was pushed back, managing to block the attack in time.

"You tricky little insect! Two can play that game…" The demon let out black energy that flowed vigorously. The ground below it broke and rised up, shaping itself into large blades in the process. The demon let out a maniacal laugh as it hurled the earthen swords at its opponents.

Serena and Ceal found themselves ducking and dodging left and right until they found each other side by side. They nodded at each other and began to close the distance between them and the demon.

They slashed and broke their way through the sharp projectiles flying at them. When the demon saw the progress they were making he scowled at them.

"No you insects…that simply won't do!" With that, it lifted its foot, and let it hit the ground.


With that, the ground below him broke apart further and the impact resulted in a wave that transversely shook Ceal and Serena off their feet. The demon sneered at them, only to find Alsi ascending from below. The demon smiled at this surprise attack. Alsi swinged his sword and sent off an arc of fire with it. The demon only managed to dodge it by a hair but Alsi didn't stop there. As he made contact with the ground again he forcefully attacked the demon like a videogame character who won't let his victim touch the ground and escape his extensive combo attack.

Too bad this demon wasn't limited by video game physics. Alsi thought he was about to land a vital strike when suddenly he witnessed an unexpected movement. The demon suddenly spinned off of its left foot and let Alsi taste the raging force of its right. Alsi went flying and tumbled onto the ground. Ceal caught him and prevented him from going any further.

"Let me show you how it's done…" The demon's dark and distorted voice echoed through the air. Fire manifested in the air around it and it merged with the earthen swords. The earth began to rise around the demon and combine with the earthen swords that already had fire added to them. Alsi, Ceal and Serena were taken by the contraption prepared for them. Huge earthen swords of lava-like fire, backed up by dozens of mini swords. How were they supposed to survive that!?

With a dark laughter he let the swords rain down on them. On a grassy plain like the one they stood on, there was no place to take cover. Serena instantly slipped on her gloves, grabbed her staff and started spinning like her life depended on it, of course it did. The jewels on her gloves started to glow and the wind started to flow around her. The earthen swords that flew towards her broke into pieces and the vigorous air current that assisted her crashed the swords into each other. Therefore preventing her or her teammates from harm.

When the deadly rain ceased. Serena knelt down, exhausted from her efforts. The demon looked down on them and let out a triumphant grin…

"Hm!...weak." with that, he let the four major swords descend upon them. They barely had the time or energy to evade them successfully, so in their attempt to do so they still got caught up in the explosion the impact of the swords caused. They tumbled across the ground, eating the dirt as they did so. Ceal's weapon flew up into the air and pinned itself to the ground in an upright manner as it landed. Everyone was on the ground, covered in burns and bruises.

' What the heck! Is this really happening!? How are we supposed to win against that when we were being dominated by some Enderman in a dungeon! There's no way we'll win… there's just no way!'

Alsi already forfeited after witnessing that feat. He laid on the ground, his eyes wide open, staring at the sky.

'This is it…maybe I can reincarnate into a better world next time.'


Alsi turned his head to the sound he just heard. Ceal was struggling to get up on his feet.

' You must be an idiot if you think you can do anything about that monster. It's pointless!'

Alsi thought.

Next, Serena got up too. Her coat was on the ground burning, leaving her with the stained white shirt she had tucked into her white pants. She was breathing heavily, however she shared the same mournful yet infuriated expression as her brother.

"I am willing to lay my life down for the ones closest to me. If that's what you call weak…YOU TERRIBLY WRONG!!" She said as she balanced herself on her staff.

"As long as we're prepared to die for the ones closest to us. You will never have a good time killing us! You think we are weak? Hah! Don't make me laugh…"

They were both on their feet at this point. Alsi sat up and watched this spectacle unfold before his eyes…

"WE ARE GINKNIGHTS!!" They yelled in unison. Also just realized how much they just sounded like their father.

The demon just watched with an unconcerned expression…

" Let's just get to the part where you're all screaming your lungs out for mercy…" That said, he started to bombard them with massive balls of fire. The siblings dashe forward, evading them swiftly. Ceal picked up his sword from his position as he ran faster. Serena was in front of him, her expression was fierce and her eyes were burning with resolve. Ceal suddenly jumped and when he did, he used the force that he uses as an attack to blast off at an amazing speed. When he did this he grabbed Serena by the Han and threw her at their enemy.

Amidst all the fire and chaos, she revealed herself to the demon. Her hair glistened from the moon light and the fire as she struck the demon with her staff. The combined force from her brother sent the demon flying. It dug its feet on the ground to regain its balance…

"How dare you-"

It was interrupted by Ceal as he swung his sword furiously. The demon ducked and attempted to counter, only to be hit by a gust of wind. When it fell to the ground it was assaulted by Serena who was going to force her staff into its chest. The demon rolled over rapidly and jumped up on its feet. When it did, Ceal showed up behind it and their weapons began to clash. The demon found itself defending against both siblings. The demon knew he had to escape this deadly duo, so the earth below it suddenly shot up and propelled him into the air.

Assuring himself he was safe in the air he sent bolts of lightning that began to strike the ground one after the other. The siblings started to dodge the electric death blows as they rushed to their opponent's landing spot. When they got there the demon ended up having to meet them. Before it could even react, Ceal blasted himself into the air and kicked the demon onto the ground. There, Serena gave it a sharp blow to the face and it sent the demon flying but not too far. The demon managed to get land on its feet again. But only to find itself face to face with Serena and Ceal, their weapons ready to be thrusted into their father's body…


"GET THE HELL OUT OF OUR DAD'S BODY!!!!!!!!!" The siblings yelled in unison and uniformly plunged their weapons through their dad's chest. Drops of blood went flying into the air and the demon's shock could be clearly seen through their father's eyes. Suddenly, the dark energy started to spew out vigorously as the demon let out a distorted scream. The ground around them broke apart as it witnessed this event. Every last bit of dark energy was released into the open air until it faded into nothing. Once the body of the host is destroyed. The demon would be destroyed as well.

Finally, the energy stopped flowing out and everything became quiet. The siblings breathed heavily, their sweat running down their bodies like rivers. Their father's lifeless body rested impaled by their weapons. They stood there in silence. Until tears started to flow from their eyes. Serena started to sob at the realization of what they had just done. Yes, they had just killed their own father. His blood dripped from their hands and yet they heard a heavy sigh emerge from his mouth.

"Hey now, stop it…"

Their mouths opened with shock and they lifted their heads. Agyro continued…

"You guys look ugly as hell when you cry like that…"