

Bzzt! Bzzt!

My eyes fluttered open to the incessant vibration under my pillow.

I fumbled for my phone, put off the alarm, and squinted, trying to look at the time.

A groan echoed from my throat. It was barely noon, and I didn't have to come to work today. The city library was only open from Monday to Friday.

I had Saturdays and Sundays off.

I prefer to go back to sleep. Unfortunately, the headache kicked in the moment I opened my eyes. There was no going back.

Throwing the covers off, the events last night before I managed to stumble into the bed had me biting on my lower lip.

"Always," I repeated the line Wizardo had said. It was embarrassing to realize I told him things I don't usually talk about with people.

Additionally, I wasn't even drunk. The booze came later after we got off the phone.

"Will I ever see you?"

The question echoed in my room. There was no one to give me a response, but the doorbell suddenly ringing.

Ding dong!

Letting out a frustrated sigh, I pulled myself together and sat upright. The headache doubled, resulting in me having an unsteady pace as I padded to grab the bathrobe from the bathroom.

A Tylenol was waiting for me in there too.

I tossed a tablet in my mouth, pulling my hair into a messy bun before answering the door.

Passing by the kitchen, I noticed the empty box with the heavenly-tasting chicken and the half-empty bottle of red wine sitting at the table.

If I had at least some company, I wouldn't be suffering the consequences of drinking liquor right now.

Ding dong!


I hate how my body felt like I had fought with thousands of sumo wrestlers overnight.

Although, come to think of it, it wasn't a far-fetched theory.

Upon reaching my apartment door, I gave the screen beside it a hard stare.

Rory was standing outside. What was most surprising was that he wore a simple black shirt and jeans.

It was a rather big contrast to his daily fashionable outfit at work.

Frowning, I unbolted the locks, opening the door only an inch, and raised one brow in his direction upon catching his gaze.

Rory gave the up and down once over before a smirk curved on his lips.

With a click of his tongue, he tried to look past me, checking my apartment for the presence of someone who wasn't there.

I cleared my throat, reminding him that he had yet to explain what he was doing and why he was here.

Rory raised his hand in surrender. He knew me well enough to know what I had yet to ask him about.

"I know it's our day off, and I remember you telling me not to come by your place, especially unannounced. But I make today an exception."

My first day working at the library was eventful, thanks to Rory.

Immediately concluding that he was the type to be overly excited about many things and would consider dropping at his friend's houses, I made sure to set boundaries.

First on the list was never come to my place.

I never made a mistake on my assignments.

Not once.

But this boundary wasn't intended for me. It was for people like Rory.

"What made you think so?"

Rory offered a slight smile, his eyes looking down to his sneakers. He was usually preppy and happy. This was so unlike him.

I had to clear my throat again.

"I came to offer my company if you'll have me."

I opened my mouth only to shut it. His words suddenly made sense.

"Right," I mumbled, feeling dumb.

Having no choice and not wanting to shoo him away, I opened the door, gesturing for Rory to come in.

On my day-offs, I don't usually make any plans except for sleeping in and general cleaning.

I find it disconcerting but also touching for Rory to remember what day it was today.

There were a few things I had to fake when making my resume. But most of the details were facts.

I couldn't imagine pretending my parents were alive. Nor did I have the heart to change the date of their passing.

My conscience wouldn't let me.

By accident, Rory learned about it. He didn't ask me for details, much to my relief, and had instead bought me my favorite Oreos and strawberry milkshake for 'comfort' as he had claimed.

It was a nice gesture—one I would surely treasure.

But no way am I disclosing that to Rory, or he would use that to tease me.

We love teasing each other and purposely at that.

Rory studied my apartment, his eyes roaming and soaking everything.

If he were to search it from floor to ceiling, he wouldn't find anything related to the woman he was praising yesterday.

Seven had made necessary arrangements to keep anyone from finding out who was Amiel behind the facade.

"Pretention is protection," he explained.

With nothing to do, I invited Rory to the kitchen and tossed aside the empty box. The bottle of wine stayed while the empty glass went to the sink.

I offered him the Oreos I wasn't able to finish last night.

Thanks to Wizardo, I didn't sleep with an almost empty stomach.

But I couldn't tell Rory about that.

"Your place is nice," Rory smiled.

I joined him by the table.

With a snort, I didn't return the favor and waited for him to explain what led him to come to my place unannounced when he clearly knew I didn't want him to.

An awkward silence began to arise between us. Rory was taking his time while I tried to be patient.

Ding dong!

Rory eyed me, his expression accusatory all of a sudden.

"Not accepting visitors, eh?"

I shushed him with a death glare before walking to the door.

On the screen, a man wearing a formal suit waited outside. He had a briefcase, and his neatly combed hair reminded me why he was here.

All thanks to Rory, I was able to remember that today was actually an important date.