
"I bloody need a drink," I mumbled upon arriving home.

Needless to say, that meeting was useless.

Plain useless.

Rory kept calling me all afternoon, but I refused to answer. He gave up on the fourth call.

I'm going to be paying for that tomorrow. However, that was the least of my concerns.

Rummaging through the mini wine shack, I grabbed the same bottle I had already opened. The glass I had was filled to the brim, and I chugged a few gulps before returning it to its shelf.

I tossed my phone on the kitchen table, slipped on a seat, and dropped my head on my hands.

"Idiot," I mumbled. "Idiot."

I kept on repeating that, slightly hitting my head on the table. It thumped every time, shaking the filled glass of wine.

There were bits of it that fell out, spilling around the glass.

I was supposed to interrogate Jace and learn what else did he know about me. However, our conversation was utterly pointless.

If I didn't cut it off, we'd still be there in the restaurant, exchanging banters and snorts. We might even resort to ridicule if it continued.

However, I wasn't going to keep sitting there while he messed with me. The only information I was able to get out of him was his name.

Although, it was questionable if that was even his real name. It sounded like a code name or if not, a shorter version of his full one.

He refused to answer my question about how he learned to fight like that and why. Then he made a deal that I keep his secrets, and he will keep mine.

I had wanted to understand what kind of secret he was hiding. But I was more concerned about the secret he knew about me.

I didn't want to overthink and had comforted myself with the idea that he probably meant the fight thing too.

However, I was still bothered about what he really knew.

Things like this were the ones I've been trying to avoid. It always ends up tragically.

Plus, if this guy knew who I was, it was either he was in the same boat as me, or he was connected with the mafia.

He didn't even disclose the deal with the old man.

Lifting my head off the table, the phoenix came to mind.

I still couldn't figure out why the old man got himself involved with them.

Finishing off the wine, I let the sensation burn through my throat and down to my stomach. I'd probably have a terrible headache tomorrow, but I needed the drink.

"Ugh," I slammed my hand on the table. "I hate you, Jace!"

My phone started ringing. I picked up, thinking it was Rory again. But the caller id reminded me to calm my nerves.

"I hate you with a passion."

Wizardo whistled from the other end. He was chuckling.

"Is that for me?"

I rolled my eyes.

"Do you wish it to be you? I'd gladly pass the hate. But maybe not."

"Oh? Who got you so on edge?"

I blew out a sigh, clearing my throat.

"No one. Anyway, what do you have for me? When's the Alejandro gig?"

"You're taking it?"

I shrugged, running a finger around the mouth of the empty glass before me.

"Why not? He proved himself to be a worthy target."

"I knew it," Wizardo chuckled again. "I knew you'd take him on."

I went silent, my thoughts toying with an idea. It involved the same group that attacked the old man.

"I'm looking forward to seeing how they react when I take out one of their powerful allies."

"It's going to be chaos," Wizardo whispered. He seemed to have caught on to the vibe I was going for.

It was my turn to chuckle.

"It's going to be more than chaos," I tipped the glass, letting it crash on the floor.

The delicate pieces of the shards sparkled against the light. It amused me how I fascinate things that most people won't even consider taking an interest in.

"Are you declaring war?"

I scoffed.

"War has been declared a long time ago."

"But they don't know you."

I hummed, drumming my fingers on the table.

"That's the goal. Although, of course, I'm ready to reveal who I am at the right time."

Wizardo whistled again. I heard some shuffles and looked at the time on my phone.

It was coming close to ten in the evening. I had no dinner. Thanks to Jace, I lost the appetite to buy anything on my way home.

He offered dinner, but I was too salty. I ignored him for the rest of the ride returning to my place.

So now, aside from Wizardo, three people knew my place.

Rory always had my address, but I didn't count him as he had never stepped foot in here. But he crossed that line recently.

And there was Jace.

I swear, I will search more about him when I have the time.

Right now, I need to focus on Alejandro and the preparation for our first and last meeting. It needs to be grand.

Plus, I can't rely on Wizardo finding something fishy about Jace. He might come to know that the guy uncovered my identity.

I'd be scolded, big time.

If Seven were with us, he would most likely have me hide for a few days. I'd be strictly forbidden to meet with Jace while he learns everything he could about him.

Jace could end up dead if he turned out to be a threat. But Seven would do the job. He won't let me deal with him.

Seven knew my weakness.

He knew I wouldn't be able to lay a hand on Jace because I saw him fight for the old man.

I won't be able to see him as an enemy. And that defeats the purpose.

"Are you going to sleep now?"

"That's the goal."

Wizardo chuckled for the nth time.

I shook my head.

"Goodnight then. I hope you dream of me," I teased. "So at least we could meet halfway."

Wizardo was silent.

"Hey," I called out. "I was joking."

"I know."

I snorted.

"Drama king. Sleep well."

I was about to press the end button when Wizardo cleared his throat, his voice barely audible, but I think I heard him call out my name.

I waited.

"Amiel?" he repeated.

My heart skipped a beat.



The line died.