Free falling

The whir of the elevator door opening signaled that I had reached my destination.


I mumbled, smiling as I listened to the sound of my shoes click-clacking against the floor.


I paused by the elevator doors, smiling to myself.


The lights went off.

Sage was safely sheathed. I played with it as I hummed to get to the double doors of Alejandro's room. There were two men standing guard, prohibiting people from entering in and out freely.

"I'll be lenient," Wizardo munched on his food. "Your countdown begins once you make it inside his room. Got it?"

I scoffed.

"You can start it before that. I can take care of his goons in less than three and then him before one minute."

"Overconfidence can prove to be dangerous, Amiel."

"Tch," I rolled my eyes.

The two guards on standby had noticed my approach. I unsheathed the sword in my hand. Blood splattered on the wall before either of them could say a word.

That allowed me to enter the room where Alejandro still lay unconscious on the bed. Monitors beeped beside him, and in my opinion, he was most likely taking a much-needed nap.

"Aww," I cooed, slowly touching his arm to wake him up. "Wake up you. I need you to hear me out before dying."

A groan resonated from his lips.

"Are you awake?"

I had the tip of the sword pointing at his throat. It was briefly touching his soft skin.

"Wh–who are you?"

"Funny how all of you have the same question every time. Too bad, it won't make a difference, and no amount of pleading mercy would change your fate."

"What do you want?"

I could hear some shuffling. It was faint, but I knew he was trying to grab something. Perhaps a weapon was hidden under the pillow.

I clicked my tongue.

"From you? Nothing really. But I just needed you awake before chopping your head off. So will you listen, please? This blade is faster than the bullet you're about to fire, Mister Alejandro."

He stopped moving, looking at me deadpan.

"Who are you?!" he sounded frantic. Although from the hysterical tone, I had a feeling he finally figured out who I was.

But as I have said, it won't make any difference. It won't change his fate nor stop my blade from cutting the life off him.

"Two minutes," Wizardo snickered. I smiled.

"Don't worry, I'll see you very soon."


Shifting positions, I let Sage point at Alejandro's chest. He stopped stuttering, but his breath surely quickened.

"I don't care about your sob story, but you could have at least tried to become a decent human. Oh, and before I forget, your ex-lover wanted to send you a parting gift."

"Wh-what gift?"

I smirked.

"This gift."

Blood dripped from his cleanly sliced-off neck. His head fell on the bed n front of him, tainting the white sheets. His body followed, creating more of the crimson mess.

Wiping the blade clean, I placed Sage back on its sheath, blowing out the strand of hair that fell on my face.


Wizardo whistled.

The lights flickered, electricity slowly coming back to the medical facility. I heard a scream outside and knew I had to leave before anyone saw me.

Gratefully, the VIP section of the medical facility had unlimited windows to choose from.

Without much thought, I broke through one, strapping Sage safely by my belt before jumping out.

"Wings please," I spoke, defying the gust of wind as I rapidly approached the city below me.

Wizardo's fingers typed on the keyboard so fast that I could imagine the codes appearing before his screen.

"Thank you," I mumbled while a small parachute slowed my progress. It was electronically connected to Wizardo.

He could control it like a drone and direct where I land.

It wasn't every day that I got to have this experience of almost flying. The chilly night air made it even more enjoyable.

"Are you going to transport me directly outside your apartment?" I teased.

As expected, he chuckled in response to what I had said.

My heart fluttered, imagining him laughing despite the dire moment only a while ago. I wouldn't even consider that dire, though. I mean, I had stopped considering the killing part as something grim.

Does that make me a bad person?

Perhaps. But if that's what it takes to meet those who had my parents killed, I'm willing to burn in hell for eternity.

"Alas," Wizardo clicked his tongue. "You were ahead by one minute."

"What?" I rolled my eyes.

To be honest, I also half expected that.

My curiosity in wanting to see Wizardo was going to keep on soaring. But I'm still willing to wait until he is ready.

Who knew? He and I might have truly met.

But then, I was in the dark. He always had the visuals on me. So if we did pass each other in the streets, it was easy for him to recognize me.

However, it wasn't the same case for me.

It sounds tragic, but then I can't force them to do something he didn't want to. At least I could keep a part of my humanity.

"Whatever. You keep making these bets knowing I either make it at least one second late or a minute ahead. Just drop it. I'll see you when you're ready."

There was silence from the other end of the line. I took that time to admire the sky. The stars blanketed it nicely, promising a bright new day tomorrow.

Hopefully, it will be as great as it promised. But I highly doubt that.

News about what happened today at the charity and then Alejandro's death would be all over the media.

I'm sure his bosses wouldn't be pleased to know he was taken down so quickly. He wasn't even able to fight.

"Caught in my trap, perfectly ensnared and bound."

"Are you reminiscing about your kill?" Wizardo asked, causing a scoff from me.

"What about it? You don't even know half of the thrill it brings. Join me sometime in the future. I'd even let you borrow Sage."

Wizardo chuckled again. He must find me amusing. How interesting.

"What a generous offer, Amiel. Will you actually let me use your favorite blade?"

"Of course," I replied, my eyes gazing at the starry sky. "You're not a stranger to me. You and Seven are the only family I have."