
"Earth to Amiel?"

Rory's voice was nothing but a silent buzz in my ears. He snapped his fingers in front of my face, pulling me back to the present.

"Something tells me," Rory drummed his fingers on the table. "You had an exciting night. Am I wrong?"

My cheeks became flustered. I ducked and excused myself, running for the comfort room. 


Locking myself inside, I put a hand over my heart. I'm aware that my actions confirmed Rory's assumption. But I cannot deny it even if I tried.

First was Ryan.

Not that I considered what happened as a date. He and I got acquainted. That's what we did, perhaps removing the boring part of exchanging basic facts we both already knew.

He knew my name. I know his. The rest of the details would reveal themselves in the long run.

Next, there was Jace.

My cheeks burned, and my annoyance flared. I punched the door, my irritation for the guy hardly subsiding.