
"You don't have to understand everything, Amiel. But know that all the things I did and will do are for the greater good."

I never really thought about that before. This reminder came to me when Seven fell into a coma several years ago. 

And now we were here.

Ryan stood beside the bed where Seven lay, conscious but yet to move. Jace was there, too; neither of us said anything to each other. 

I was hesitating to come close to him in the event that Seven suddenly points an accusatory finger at both of us and cause him a boatload of stress over the matter.

It may seem minimal and perhaps not even that big of a deal. Still, it was enough to fret over. I sure am doing all the overthinking.

However, the joy of him waking up overpowered all other issues. I was meant to visit him today anyway. 

The doctor in charge of Seven had just finished checking his eyes. He had two nurses with him. So in total, there were six people in the room.