
I woke up the next day with a slight headache but also a weird feeling settling in my chest. 

Rubbing at my eyes, I squinted at the digital clock on top of the bedside table and groaned. I grapple with the covers and fought the urge to fall back asleep. 

Even if I did stay in bed and forced my eyes shut, there was no way I'd be sleeping at all. The sun's rays were already blinding me from the opened window.

"Argh." I threw the covers off, swinging my legs right after so I didn't have an excuse to lie down. I took the time to find my balance.

The world was spinning. 

"Oh, boy," I mumbled before tiptoeing toward the bathroom. I hurried the last few steps and grab the Tylenol from the cabinet in the bathroom and tossed one pill into my mouth. I let the medicine descend my throat, gulping it.

It will take a while to take effect, but I'll be fine.