
The scent of tobacco made me wrinkle my nose. I pretended to cover a yawn as the cards were presented on the table.

Everywhere around me, the rich and those who were desperate for money gathered to play in the casino.

The gambling den in the city was a place hidden from the public's eye. If one didn't have a connection with any person who was a regular here, they won't be allowed access. It was for security reasons.

Seven had to be involved in this one. He knew some people working in here. But their names weren't revealed to me, and neither was mine.

He was able to give me a ticket to get in. My target was in the VIP section. It was my goal to make him notice me. Hence, playing a few games didn't hurt.

Though I got bored almost immediately. Gambling wasn't my forte. I could have won a few bucks if I didn't intend to lose. However, I'd hate to take some money from here. 

Crossing my legs, I clicked my tongue.