
I followed through with what I said. 

Surprisingly, I fell asleep after a few minutes of forcing my eyes to close and my mind to rest. It was no easy feat, but somehow, I made it work. 

By the time I woke up, it was nighttime again. 

My stomach was the first thing to complain, followed by the other parts of my body. I felt like I had gone on a two-hour marathon.

But most of all, the heavy feeling inside my chest was a constant reminder of what I needed to do and focus on. 

I was out of bed in seconds, pulling my hair in a messy bun on top of my head and washing my face on the sink inside the toilet. 

After making myself look and feel like a human, at least, I padded out of the room barefoot. Ryan was reading a book on the couch. His eyes immediately met mine upon hearing the door closed. 

"Hi," he greeted, smiling. I offered a tight smile as well. 

"Hi," I added, my eyes scanning the surroundings. "Is Jace up yet?"