
I woke up to the sound of something pounding. I thought it was coming from my head, but the louder it sounded, the more sure I was that it wasn't just from my head. 

Groggily opening my eyes and getting out of bed, I walked out of the room. Ryan was up by then. I checked the time and found that it was past lunchtime. 

He had a hammer in his hand and was standing by the door. 

"What are you doing?"

Ryan turned to me. He looked fresh out of the shower and showed no signs of his drunken stupor last night. 

"Just adding more locks. Seven's orders."

"Oh," I commented, not sure how to feel about that. "Have you eaten lunch yet?"

Ryan hummed. 

"I bought takeouts. Did I wake you up?"

I smiled and shook my head.

"Not really. Did Seven say anything else?"

Ryan thought for a minute. 

"Nothing much. He did receive your email, though. And then he mentioned about strictly staying put. He'd be calling anytime soon."