Game over

The whir of the machine was overwhelming. Even from afar, it could be heard by anyone walking past.

The city was yet to sleep, hence I got time. The junkyard was located close to the less populated area and also less visited. If the man were to scream later on while I gutted him alive, no one would be able to hear it. 

I smirked, my hands itching to squeeze the life out of him. After what he had done to Mimi, I had no time to feel guilty. 

A man who had the audacity to kill an innocent girl doesn't have the right to live. 

My conviction fueled my anger. I wanted nothing more than to get this done and go back to Jace. I left him a note in case he woke up before I made it back.

3I'm not sure if he would understand, but I am hoping. 

Dressed in all black, I could easily blend into the shadows. If not detected, this could go smoothly. If otherwise, I will have less than five minutes to take him down.