
Jace's POV

Watching Amiel enjoying every minute of us being together made me want to take her somewhere else other than the grocery. Maybe we could run away and leave everything behind. 

But then, Amiel wouldn't want that. The look on her face last night told me she wouldn't give up on taking vengeance. And I didn't want to be the person who will stand in her way. 

We had Seven's black card, hence buying anything and everything we wanted was part of the unspoken deal. 

Amiel looked at cart and happily skipped on our way to the car. Once the groceries were settled, she and I sat inside the car.

I savored the quiet and turned to face her. She did the same. 

"I want to have more grocery dates with you." I uttered. A small smile appeared on her lips in response to what I have said.

"Somewhere in the future, you will hate doing it with me."

I shook my head. 


Amiel chuckled, shaking her head.