
When the meeting was over, and plans were reassessed and set, we ate dinner, enjoying the company of one another before we each went to bed. 

Tomorrow was another day, and we were to head out to do some spying and also restock the fridge. 

I retired to bed, my hands caressing the tiny bump. I couldn't help but smile despite the growing fear of the unknown. 

"I can't promise anything but this: I will protect you at all costs." 

That's a promise not only for my unborn but also for the rest of them with me. 

With that, I forced my eyes to close, thinking I could sleep through the troublesome thoughts that lingered at the back of my mind.

But my phone started ringing that instant, dismissing all thoughts of going to sleep. 

I checked the screen to ensure I had the right person in mind, smiling when I saw it was Jace. 

"I thought you were going to bed without calling."

"You think I'm going to do that?"