Work in progress: Chapter undergoing editing 

They say that the mood you woke up in tells how your entire day will go.

I think I could attest to that right now.

When I woke up to my alarm, my mood had nothing to do with the throbbing headache caused by the wine I had indulged last night. But all thanks to Wizardo, I was restless.

My tease backfired on me big time, but I still blamed him. He was on my nerves the entire night after he ended the call, and he was still the reason why I felt like punching someone when I woke up.

Rory wasn't helping with my mood either. He kept on asking me about Jace every time he had the chance.

I swear these guys were a pain in the head and nothing more.

Hitting my forehead with my hand, I repeatedly cursed Wizardo when the library doors hissed, welcoming a newcomer.

Today was one of those days when people preferred to be somewhere else other than visiting the city library.