Work in progress: Chapter undergoing editing 


Bzzt! Bzzt!

My eyes fluttered open to the incessant vibration under my pillow.

I fumbled for my phone, put off the alarm, and squinted, trying to look at the time.

A groan echoed from my throat. It was barely noon, and I didn't have to come to work today. The city library was only open from Monday to Friday.

I had Saturdays and Sundays off.

I prefer to go back to sleep. Unfortunately, the headache kicked in the moment I opened my eyes. There was no going back.

Throwing the covers off, the events last night before I managed to stumble into the bed had me biting on my lower lip.

"Always," I repeated the line Wizardo had said. It was embarrassing to realize I told him things I don't usually talk about with people.

Additionally, I wasn't even drunk. The booze came later after we got off the phone.

"Will I ever see you?"