That day, or rather that period of time that they will be going through, will be very different from what they might even imagine.
Liraj went to the hospital to check Raylin's condition after Ran took her there, and from this both sides knew that these foreigners were after the two of them.
While Raylene sits on the bed, Ran stands at the door with his hands crossed to his chest and sits in front of her to see him on the chair.
Everyone had serious expressions.
- Ran, you know it's getting worse, what are you and Raylene going to do?
She looked around Raylin's belly with his right hand in fear and anxiety.
- The child would have died this time if we had not arrived in time.
I think Raylene won't be able to fight against them, and I also don't want to put her in a difficult situation while she's pregnant.
Liraj coldly looked at Ran after he said those words and then answered him coldly as if she wanted to get up and kill him.
And who was the reason for this, sir?
As for Ran, he felt the aura of murder that began to fly towards him from Liraj and an imminent war that would have erupted between them had it not been for the intervention of the doctor.
The doctor went in to talk to Rayleen and told her about some useful things for her and some medical advice, Liraj was trying to push Ran out of the room but he refused exactly, and after the doctor finished talking and came out, Ran thanked her in a polite manner as if he had not witnessed him doing this to someone from before.
As for Liraj, she left them together and went to the doctor to talk to her.
Raylene, I know it was wrong, but, for me, I have to take responsibility for my actions.
Ran was sitting quietly with his eyes down on the chair in front of her, everything to him was strange, he was not used to talking like that, so Raylene noticed that he had difficulty speaking, and of course like any situation between them she improved things with her humor.
-Man, are you really weird, you were just going to have a war with Liraj and now you come to me like a child?
- Huh?
He was surprised by her reaction and smile, then put her small palm over his big hand as she tried to change and soften the atmosphere on him, Ran noticed his situation and got up from the chair after kissing her hand.
-I'll come back..
He hurried out of the room and went to the doctor and stood at the door of her room after he heard Liraj talking to her.
What he heard led him to enter quickly to grab Liraj by her hand tightly and push her against the wall, holding her neck with one hand and his other hand holding her hand tightly.
I kicked him on his stomach to keep him away from her and almost a strong fight broke out between them while the doctor tried to stop them with her words.
Guys, calm down, please!
As for Ran, he was in a strange state of hysteria for the
first time that such behavior could come out of him.
He shouted at the top of his voice to attract everyone in the hospital.
You want to kill my son?!
- I will kill you and anyone who agrees to perform this abortion!!
Sir, please wait. We're still just talking about it. We haven't decided.
The barrel of the gun was closer to the doctor's head and Ran's calm features turned cold, evil, as if he was the embodiment of evil on this earth.
This gun, I'll empty it into your head and that woman's head if you try to touch Raylene.
Well, sir, well, I won't do anything! I swear I won't do anything.
Ran took the pistol off her and put it
behind his back in his sling
- that's better before I shoot you in the head.
Ran left the room and Duaa hurried to Raylene's room and there was the biggest shock for him.
And that's when he finds the bed covered in blood and Raylene has completely disappeared....
· · • • • ✤ • • • ·
As usual, Shelley and Mikey are
closer to lovers than partners, as they sit on the sofa side by side and talk about the things that are happening and the English gang, and in the meantime her phone rang.
Then I picked up the phone and saw Liraj's number.
-It's Liraj.
- Yeah, get it.
Shelly opened the phone and quietly put it to her ear, then she heard the screaming of a man over there.
- What is there for Liraj?! are you ok where are you
Shelley, it's dangerous. I was with Raylene and Ran in the hospital, and Raylene was kidnapped.
Raylene was kidnapped?!!
Mikey opened his eyes in shock but not too much, he fell silent and looked back at Shelly's speaking lips.
He concentrates and concentrates until Shelly ends the conversation and hangs up the phone, then she says to him.
Liraj says Raylin was kidnapped! I have to go to the headquarters quickly...
Shelly gets up, but Mikey puts her back on the sofa after he pulls her by the hand.
I looked at him strangely as he looked down, as if he had hacked into the particles of his brain to come up with this idea.
- What's wrong with Mikey?
Mikey raised his head toward her with frightened, expressionless eyes as if preparing to attack.
I'll say it, but I think you won't believe me.
But there is a traitor among you.
- Between us?!
Shelly was shocked and stood up and furrowed her eyebrows.
- Why is the traitor among us? Why isn't the traitor among you?
- Just a moment, I raised my girls and had been with them for a long time.
I know that they will not betray me, which is impossible.
Mikey looked at her coldly and then said.
- Traitor or murderer... Both are the same person.
All they want is to kill two birds with one stone, as they want to make us suspect each other and kill each other, and they will destroy what is left of us later.
Shelly stopped and looked at Mikey and raised her hair.
Wait a minute, are you suspicious of me?!???"