While Mikey declared a state of emergency at headquarters, he and Shelley both pulled their guns and went downstairs. Meanwhile, a car came to a stop at the door and everyone was pointing their guns at it.
The one with tattoos of the palms got off and a cigarette between his lips got out of it, and from the car he pulled a woman with him, or rather, Irene was handcuffed behind.
There was no expression on her face except that he was pulling her hard and pointing a gun at her waist.
I would have enjoyed this body, but you seem like a stupid woman, you don't even know that Pontine's betrayal will cause you death.
You're just a bastard who doesn't know what to do.
Mikey and Shelley watched the view from the door
and the sniper's muzzle was watching everyone, watching the situation while listening to what they had to say.
- Mikey!!
Mikey came out looking at Irene and Shelley, who was in shock, not knowing what to do, as a gun pointed at her friend's body.
- Irene!! Are you the traitor?!
It's not cheating, you just don't deserve anything.
Hanma stepped back and pointed the gun at her back
- Do you have any last words, beautiful traitor?
- Everyone go to hell!
Hanma did not retreat until he aimed two bullets that pierced her back and landed on her face.
He put his gun back in his pocket.
As for that sniper, he was relaying the events to those he was talking to via headphones.
- It seems that we were wrong, that Pontine is ruthless as we expected before, and they do not recognize anyone, even a woman.
- Hanma Shoji killed Eren.
📞- Irene was just a toy in my hands, I only benefited from her with some information, and I don't care about her at all.
- What do I do now, sir?
📞- Don't kill anyone else, let's keep an eye on things now.
-Okay Sir.
Close the connection and remove the sniper from in front of his eyes so that another sniper's bullet penetrates the face of the Pontine Building.
- Hanma, it's done.
The black-haired man with yellow locks and his bright yellow eyes spoke to Hanma through the headset that Hanma was wearing in his right ear.
- So it's over.
Hanma ran quickly and quickly grabbed Eren by the hands and helped her get up off the ground as she looked at him coldly and said
- "Fuck you, that hurt!"
I feel like my ribs are broken.
- I'm sorry, but these measures were necessary.
Plus, we wouldn't have needed this if Kasatora had been faster at finding the sniper.
- It's okay, the most important thing is that everything went well.
Erin took off the earphone that was behind her ear and threw it on the floor to break it.
- You should get rid of this for the better.
Everyone entered the headquarters and things went back to normal.
Inside, they met in Pontine's conference room.
Irene sat on the chair and took off her shirt to throw it away, which was full of fake blood that they had tied over her flak jacket.
Then she took off her flak jacket and threw it on the floor, only to be left in her red bra.
Hanma came close to sitting in front of the chair on his knees while examining her body from behind after bullet marks began to appear on her back.
It's just a slight swelling that will go away with time.
He took off his jacket to throw it over her shoulders, leaving only his shirt on.
He sat on the chair facing her.
Shelly approached her and asked her clearly.
- What does this mean, Irene?
- I'm sorry, Shelly, I should have told you this but...
- But what?
- Since we took that amount of money from those foreigners, I made a secret deal with them, to be their spy against Pontine because they had their eyes on Pontine. At the same time, I am against Rogue as well.
As for the truth, I would have preferred to die in order for Roge to continue.
- How about Pontine?
- I saw that our relationship with the Bunten mafia was easy, so I gave them a lot of false information but I had to reveal Sanzo's location.
Sanzo is not as weak as you might expect.
Mikey replied coldly as he sat with his hands folded to his chest.
- Worrying for Sanzo has insulted him.
- Ah..
Eren wouldn't know what to respond without this reply, while Hanma, who did not take his eyes off her, sits. He looked at her as if she was the only thing in front of him.
Beautiful appearance, eyes and hair are all beautiful in her, but what attracted him most was this strange and strong personality.
He smiled and then said.
I don't know how I trusted her even.
You're in love with me, you weirdo.
- I still can't believe you're a virgin.
Can you just for once not think about your penis?!
Irene got agitated and said coldly with closed eyes as if she had given up hope in him.
Mikey got up and stood in front of Eren and Hanma-
Eren I want you to give us information about these aliens.
- In fact they didn't trust me that much so I don't know much about them.
- But there is a party that will be held in two weeks. The party is sponsored by a statesman who deals in contraband.
- They are preparing for a big massacre there they want to exterminate everyone, then they will throw the matter on the Pontine mafia to ruin the reputation.
Do you know what they will do there?
- One of the senior officials in the foreign mafia will attend the ceremony to testify to everything himself.
- And I forgot to say that the party will be a disguise, as everyone who attends will have to wear a mask.
Shelley turned to her and said
, "That's so that no one recognizes them, they must speak Japanese very well."
- Yes, they are.
- And when they carry out the massacre, no one will know that it was carried out by a foreigner because of the masks.
We can manage this game in these two weeks.
· · • • • ✤ • • • ·
A week has passed since Raylene's disappearance and Ran's extreme madness towards her, Sanzo began to improve after Lucy committed to him the whole time in the hospital, he even found her sleeping on the edge of the bed next to him and her body on the chair he gave her
cold looks to put his hand on her head and she got up quickly, as she used to be careful in everything.
Sorry, I fell asleep all of a sudden.
- It's okay, I have to thank you for meeting me all this time.
No, after all, you were shot because of me.
A cold attitude by the two of them does not seem to have any feelings for each other, closer to being friends.
They start talking and laughing together and Lucy gets up to imitate the fat man's movements and makes Sanzo laugh out loud and giggle for the first time spontaneously.
· · • • • ✤ • • • ·
As for Mikey, who still couldn't leave Shelly for a few seconds, and the office floor was so volcanic that he couldn't stop thinking about her.
It even distracted his thoughts from working in the gang, or rather all the work the others had taken over, he was just giving orders and they were carrying out.
He couldn't hold himself to pick up his phone and called her as he swirled around his room.
- Shelly, how are you?
📞- I'm fine, what about you?
- I'm fine where are you?
📞- I'm in the market, do you want something?
- No, I just want you to come to me if you can after you finish shopping..
She smiled while holding the symptoms in her hands and holding her phone over her head.
📞- Actually I have a lot of work today Can we postpone it to tomorrow?
- Ah... well, it's okay, I can wait until tomorrow.
Shelly turned off the phone and put it in her bag.
- Huh.. I should let you wait a while too, not always, I want you to miss me more.