"That's right, I'm sure Raylene loves sea noodles."
Ran flips the noodles in his hands and looks at them carefully, as if choosing something valuable.
"Okay milk, noodles and a lot of sweets, I guess that's enough for now since I already have a lot of food at home I'll be back now to see how my beautiful is doing."
The smile did not leave his lips as he circled the whole place, even after he left and took his food with him and put it next to him in the car and was smiling even at the food he took to her as if he didn't see anything in this world except Raylene and her
"Well, shall I go get her a dress or not?"
"No, I don't think she'll like the dress now. She's just thinking of running away now, but that won't happen, so I can't give her up. However, I don't want to force her to do anything."
"But today I will really listen to what you have to say to me and I will try to change myself and this time I will do all this just for her."
Haytani Run started the car and drove as fast as he used to when no one knew him as the doctor. This is Haytani Run himself.
He was quickly taking the road as he focused on his goals of getting Raylene's heart back, giving her everything she wanted, and changing himself for her.
But he didn't realize that Raylene was in a difficult situation, and the same thing that happened in the past might happen to her again, but this time her rapist will not be the person she loves, so she may either go crazy or kill herself to get rid of this life that has always wronged her and hurt her heart.
Haitani Run arrived at the house and saw the door that that monster had taken off and heard the sound of screams that filled his ears completely.
He didn't wait for anything, so he ran quickly to find out what would make his little beauty and his pampered scream in that voice.
He did not see Raylene, who was trapped under that huge giant, but he saw her bare leg and stomach from his side, and here the bullet that hit her brain was fired after she decided to change for her, so he went to him without the slightest fear or hesitation or even mercy to pull a small knife from his pocket and put it in his neck That man to cut the aorta and pull it out of his shirt with all his might with his huge body and throw it on the ground keeping him away from it
The ground was filled with blood so that his feet seemed to make clear voices on the ground as he walked towards him with slow steps, enjoying the sound of his well-deserved blood with his feet to complete it. Blood on his face and his white shirt
The thing that Haitani Ran was not able to see with me was Raylene herself, his eyes were afraid to look at her and hesitating, how could a monster like Haitani Ran be worried about the sight of a woman
But what would he and his girlfriend do the day he threw her on the floor without clothes?
He walked towards her, took off his bloodstained jacket and placed it over her completely naked body, then grabbed her face with his bloodied hands on her cheek, removed her hair from her eyes, and carried her off the floor and brought her out of the house to put her in the car and closed the door.
The psychological conflict began to permeate his mind, which was thinking and thinking and thinking without reaching a solution, so he hit the car hard with his fist and several other blows only to express his anger, but he could not do that, so he went back to the house and opened the gas in the whole house to throw an open lighter inside the house and came back out calmly But his eyes were shedding tears, or rather he was crying, until his sobs were clear.
He burned the whole house and sat at the tire of the car crying and blaming himself and hitting his head and accusing himself of being responsible for everything that happened to her in the past and now
He doesn't know if Raylene will forgive him or not, but Raylene's forgiveness was not one of his steps, so he got into the car and tried to hold back his tears, but she was next to him, but he couldn't.
The more he looked at her eyes, the more his eyes flooded, and he hit the steering wheel while driving and looked at the road carefully and wiped his eyes from time to time so as not to hit one of the cars and end her life and his life.
She took his eyes crying all the way until he reached the hospital and carried her and watched the doctors take her from his hands and he remembered everything that happened to him when he carried her while she was pregnant and he remembered everything that happened at that time and his eyes were still shedding tears as if he was making a mistake twice
He sat at the door of the hospital, in his blood-stained shirt, covering his head with his hands. One of the men came to him and stood at his feet and said to him in a voice that was familiar.
"You made the mistake again, and you didn't let anyone help you, because your obsession with Braille made you live in your own world, you don't live with us, you only live with her in your own world, which even she doesn't live with you in."
Ran raised his eyes to the man, who was also tall and short by centimeters.
" Who are you? "
Haitani Ran looked up again after knowing that his blurry eyes had betrayed him at first, and this time his eyes widened and he got up quickly to close his eyes and shake his head and reopened them.
"No, Ran, you are not imagining, my brother."
As Ran walked out of the hospital while holding the side of his head
"No, no, it looks like my situation is getting worse, I have to really treat myself before I go back to ask Rayleen's forgiveness.
But that man followed him and grabbed his arm from behind, but Ran continued to refuse the order and did not believe that what was standing in front of him was his younger brother, who had shot him with his own hands and had believed that he was dead all these years.
"Get away from me, I'm delusional, none of this is real, I must cure myself quickly."
Ran tried to walk further yet, but the fist he received on his face dropped him to the ground from his younger brother and he stood in front of him, turning his wrist with narrow eyes and obvious annoyance.
Ran realized that the one standing in front of him was not a ghost or an illusion, but rather his younger brother.
"You... how could you..."
Ran was in clear shock when Rindo appeared to coincide with Raylene's fall, which made him think that he was hallucinating due to the pressures he was exposed to during such a short period.
"If you tell me, Rendo, what happened and why are you alive?"
Rindo turned his face and smirked at his brother's style he used to hear during the time he fell in love with Raylene.
"This is how you receive your younger brother who used to correct what you did wrong behind you, and even now that you got it again you did it again?"
Ran got up from the ground and said to his younger brother
"I didn't do that. It's complicated, but we'll talk about it later."
It went between them as if it was very normal although it is not normal at all and the two turned when they saw the doctor walking towards them and called at the hospital door to Haitani Run who went quickly and followed by his younger brother
"Mr. Haitani, you said that woman was your girlfriend, but the one who raped her wasn't you, right?"
"Yes, right, doctor. Is something wrong?"
Ran's voice was urgent and frank and his eyes were filled with curiosity about Rayleen's situation, so the doctor said to him and shocked him
"We are not sure whether it was you who raped her or not, so we will take a sample from you and we will know the truth, and during this time you will stay in prison until we are sure."
Two policemen came out from behind the doctor and grabbed his arms, even though they weren't even slightly tall.
But it was Haitani Ran who shocked them with his words when he told the doctor in front of his brother with confidence
"I'm going with the police, there's no need for anyone to take me, I'll do what you told me, doctor, and then I'll go to prison, but tell me the latest developments."
The looks between the doctor and the Haitani brothers were strange, even Rendo didn't understand how Ran was thinking at this moment, so Rendo asked to speak with the doctor privately and told him after the police took Haitani Ran into the hospital to take a sample from him.
"Doctor, are you sure she was really raped?"
"No, Mr. Haitian, there are no female doctors examining her yet, and I'll let you know the last details when I get anything."
"No, no, it's okay. I will stay here in the hospital to follow up on her condition. I do not want to leave her. She is like my little sister. I don't really think that my brother raped her. He is obsessed with her to the point of madness and cannot do anything that might upset her or harm her."
"We'll see about that, Mr. Haitani."