Arlong Park

"Who is that man?" Arlong questioned as he glanced at the young man that barged in.

"Who is Arlong?" the young man asked.

"That's me, what do you want?" Arlong replied as he asked him.

"I am Luffy... a pirate" Luffy stated as he calmly walked towards him.

"Hey! wait a minute" a random fishman said with another fishman at his side.

"Hahaha~ you have to deal with us before talking to him" the other fishman stated with an arrogant tone.


"Get out of my way" Luffy said as he smacked their heads with each other and knocked the both of them.

All the fishmen gasped in shock and surprise at his action.

"What does a pirate need from me?" Arlong questioned as he looked at him.


"Don't you dare make my navigator cry!!" Luffy stated in anger as he punched Arlong's face away and crashed towards a wall.

All the fishmen was dumbfounded as they shouted Arlong's name in worries.

"You... you crossed over the line!" all the fishmen shouted as they ready up their weapons and charged at him.

Smack~ Bam~

"Weaklings are not allowed to interrupt!" Sanji stated as he kicked the charging fishmen away from Luffy.

"Why did you come by yourself?" Sanji asked as he stood besides him while 3 other men followed behind.

"I've never lost to anyone" Luffy stated.

"Moron, I meant that you shouldn't take all the credits yourself" Sanji said with a bit of annoyance.

"I agree with Sanji... you shouldn't leave all the fun for yourself" Kaito stated with smile as he chuckled.

"Oh, really?" Luffy asked in a blank look.

"But I don't mind about that at all, Luffy" Usopp said as he tried to look serious while some sweat drip from his forehead.

"You're really good" Zoro praised in disbelief at Usopp for being so shameless.

The other fishmen all talked about them as they saw some familiar faces.

"Pirates? I see... so that's how you are all related" Arlong stated as he stood up and finally pieced together the lines.


"Who are they?" a villager asked in shock.

"They can beat up Arlong's crew, they must not be ordinary people" another villager stated.

"If those people can't do anything..." Johnny said as he blocked them from passing with a bloodied face.

"...The future of east blue will be doomed!" Yosaku continued as he blocked them as well with a bloodied face.

"If anyone wants to interrupt this fight, they will have to kill us first" Yosaku added as the two of them crossed their swords together.

"Why... what is the reason for risking your lives in this fight?" Genzo questioned as he frowned in disbelief.

"They made Nami-sempai cry..." Johnny stated with a serious look.

"...What can be a better reason?" Yosaku added with a serious look as well.


"So... you really want Nami in the first place" Arlong asked with a smug look.

Arlong laughed and mocked them about how pathetic and weak they are for challenging him.

An octopus fishman joined in mocking them as he called his pet to deal with them.

"What is that?" Sanji questioned as he saw a giant creature was about to emerged out of the waters.

"Is it the grandline monster that destroyed the Goza's village" a random villager stated in a fearful tone.

"Show yourself, Momoo!" the octopus fishman shouted as the gigantic sea cow with bruises emerged.


Usopp and the villagers gasped in shock with a frightened look as they watch the gigantic sea cow.

Momoo looked down as he saw three familiar faces and trembled as he started to dived down.


"Stop Momoo... where are you going?" the octopus fishman questioned in a panicked tone.

"Momoo, if you really want to leave then I won't stop you" Arlong stated as he glared at his back.

Momoo trembled a bit as he felt the deep gaze of Arlong and turned around as he roared at Luffy and the others.


"HERE IT COMES!" Usopp shouted in a frightened look.

"Let's go with Momoo, we have to teach these puny humans a lesson!" a fishman suggested as him and the other fishmen charged together towards the Straw Hat's pirates.

Zoro, Kaito and Sanji chuckled as they prepare for the charging fishmen while Usopp took out a slingshot and shouted in panic.

"Leave this to me... I will take care of them all" Luffy stated as he dashed at them as fumes come out of his nose.


"What is he doing?" Sanji questioned as he smoked his cigarette.

"I have a bad feeling about this" Zoro stated with a thoughtful look as they didn't noticed that Kaito already ran far away from Luffy.

Luffy spinned as he punches all around him when he stopped and stretched his arms towards the horns of Momoo.

"That's..." Arlong muttered in surprise as he saw Luffy stretched his arms.

"Let's get out of here!" Zoro stated as he turned around and was about to ran away when he saw Kaito waiving at them from a far enough distance away from Luffy.

"This bastard..." Zoro added as he popped a vein in his head at Kaito for not warning them in advance.

Zoro, Sanji and Usopp ran towards Kaito as Luffy started shouting and was about to launch an attack.

"Gomu gomu... Windmill!" Luffy yelled and he spinned together with Momoo as the giant body of the sea cow destroyed the surroundings and everyone closed to it.

Whish~ Smash~ Crash~

"I don't want to fight these weaklings, the only person that I want to beat... is YOU!!" Luffy shouted in anger as he pointed at Arlong.

"That's great because I was just thinking about killing you too" Arlong said in a menacing tone as he looked at him.

All of a sudden, three fishman walked forward and faced the Straw Hat's pirates.

"It seems we have to get involved somehow" a fishman with a typical appearance of a martial artist with a dark blue gi and a black belt said with a frown.

"How could you do that to my friends!" the octopus fishman shouted at them with an irritated look.

"We have to teach them the differences between species, Chu~" a fishman with muscular body, blue skinned and has thick lips stated as he looked at them.

The Straw Hat's pirates are now grouped together after Luffy's attack as they looked at Arlong and the three fishmen.

"So, they want to fight now" Zoro smirked as he looked at them with excitement.

"Finally, I can have some fun~" Kaito stated as he smiled with anticipation.

"You wanted to kill us, too?" Usopp yelled at Luffy in resentment.

"That was dangerous, you idiot!" Sanji grumbled as he kicked Luffy's head in annoyance.

"Eh?" Luffy asked in a blank look.

"You too, Kaito... why didn't you remind us in advance" Sanji added as he complained to him while Kaito chuckled in response.

"Well let's warmup first" the martial artist fishman stated as he ready up for a fight.