
"Is this...?" Kaito asked as he picked up the poster since he was the closes to it.

"Heh... I'm a bit jealous at you Luffy" Kaito added as he chuckled and smirked at Luffy.

"What do you mean?" Luffy questioned as Kaito passed him the poster.

"Wow! 30 million beli... we have become famous, Haha~" Luffy exclaimed in joy as he laughed out loud.

"Look... look, my picture is on the wanted list as well" Usopp stated proudly as Sanji observed the poster.

"It's just a picture of your back" Sanji said in a irritated look.

Usopp started rambling how great he was and reassured Sanji as the two of them cheered together while Luffy joined in as well.

"You guys... you really don't understand the seriousness of this situation" Nami stated in disbelief as he looked at the three of them.

"Haha... just let them, it's Luffy's first bounty after all" Kaito stated and chuckled as he leaned on the wooden railings.

"Hah~ I thought you were the smart type... don't you know of our situation?" Nami questioned him as she sighed.

"I do... but there's no point in worrying about it since what's done is done" Kaito answered nonchalantly.

"After this, we can't waste our time in East blue anymore" Nami stated in a worried tone as Kaito nodded in agreement.

While the five of them were doing their own things, Zoro reminded them that there's an island in front of them as they looked towards it.

"This means that we are very close to the grandline now" Nami stated with a thoughtful look.

Nami started describing the island and how it is where the pirate king was executed as everyone looked at it with awe and respect.


In the Loguetown

"Wow... what a big city it is" Usopp exclaimed in awe.

"So, the pirate era began here" Sanji commented as he lit a cigarette.

The Straw Hat's pirates observed the city as they looked around in amazement.

"There must be a lot of ingredients here" Sanji stated as he smoked his cigarette.

"I will go and buy some equipments" Usopp said with a smile.

'I've used a lot of cards in these past few days...' Kaito thought as he observed the people around him.

"Hmmm... I need to refill my arsenals" Kaito stated with a thoughtful look.

"I want to buy something too" Zoro said as he put his hand on his chin with a thoughtful look.

"Oh? I can lend you some money but only with 300% interest" Nami said to him as Zoro started to sweat when he heard her.

"Yosh... I'm going to see the execution place" Luffy stated as he immediately runs in order to find it.

"Ah... we haven't even discussed where to meet back" Usopp said as he watched Luffy run away without looking back.

"Well I'm off to go shopping~" Nami stated as she walked away.

"I'm off to go find some ladi... I mean ingredients" Sanji said as he ran away with a perverted smile.

"I need some new swords..." Zoro stated as he walked to find some weapons shops.

"Ah... Zoro, are you going to a weapon shop?" Kaito asked him as Zoro nodded in response.

"Let's go together... I need to buy something there as well" Kaito stated as Zoro and him walked away leaving Usopp alone.

"Wait... don't leave me alone!" Usopp stated as he ran towards them.


"These weapons are too expensive!" Zoro stated in shock and disbelief.

"Hey... let me borrow some of your money" Zoro said as he looked at Kaito.

"Hell no... these are my hard earned money" Kaito refused him with no hesitation.

As the two of them were bickering one another, they were distracted by some shouts as they looked at where it came from.

"Our captain was put behind bars because of that monster" a tall pirate stated with swords on his hand.

"Have you still not learned your lesson?" a young woman asked them calmly.

"Nope! we ain't happy with things as they are!" the other pirate stated with a sadistic look.

"We're gonna bring your corpse to him!" the tall pirate said in a menacing look as he threatened her.

"Very well, I will fight you" the young woman stated calmly.

The two pirates laughed as they mocked her while Zoro and Kaito inched closer to save her when the situation gets dangerous.

As the two pirates were about to attack, the young womam unsheathed a blade and slashed at the two of them.

Slash~ Slash~

Everyone gasped in surprise including both Zoro and Kaito as they were about to save her but stopped.

The young woman walked towards her scabbard as she tripped and her glasses fell besides Kaito and Zoro.

Kaito bent down as he grabbed the glasses and gave it back to her.

"Sorry... and thank you very much!" the young woman stated as she smiled and looked at the both of them.

Zoro paused for a bit as he happened to see her face which looked really familiar to him.

"It's fine... also you were really great back then" Kaito praised her as he nodded in response at her gratitude.

The two of them talked each other for bit, Kaito didn't notice that Zoro had already walked away with a complicated look.

"It was nice talking to you but I should get going" Kaito stated as he put his hand forward at her.

"O-Of course, I'm sorry for wasting your time" the young woman apologize as she grasped his hands as Kaito helped her to stand up.

"Haha... I should be the one apologizing for wasting your time" Kaito remarked as he chuckled with his hand on the back of his head.

"Well then, let's go... Zoro?" Kaito said as he turned and noticed that Zoro was gone.

'That bastard actually left without waiting for me at all' Kaito thought as a vein popped in his head.

The young woman was about leave when Kaito suddenly called for her.

"Hold on... do you happen to know a good weapon shop?" Kaito asked him as he cursed Zoro in his head.


"I see... so you worked for the navy" Kaito said with a complicated look.

"That's right, I'm Tashigi... a sergeant major of this city's marine base" Tashigi stated with a smile.

"We're here" Tashigi added as she brought him in a weapon shop.

The two of them went inside the shop as Kaito saw a moss-head person at the counter and smiled evily.