Julietta approached the car slowly. Was Emile even looking out for her? Why wasn’t he out of the car by now?
When she reached the car, Julietta peeped through the window.
“That’s why he didn’t notice me approaching,” she said to herself. “He fell fast asleep!”
She then knocked against the vehicle window and Emile jerked upright in shock.
“So, I suppose I should be happy about the fact that you at least tried to look out for me,” Juliette joked when Emile opened the door of the vehicle.
Emile rubbed his eyes while he blushed in embarrassment.
“Well, I actually meant to go over to the lake and catch a look at this wolf myself,” he began.
“Then what happened?” Julietta asked with her eyebrows raised in amusement as she got into the vehicle. She did not take her eyes away from Emile for a moment because she enjoyed his discomfort.
“I received a few messages on my phone, so I had to respond to them and next thing you were banging against my window,” he replied as he drove off.
“It sounds as if you are just very tired,” Julietta remarked. “Anyway, I was a little bit longer than usual because, not only did I spot the wolf tonight, but I also followed it!” she declared exuberantly.
“Gosh!” Emile exclaimed. “So, if you knew that I was out here you could have sent me a text to come over,” he complained in disappointment.
“Don’t worry,” Julietta responded. “You were probably already asleep by then. This creature chooses to come out at the last possible moment,” she commented with a curious look on her face.
“What could that mean?” Emile asked, with his eyes narrowed in focus. “Does it come out when it hopes that everyone at the lake is gone already, or do you think that it might only be out to surprise you?”
“Well, what you’re saying does make sense,” Julietta responded. “Wild animals are shy of humans and sometimes there is quite a crowd out here,” she explained in a pragmatic tone. “In the case of it wanting to surprise me, you might also be right.
“Oh, you agree?” Emile asked in surprise.
“Yes, but, we’re talking about an animal and not a human here, aren’t we?” she asked with her brows raised.
“I suppose,” Emile responded. “But, one gets the feeling that you’re talking about an animal with super perception powers,” Emile remarked as he pulled up at Julietta’s home.
Julietta glanced at Emile sideways, expecting to see a smile on his face.
“Are you actually serious about what you’re saying now?” she asked in concern.
“Come in you two!” Julietta’s mother called from the window.
“Let me just say “hi” to your Mom, so that she can see that I brought you home,” Emile announced as he got out of the car.
“Excuse me,” Julietta responded perkily. “Did you wait for me in order to bring me safely home or to spot the wolf with me?” she asked with her hands on her hips.
“Of course it’s all about the wolf,” Emile replied in a lowered voice with his finger across his lips.
“Did my Mom ask you to bring me home?” Julietta whispered with her eyes stretched in amazement.
“No, I really wanted to check out the wolf, as I said,” Emile responded with his eyebrows raised comically. “Is that so hard to believe?” he asked.
“Of course not,” Julietta responded.
“So, do you think that there could be more to this wolf than just the occasional sighting?” Julietta asked the following morning at school during their break time. They were sitting in the playground, away from the other students.
“What do you mean?” Emile asked in surprise.
“Well, you said that the wolf might want to surprise me,” Julietta responded. “Do you actually think that it can reason like a human being?” she asked curiously.
“You shouldn’t take what I say at night so seriously,” Emile responded with a teasing smile. “You did catch me sleeping, after all, remember?”
“You actually seemed quite awake when you were talking,” Julietta replied. She nudged him lightly in the ribs with her elbow to chide him.
“You do have a fascination with it,” Emile began as he narrowed his eyes in focus. “It’s as if you are expecting it to reach out to you,” he commented in a serious tone.
“Are you saying that I’m obsessed with it?” Julietta asked with her eyes stretched wide in alarm.
“No, I think you are busy doing healthy research, that’s all,” Emile responded.
Julietta searched his face to see whether he was serious.
“So, you think that it’s normal to wonder about a wolf that acts as if it knows how to plan its appearances?” Julietta asked.
“Yes, this can become interesting,” Emile said, sitting upright. His eyes were bright with excitement. “If it’s a fantasy wolf then there might even be a witch or even fairies out there,” he said staring out ahead of himself.
“You’re not making fun of me are you?” Julietta asked, staring into Emile’s eyes intently.
“No, I’m just thinking about the possibilities out there,” Emile responded with a sudden broad smile. “I will go with you tomorrow because today I have soccer practice,” he commented as he rose from the grass.
Julietta walked amongst the trees. She did not practice her drama scenes, so there was still light seeping into the forest.
“I am going to have to find that stream and maybe even see more of that wolf,” she told herself as she searched eagerly. Her heart was beating fast from excitement.
“Aha, there it is!” Julietta exclaimed a short while later. She stepped closer and leaned over to look into the water of the stream. “How crystal clear and beautiful is this?” she commented with a delighted giggle.
“Yes, indeed it is,” a husky female voice said from opposite the stream.
Julietta whipped up straight from shock and stared across the stream.