Chapter 17: One More Time

Leo hadn't meant to come over to the penthouse but had wanted to see Sammy outside of work. Seeing her that morning in her mickey mouse sleeping shirt and messy hair had made him want to call into work and tell them he wasn't coming that morning.

If she didn't work for his company, and couldn't afford to miss a day of work as an intern he probably would have done so.

Leo now alone in the penthouse after Sammy had rushed off to work, fantasized about the night they had spent together.

When he had kissed her and inhaled her scent. She had smelt like baby powder, whilst her hair gave him the feeling of getting lost in an apple orchard. The way she threw her head back in the throes of passion, and the tumbled mass of waves that fell like a curtain across each cheek. Or cascaded down her naked back as she arched up against him and flung her head.