Leo made his way through the hedge maze on the Castle grounds, cold and damp, fatigued and exhausted. This day had been longer than he had originally anticipated. He swore as he tried to wring the water from his wet shirt that was clinging to his skin. Who had decided to turn the sprinklers on during his walk?
"My Prince, please wait up," Rose called out from behind him. Leo groaned as he continued walking. The decision to indulge his father in his insistence on him actually spending time with Rose was proving to be the biggest mistake he had ever made. The woman was insufferable.
He glanced back to see her struggling to tread through the wet ground in her heels. Who wore heels for a hike? The long dress she was wearing was also ridiculous, despite it being flattering to her figure. If they had been going to a fancy restaurant for dinner, that outfit could have worked. However, for an afternoon hike, it was just inappropriate.