Chapter 49: Rainbow After a Storm

"Welcome my daughter," the Queen said as she side-stepped her father's wheelchair to come and hug her. Sammy wasn't showing much but at four months pregnant, her belly was protruding already. Maybe that was because she was carrying four babies. One soul must have eluded the empath. The scan had shown four heartbeats, and she wasn't even worried. The Prince's face had turned ash when the news was delivered, but that wasn't because he was sad. Just shocked but elated.

Sammy removed her hand from her father's shoulder to hug the queen back. Leo stood beside her, his attention on his father's face. The way he was looking at the King's beaming face was like he was seeing him for the first time.

When the queen stepped back and then bent down to hug Sammy's father, Sammy leaned over to her fiance and whispered, "Why are you staring?"