Chapter 15: Roan

Apparently, someone enjoyed a pomegranate and berry smoothie today. Thanks for the update Chad ;) We can always count on you to keep us in the know!

"Hi," I give the older woman sitting behind the front desk a full wattage smile, "is Ivy around?"

She blinks a few times before a cheeky grin pulls up the corners of her mouth. "Well, hello there, handsome."

I can't help but laugh in response.

Wanting to get a better look at me, she leans across the front desk. Her gaze takes a leisure tour before coming back to rest on my face. "I know who you are."

For one ridiculous moment, I wonder if Ivy has mentioned me to this woman. Don't ask why the notion of her talking about me sends a little thrill slicing through me, but it does.

"You're Roan King. Wide receiver for the Barnett Bulldogs. I just read an article about you in the newspaper. First game of the season yesterday and you all but crushed Ohio."