Chapter -2

[Chapter 0002 Housing Crisis]

In fact, Zhang Lie knew this for a long time, but after his rebirth, his mind was full of his own development plans. He didn't expect this day to come so quickly.

Zhang Lie and Wang Xiaohua's fathers are close friends. It is said that Zhang Lie's father once saved Wang Xiaohua's father's life.

The relationship between the two has always been good. The two also played together when they were young, and even had an ignorant love affair.

It's just that after Wang Xiaohua took a fancy to Qin Xiaoxiao's cousin on the gene list, she ran away with him.

After being reborn, Zhang Lie has been nesting in the White Liquid Jade Wormhole, and it is naturally impossible for the two to meet again.

In today's world, it is not easy to live, and it is even more difficult to live well.

Wang Xiaohua gave up Zhang Lie in order to live a better life.

Zhang Lie said with an ugly face: "Let's continue to rent the head office?"

Wang Xiaohua sneered, "If you want to continue renting, you have to agree to it."

Zhang Hanshuang, who was behind him, said with a pale face: "Sister Xiaohua, please, I don't have a house, where do we live?"

Wang Xiaohua said as if she had nothing to do with herself: "Streets, underground parks, there is always a place to be found."

Zhang Lie took a deep breath and suppressed the urge to hit someone, "Wang Xiaohua, tell me your conditions?"

Wang Xiaohua said in disgust, "Leave the Black Iron Base and stay away from my world."

"Do you know that every time I see you, I feel extremely disgusting, especially when it is said that it has something to do with you, it makes me unable to lift my head up, I never want to see you at the Black Iron Base again."

Away from the black iron base, all of his plans were in vain, and now the living expenses are exchanged for killing genetic creatures near the black iron base in the void world.

If he left the base, even if he had a house, he would have no money to rent, and he would never be able to turn around in his life.

Zhang Lie sneered: "Stay away from the black iron base, we can't even eat!"

Wang Xiaohua said lightly: "Such an old man is not as disabled as your sister. He has hands and feet to work as coolies and always has a mouthful of food."

"I'm doing it for your own good. With you, a poor bastard at the bottom, you delusionally want to make a name for yourself in the Void Realm, and you don't urinate to look at yourself."

"I'm saving you now. With your ability alone, you may die in the Void Realm one day, or even have no bones left."

"My life or death is none of your business."

"Hey, what are you arrogant about me? You still don't know Hanshuang, your good brother has always been at the bottom of the genetic space, I advise your brother, this road will not work for him, face the reality, don't be white. Daydreaming, not all cats and dogs in the Void Realm can mix."

Seeing that Zhang Lie was quite determined, Wang Xiaohua shifted her target and began to persuade her sister.

Zhang Hanshuang was a little overwhelmed, but Zhang Lie stood in front of her one step: "Wang Xiaohua, I warn you, don't go too far."

Wang Xiaohua threatened: "What? You don't even want a house anymore?"

The younger sister pushed the corner of Wang Xiaohua's clothes and said, "Sister Xiaohua, please do well, let's live here, please."

Wang Xiaohua kicked the wheelchair ruthlessly, and said in disgust, "Go away, don't touch me if you are disabled, can you pay for soiling my clothes?"

"You can't walk on your feet, you're a hairy human. Your brother is a waste, and you are a bad human being. You two brothers and sisters must be rebuilt."


Anger hit his head, Zhang Lie's eyes were bloodshot, and when he regained his senses, he slapped Wang Xiaohua on the face.

This palm was extremely heavy, and Wang Xiaohua covered her red and swollen face, and said hideously, "Zhang Lie! You… dare to hit me?"

Wang Xiaohua was furious, but looking at Zhang Lie's eyes full of murderous intent, her gene count was higher than Zhang Lie's, she didn't dare to fight back for a while.

This place is too narrow, although his gene count is higher than that of the other party, but it is not too high. The most important thing is that the other party's eyes are too intimidating.

Zhang Lie took a deep breath and suppressed the terrifying killing intent that erupted in his anger.

Wang Xiaohua started the vixen mode, "Okay Zhang Lie, I wanted you to stop appearing in the Void Realm in the future, so I could show mercy and let you two brothers and sisters, these social parasites, continue to live in the old house. down."

"Anyway, there is no difference between this place and the pig cage. No one lives there, but when the slap came down just now, it can't be counted like that."

"Apologize to the head office." For the sake of his sister and the plan he made, Zhang Lie planned to settle down.

Wang Xiaohua laughed and said, "It's too late. If you want to apologize, then in front of everyone, kneel at the gate of the base."

Zhang Lie's eyes were cold and cold again: "Do you think it's possible?"

Wang Xiaohua snorted coldly: "Oh, the contract is in my hands, and the house belongs to me. You are trespassing. I can call the guard and drive you two away."

Zhang Lie shook his head and said, "You are wrong. I just read the contract carefully, and the house is not completely yours yet."

"This is my house!"

Zhang Lie sneered and said, "According to the contract, the expiration is at the end of the month, and there are 15 days left before the expiration of the contract. Even if you are the owner of the house, you cannot occupy it for any reason."

After reading the contract again, Zhang Lie said nothing wrong, but Wang Xiaohua disagreed.

"Is there a difference? Now and at the end of the month, you will also be kicked out of the house, it's just a matter of sooner or later."

Zhang Lie's eyes flashed coldly and said: "At least it's still our home now, and our place belongs to us. If you are an outsider rushing in, this is called illegal invasion. I can ask the guards to drive you away. Do you want to wait for the guards, or Fuck yourself."

"Zhang Lie, you have the seeds, I will come back at the end of the month, just wait and see." Knowing that Zhang Lie could not be helped today, Wang Xiaohua snorted coldly and slammed the door away.

After driving the hateful Wang Xiaohua away, Zhang Lie began to check his sister's wheelchair, but the latter hugged him tightly, as if only in this way could he find a trace of warmth.

"Brother, what should we do? What if Mom and Dad can't find us when they come back? Without this house, where will Mom and Dad live when they come back, and where should we go?"

The house is full of memories of the family, and it is also proof of the existence of Zhang's parents.

Seeing the sparkling tears shed by his sister, Zhang Lie immediately comforted: "Don't worry, there is a brother in everything, and Wang Xiaohua won't rent it, so let's buy it directly at a price that Uncle Wang can't refuse."

"How much will that cost?"

Zhang Lie didn't care, "It's just money, one million and ten million, my brother will earn it back."

Zhang Hanshuang worried: "But we don't have time?"

Zhang Lie touched his sister's head, "Don't be afraid of frost, trust my brother."

Zhang Hanshuang snuggled up to Zhang Lie, and the two were close to each other. Her brother's chest was always the safest haven. No matter the wind or the rain, she would not be afraid when her brother was there.

After comforting his sister, Zhang Lie slept for five hours before entering the void realm again. Before leaving, he hid most of the money under the floor tiles under his sister's bed for emergencies.

Seemingly aware of Zhang Lie's departure, sister Hanshuang opened her eyes and saw, "Brother, are you leaving again?"

Zhang Lie said softly: "Sorry, I woke you up, I left the money here, I can use it for emergency."

"Won't you rest for a while?"

"time is limited."

"Pay attention to safety, and don't do dangerous things for Frost. In this world, Frost is the only brother left. Don't leave Frost alone."

Zhang Hanxuan pulled Zhang Lie's sleeve, and his crystal-clear eyes shone in the darkness.

Zhang Lie lowered his head and kissed Hanshuang's forehead lightly, smiled and said, "Alright, my brother promises you that everything will be fine."

Through the teleportation device, he entered the genetic space again, and Zhang Lie's appearance naturally attracted the ridicule of countless people in the base.

Zhang Lie ignored it, returned to the cave again, and continued to hunt the white liquid jade worm.

Time flies, three days have passed in a blink of an eye.

During these three days, Zhang Lie only rested for two to five hours a day, and spent the rest of the time hunting the white liquid jade worm without stopping, but the legendary super creature still did not appear.

"How can it not appear, is the rumor of the previous life wrong?"