Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 8 A lot of harvest

[Chapter 0008 A lot of harvest]

In the whistling wind, Zhang Lie jumped down again.

Next, everything repeats itself, but this time when Zhang Lie rushed out of the valley with a few bloodthirsty ants hanging, there were already hundreds of blood god whiskers lying in his backpack.

For this trip, Zhang Lie has done a lot of preliminary work. Since this is coming, it is natural that the plan has been accepted.

Since the blood god whiskers have not yet been excavated, and this place is a native place, Zhang Lie made a rough estimate that there are at least ten thousand blood god whiskers in the blood crystal canyon.

At Zhang Lie's current speed, if he were to collect 100 sticks at a time, he would have to glide 100 times, and then count the ant nest from riot to recovery. Zhang Lie gave himself a budget for a week.

After a long time, the small backpack that I exchanged with the points will not be enough.

It seems that when the bag is full and back to the base, I have to find time to go to the magic pond to hunt for some pot-bellied devil frog soul jade, otherwise it will be too time-consuming and labor-intensive to go back and forth.

For the blood god Xu Zhanglie, it is imperative to win, and even countless plans have been made for this.

It's a pity that the plan can never keep up with the changes, and the idea is full of reality but it is quite skinny.

When Zhang Lie landed on his tenth glide, a huge worm chirped suddenly in the huge blood crystal canyon.

In the next instant, a blood-red figure rushed out from the top of the blood crystal mountain.

Huge body shape, serrated claws like a knife, sharp and ferocious legs, insect wings covered with red watermarks, and huge crimson compound eyes.

"Super bloodthirsty ants!!"

Seeing this deep red, Zhang Lie's face changed, and his speed was instantly raised to the limit, and he rushed out of Taniguchi like a flash of light.

Zhang Lie is very fast, and the attack of the super bloodthirsty ants is even faster!


He only heard a wind whistle, and a blood-red aurora arrow shot at Zhang Lie at extreme speed.

Fast, too fast! Almost suffocating! !

In fact, Zhang Lie felt the danger the moment the blood-red aurora arrow flew, and made a small horizontal movement subconsciously.

But at the moment he made the action, the left arm of the glass suit burst open, and Zhang Lie flew out.

Fortunately, Zhang Lie has a lot of fighting experience. He stepped on the waves almost as soon as he was in the air. As soon as the Wind Wolf Soul Jade opened, he forcibly twisted his body in the air with a kick. After a spin and landed on the ground, his feet did not stop, turning into a light and shadow, completely. disappeared in Taniguchi.

"Ka… ka ka!"

The super bloodthirsty ant swept its compound eyes and found that after the target disappeared, it didn't care too much.

Deep in the jungle, Zhang Lie breathed a long sigh of relief when he heard the chirping of insects and the sound of ebb tide. It was too dangerous. He just collected a blood god beard, and all the super bloodthirsty ants came out of the nest.

This family is so irritable.

Looking at the rapidly crystallizing left arm, Zhang Lie couldn't help laughing bitterly while he was terrified.

Nima, it's too unfriendly to shoot the blood god arrow when I come out. Fortunately, I have the Insect King Soul Jade, otherwise I will definitely be forced to carry this.

While complaining about the ruthlessness of the other party, Zhang Lie also urged the gene source to dispel the strange gene energy that invaded the body like a toxin.

Blood God Arrow, an attacking move of super bloodthirsty ants, after being hit, the body tissue will be assimilated in a short period of time, and finally become a blood crystal sculpture.

After a full hour, Zhang Lie finally got rid of the sequelae of the Blood God Arrow.

To be honest, if there is no glass armor transformed by the soul jade of the insect king and the physical resistance brought by super genes, he will definitely become a statue, and he cannot die any longer.

The appearance of super bloodthirsty ants interrupted Zhang Lie's collection plan.

After expelling Zhang Lie, the guy did not return to the ant nest, but stood at the top of the giant mountain in the blood crystal canyon like a door god, forcing him to temporarily give up and continue collecting.

However, giving up must only be temporary. After this guy returns to the nest, Zhang Lie will naturally continue to collect these blood god whiskers.

Wealth and wealth are in danger, the blood god Suna is the second huge wealth in Zhang Lie's plan, and he will never let it go easily.

Since he couldn't collect the blood god whiskers for the time being, Zhang Lie began to head towards the Demon Pond.

During this period, in addition to collecting one or two common adjuvants, he also solved some basic genes and increased the number of basic genes.

Magic Marsh Pond, a huge swamp, shaped a bit like a futon.

The pot-bellied devil frog is a basic genetic creature that lives here, and it is also a basic genetic creature that is very popular with gene hunters.

Because their Soul Jade is very useful, almost everyone who enters the Void Realm will choose to equip several.

Just as Zhang Lie approached the magic pond, he saw a black pot-bellied devil frog with only its head exposed in the muddy water of the pond.

In the magic pond, the pot-bellied magic frog can be seen everywhere, but the soul jade of the pot-bellied magic frog is quite rare. There are two reasons for this.

First, the probability of condensing the soul jade of the basic gene is not high, which means that its shipment volume is not large.

Second, the Geographical Environment of the Magic Pond is complex, and there are not only big-bellied magic frogs in it, but also mutant genetic creatures, and even super genetic creatures.

Even a gene hunter full of mutant genes would not dare to hunt and kill.

Therefore, if you want to hunt down the pot-bellied devil frog in the pond, it is not enough just to have the number of genes.

For others, this might be a problem, but for Zhang Lie, who was reborn, it was a small problem that could be easily solved.

Zhang Lie thought of a solution as early as when he collected the adjuvant.

When he came to the vicinity of the magic marsh pond, Zhang Lie found a miscellaneous servant, then set up a bonfire and started roasting the golden pheasant he had hunted before.

The pleasant aroma was scattered, and the big-bellied magic frog in the magic pond began to quack and commotion, and seemed to be attracted by the aroma.

It's a pity that after coming to the swamp pond with quack, the group of big-bellied devil frogs miraculously calmed down again, and it seemed that they had withstood the temptation.

Zhang Lie was not discouraged, and even had expected it, he just took out a four-leaf clover-like plant from his backpack, and then stuck it on the roasted golden pheasant.

This thing is called water frog incense, and it can release a unique smoke under the smoke, which is very popular with frog genetic creatures.

No, after Zhang Lie's operation, the aroma disappeared suddenly, and replaced by a kind of light blue smoke that was visible to the naked eye.

As soon as the blue smoke came out, the big-bellied devil frog in the pond, without any hesitation, jumped out of the pond and followed the blue smoke towards Zhang Lie.

The pot-bellied devil frog is quite frightening in size, about half the height of a human being, and its belly is actually not big, so it is normal size.

After seeing Lan Yanyuan, the big-bellied devil frog at the front opened his mouth and shot out a tongue to wrap the single-eyed brocade, completely ignoring Zhang Lie's intentions.

It ignores Zhang Lie, which does not mean that Zhang Lie will let them do whatever they want.

Under the dance of the blast sword, all the big-bellied magic frogs who dared to snap their tongues lost their tongues in an instant.

The next moment, Zhang Lie activated the mutant hurricane wolf soul jade, and stepped on the wave step and rushed out at high speed.

Stacking waves three palms!


Raising his hand is a blow to the waves, and every palm hits like a wave of waves, and the source of energy is endless, and the big-bellied devil frog in the middle of the palm immediately slumped.

The only attack method of the pot-bellied devil frog, or the more troublesome is the long tongue, and what can fit into the big mouth, nothing else to be afraid of.

But under the huge genetic gap, all of this is a cloud for Zhang Lie, and he can completely ignore it.

Blue smoke curled up, and countless big-bellied devil frogs rushed in continuously. Zhang Lie had already killed more than ten big-bellied devil frogs while dancing with his blast sword. After breaking a lot of ordinary soul jade, Zhang Lie finally got the first prize. A big belly frog soul jade.

Big-bellied frog soul jade: equipment type (space type)

After activating Soul Jade, Zhang Lie's hand showed a shrinking pocket of a big-bellied devil frog.

This fanny pack has a space-folding function, which looks like a big slap, but the interior space is comparable to a van.

However, this size is still not enough, and it is almost full if a dozen or so corpses are stuffed.

Moreover, this is only one, Zhang Lie is obviously not satisfied.

It's hard to come here, how can I stop without getting ten or eight ordinary pockets.

Under the blue smoke, more and more pot-bellied magic frogs jumped out of the swamp.

Zhang Lie also began to slaughter with all his strength, and it was not until then that he realized how much he lacked group warfare-type genetic martial arts.

Under his palm and sword, more than a dozen pot-bellied frogs died, leaving behind a pot-bellied frog soul jade again.

But just when Zhang Lie was about to put away the soul jade, a mutant pot-bellied devil frog with a system equivalent to that of a normal human jumped out of the pond.

Zhang Lie has long been thinking about this mutant pot-bellied devil frog. After all, this means that he can have a mutant pot-bellied devil frog soul jade right away.

You must know that the space in the pockets of the mutant pot-bellied magic frog is more than three times larger than ordinary ones.

If you can get a few of them, in this Void Realm, you don't have to think about the storage problem when hunting.

With a show of soft water, he threw out the ordinary big-bellied devil frog close to the bonfire like a sandbag.

Under the full explosion of the gene source, the blast sword in his hand burst into a faint blue halo, and he rushed to the mutant pot-bellied devil frog in an instant.

Zhang Lie's full-scale eruption was extremely fast, and together with the previous several ordinary pot-bellied devil frog sandbags, the sight of this mutant devil frog was blocked.

When it saw Zhang Lie again and felt the danger, a light blue long sword had been pierced from under its jaw and pierced above its head.

The mutant pot-bellied devil frog didn't even make a mighty cry, and fell down with a bang.

An ordinary pot-bellied magic frog soul jade was crushed, and the soul element was scattered, and a soul jade was condensed on the body of the mutant pot-bellied magic frog.

Mutated Pot-bellied Demon Frog Soul Jade is here!

In one fell swoop, he won this significant mutant pot-bellied devil frog soul jade, and Zhang Lie's blast sword in his hand was faster.

Countless big-bellied devil frogs jumped up and fell forever beside the deep bonfire.

In about ten minutes, the blue smoke completely dissipated, and the big-bellied devil frog jumping out from the edge of the swamp immediately stopped the tendency to jump out.

In the end, Zhang Lie harvested 13 ordinary pot-bellied magic frog soul jades and 2 mutant pot-bellied magic frog soul jades in this ten-minute massacre, which was considered a bumper harvest.