Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 13 Terror Scorpion Swarm

"Ah.. scorpions! So many…"

After a moment of shock, Wang Xiaohua screamed.

Yes, that's right! Scorpion! Countless purple crystal-like scorpions were emerging from the cave they had entered before, crawling out of the flowers around them, like a group of small ghosts.

These scorpions are all made of spar, and most of them are only the size of a palm, but they can crawl very fast, and the tip of their tail is strangely black and purple.

The strange thing is that there are many ghostly purple scorpions around Zhang Lie, but these little things are like domestic animals. Even if they climbed over his body, they showed no signs of attacking.

"Haha, it's finally here, the Purple Poison Netherworld Scorpion hates fire the most, are you ready to die?" The killing was over, Zhang Lie's eyes were full of murderous intent, and he couldn't hide it at all.


In the sound of the clanging gold and iron, Qin Xiao's celestial body was golden like casting, and the long sword in his hand was even more airtight. Wang Xiaohua, Fang Qiong and others also began to meet the enemy, jumping down the rock wall at high speed. The purple poisonous ghost scorpions were all shot down.

Strange purple blood was sprayed, and a faint purple mist rose in the air.

"Heh, borrowing a knife to kill, these little things are your last resort?" Qin Xiaotian sneered at the ease of shooting down several purple poisonous ghost scorpions.

"Hahaha, can you survive and talk big?" Zhang Lie laughed, and stopped running away, sitting comfortably on the hill, how leisurely he looked.

Qin Xiaotian was fighting a bullfight, but at this moment they were surrounded by countless purple poisonous scorpions, and Zhang Lie's location was quite far away, so he couldn't reach it at all.

The scorpion swarms surging, and the fine squeaks are endless, and it turns into a sea of worms in an instant.

Qin Xiaotian shouted loudly: "Boy, wait, I will make your life worse than death! Fang Qiong, the Four Spirit Arrays break through!!"

Putting down a cruel word, Qin Xiaotian immediately concentrated on commanding the team.

The source energy of Fang Qiong and the other three members of his team immediately exploded, activating the illusion-shaped soul jade in the body, and turning into lava tiger, thorn snake, wind fire bird, rock turtle, and four strange genetic beasts.

For a time, tigers roared and snakes hissed, birds and turtles roared.

After the illusion, although they lost the flexibility and skills of their human form, the sudden increase in body size also represented a sudden increase in strength.

At this moment, they raised their hands and gestures, all with extremely powerful power.

The Four Spirits rioted, and the Purple Poison Nether Scorpion was killed and injured countless times, but these scorpions seemed to have no brains at all.

The four spirits immediately formed a strange square formation, guarding Qin Xiaotian, Wang Xiaohua, and other team members in the formation, and began to charge forward slowly in front of the scorpion.

Most of the purple poisonous nether scorpions are ordinary genetic beings, and there are a few mutant genetic beings, and some have super genes at the highest.

But no matter what kind of genes they possess, as long as they are Purple Venomous Netherworld Scorpions, they only have two core abilities.

First, the ghostly invisible mimicry.

Second, poison! Extremely terrifying poison! !

Nether-like invisible mimicry, everyone has seen it before, even Qin Xiaotian, who has super genes, has not found it.

As for this poison, it is even more terrifying, because poison is the housekeeping skill of the Purple Poison Netherworld Scorpion.

The poison of the purple poisonous ghost scorpion is divided into two types. The first type comes from the poison sac, which is released through the tail needle. After entering the human body, it circulates the whole body through the blood.

There is no antidote, or the strong genetic source suppresses it, and it can kill a person within ten seconds.

As for the second type, it is the blood poison of the Purple Venomous Netherworld Scorpion itself. The blood of these guys is extremely strange, and it can quickly volatilize into a mist in the air.

Afterwards, through contact with other biological bodies, it penetrates from pores and epidermal tissues, and finally human paralysis.

"Beware of poison!"

At this moment, under the slaughter of the huge Four Spirits, the purple mist in the air became more and more intense. While holding his breath, Qin Xiaotian couldn't help but remind him.

It is true that Qin Xiaotian is a second-generation character, but he is not stupid. For creatures like scorpions, whether they are ordinary species or these genetic life, there is always a poisonous word.

Unfortunately, it was too late to notice these poisonous mists at this time.

Since Zhang Lie led them here, he naturally thought up the script for them.

Everyone in the team fought and advanced, trying to break through, but the resistance was too great, and the impact of the scorpion group could be described as maddening.

Especially on Fang Qiong's side, even though he knew that his whole body was full of fire energy, he still rushed to him, raising his purple-black tail and poking fiercely.

Of course, right now, with the blessing of the mutant-level transmuted soul jade, the purple poisonous ghost scorpion with ordinary genes can't do any damage to it at all.

Under the battle of the Four Spirits, although their breakout momentum was blocked, the Purple Poison Nether Scorpion Swarm could not break through their defense in a short period of time.

But this transmuted soul jade can consume the most energy, and they can't fight for a long time.

"Xiaotian, we can't rush past, let's retreat first, these scorpions are too crazy, under the impact of such a large group of scorpions, we can't last long!"

"Yeah, Boss, this kid is just a chicken. You can trouble him anytime. There's no need to fight here!"

At the Four Spirits Battle Array Center, Wang Xiaohua, and the rest of the team all began to persuade Qin Xiaotian.

Especially Wang Xiaohua, there was even some kind of pleading in her tone.

From the moment she saw these scorpions, she had a premonition of extreme danger, and this premonition was even stronger after seeing Zhang Lie's eyes full of murderous intent.

Right now, she doesn't think about anything, she just wants to leave this place immediately.

"Hmph, you dare to plot against me, it's not so easy, just hold on for a while, and don't teach him a lesson, I really think Ben Shao can't do anything about him!"

In the sound of arrogant cursing, Qin Xiaotian was still a little angry, and a golden spiral spear appeared in his hand with golden light flashing.

"King Kong Demon Spear, give me death!"

In the low voice, Qin Xiaotian's hand suddenly burst into a bright golden aurora.


The golden light was extremely fast, and it almost reached Zhang Lie in the blink of an eye.

But what everyone didn't expect was that at the moment when the golden light flickered on Qin Xiaotian's hand, the latter's body flashed, and a thick glazed wall stood in front of him.


With a soft sound, the powerful throwing spear, like a stream of light, shot into the glazed wall at an extremely fast speed, and it could pierce halfway, and it turned into golden light and scattered.

Not to mention hurting Zhang Lie, he didn't even lift his eyelids.

Now everyone is stunned, and Qin Xiaotian is also stunned!

"how can that be?"

"I used a mutant-level one-time throwing spear. I am afraid that the attack strength can even break the defense of ordinary super creatures. How could it not be able to break through the thin glazed wall?"

"Could it be that…"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, with that guy's ability, how could he have that level of soul jade… Wrong, there must be something wrong!"

"Xiaotian, stop muttering, hurry up and stay, we will die!"

"Yeah, boss, look at Zhou Ming's illusory wind and fire bird, his movements are a little numb, something is wrong, boss!"

In Qin Xiaotian's heart, there were huge waves, but Wang Xiaohua and several of his subordinates, after a brief shock, persuaded him to retreat again, like ants on a hot pot.

The poisonous fog had already begun to bear fruit, and Qin Xiaotian knew in his heart that it would be really dangerous if he didn't leave.

Glancing at Zhang Lie fiercely, Qin Xiaotian said very unwillingly: "Withdraw, withdraw from the previous hole!"

He thought it was beautiful, he would go out wherever he came in, but the Purple Poison Netherworld Scorpions didn't think that way.


It seems that he also felt the other party's change, and the scorpion group made a passionate cry, and the scorpion group that was already extremely crazy became even more crazy.

What's more terrible is that the mutant-level purple poisonous ghost scorpion originally hidden in the scorpion group started a sneak attack.


The wind whistled, and under the short wings of the wind and fire bird ostrich, sharp wind blades blew up all over the body, blowing all the purple poisonous scorpions in front of him.

However, just as he thought that he had cleared the obstacles and stepped forward, a little purple light flashed from under his feet, lasing like a firefly behind him, thinking that he was a team member.



A shrill scream suddenly sounded in the so-called Four Spirits Array. Behind Zhou Ming, who was transformed into a wind and fire bird, a team member's whole body energy overflowed and he fell straight down.

"He Feng!"


Qin Xiaotian and a team member next to him called out almost at the same time.


The guy from He Feng didn't respond at all, and fell to the ground like a wreck.

On the right side of his neck, a purple blood hole as thick as a finger was spreading rapidly.

"Be careful, a mutant scorpion has entered the formation!"

A member on the left, luckily avoided a little purple fluorescence, and immediately sounded a warning.


As soon as he finished speaking, the purple light spot exploded into a cloud of blood in his ear.

Qin Xiaotian's face was gloomy, and the delicate alloy sword in his hand crossed a dazzling arc, "Be careful, not only one!"

I have to say, this kid is really good.

The mutant-level purple poisonous ghost scorpion will never show any flaws except at the moment of attack. This guy can smash the opponent's attack at the moment, and his super gene count must be at least about 20 points.

Otherwise, his source strength will definitely not reach the level of instant-kill mutant level.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Lie was even more fortunate that he did not choose to fight with the opponent before.

However, killing a mutant-level purple poisonous ghost scorpion is nothing, this is the home of the purple poisonous ghost scorpion.

Killing one or two mutant-level purple poisonous ghost scorpions will not have any effect on the entire battle situation.

He can handle the mutant-level purple poisonous ghost scorpion, but it doesn't mean that Wang Xiaohua next to him, or even his teammates, can gaodi.

He can save his subordinates once or twice, but that doesn't mean he can save them every time.


With another soft sound, another player next to him fell down, and the Four Spirits Battle Array began to crumble, and the formation began to rapidly decrease.

If he can't find a way to stabilize the situation, he, Wang Xiaohua, and even the Xiaotian team he built with all his heart will all perish here.