Ultimate Gene Valkyrie - Chapter 17 Good show kicks off

[Chapter 0017 Good show kicks off]

She got it, got it all!

Zhang Lie saved her life, not at all reluctant to kill her, this is a naked conspiracy.

Qin Xiaotian and the others will die when they die, but she is still alive, and a series of problems are naturally placed in front of her.

There are only two survivors of this incident, one is her and the other is Zhang Lie.

Coupled with the relationship between the two, if one is not good, she may take the blame with Zhang Lie.

In fact, at this moment, she guessed correctly, Zhang Lie kept her life for her to take the blame, but now that she woke up, it was obviously too late.

Everyone in Qin Xiaotian's camp is dead and she is not dead, so she naturally becomes one of the biggest suspects.

In fact, at this time, if she stood up immediately and said everything directly, there might still be a chance.

It's a pity that Wang Xiaohua is too tender, afraid that no one will believe her, so she didn't make any effective response immediately, but chose to escape temporarily.

And once it was dragged to eight o'clock, or even further back, the entire Wang family would be wiped out in the coming storm.

In an ordinary hotel room, Zhang Lie, dressed in black, was writing a post titled "Purple Poison Forest Ultimate Drama" with a smile on his face.

In this post, Zhang Lie distorted everything that happened in the entire Purple Bamboo Forest in detail from the perspective of a bystander.

In this post, Wang Xiaohua and Zhang Lie joined forces to steal the soul jade and even the lives of everyone in Qin Xiaotian's team.

The most sinister thing is that Zhang Lie didn't post the first time, he was waiting, waiting for Wang Xiaohua to speak first, waiting for her to take the first step that is irreversible.

After all this was done, it was still too early. Zhang Lie left the base as a man in black again and returned to the Purple Poison Forest to start the layout.

At eight o'clock in the evening, outside the Black Iron Tavern, it was crowded with people.

All the "gamblers" were eagerly waiting, wanting to know the final result of this game as soon as possible.

Or, eat this fresh and delicious annual melon.

However, what made everyone unbelievable was that on the balcony on the third floor of the Black Iron Tavern, Wang Xiaohua did not appear in person, but a guardian robot controlled by the light brain came out.

"At the request of Ms. Wang Xiaohua, I will officially announce the final result of this game as a black iron light brain!"

"The winner of the lottery–Zhang Lie! Qin Xiaotian's side, except for Ms. Wang Xiaohua, died in action!"

"This is the end of the game, and the online cashout market has been opened. The winner of Zhang Lie's purchase can directly cash out the points online with the cashier's ticket in hand."

In the low-pitched electronic synthesis sound, under the entire black iron tavern, the needle drop could be heard in an instant.

However, this state only lasted for one-third of a second, and the entire Black Iron Tavern was completely boiled in the next instant.

Qin Xiaotian lost! ?

completely annihilated! ?

How is this possible! ?

"Grass the grass! Liar! How could Qin Xiaotian lose? How could he be wiped out? I don't believe it!"

"Impossible! Qin Xiaotian is Qin Xiao's cousin, how could he not be the last king? It's impossible, I don't believe it, and I don't believe it! Wang Xiaohua…why didn't Wang Xiaohua come out!"

"Yeah, it's impossible, how could it be possible to be the bottom king after winning!"

"Wang Xiaohua, Nima, why don't you explain it to Lao Tzu!"

Obviously, this answer, most people, simply cannot accept it.

After all, more than 90% of the guys present bought Qin Xiaotian's victory, and most of them made heavy bets.

If this is lost, it is certain that the loss will be heavy, not to mention bankruptcy.

As for the light brain, it is not a human being, winning means winning, losing means losing, no matter what your emotions are or not.

Directly disperse, and those who dare to cause trouble will be directly arrested.

In a sense, the light brain is the steward system of the entire base, and its words basically represent authority.

Since it has determined the answer, it means that Qin Xiaotian is indeed defeated and completely dead!

In this way, these gamblers who lost their red eyes finally regained their senses and left.

However, leaving here temporarily does not mean that they have completely let go. This matter will not be finished if the truth is not revealed.

As soon as the answer is revealed, some people are happy and some are sad, which is too normal.

After all, although there are very few people who buy Zhang Lie to win, it is not that there are none.

This will make their cola turn upside down. The ratio of 1:120 is too exciting to think about it.

Even people like Yun Bing and Chu Feng were quite surprised.

You know, at a ratio of 1:120, the next 10,000 points can be 1.2 million points.

Even if the family has a great career, these 1.2 million points are not a small amount.

Therefore, the two had a very deep impression, or interest, in the unmasked bottom king Zhang Lie.

Of course, when they were happy, Qin Xiao almost exploded on the spot.

Black Iron Tavern, private room on the fifth floor.


With a loud noise, the table in front of Qin Xiao exploded directly.

"Check, check with me immediately, check how many rooms Wang Xiaohua lives in! I want to see her right away!"

At this moment, Qin Xiao was like a hungry beast, roaring at the door of the room.


At the door, seeing that the boss was so angry, his team members dared to neglect, and immediately went out.

Before, the reason why Qin Xiao didn't find him immediately was because he thought it was Qin Xiaotian who was playing tricks and was going to play a big game.

How did I never expect that it would end up like this!

Xiaotian actually died, and only one Wang Xiaohua survived.

300,000 points, 90% of his personal points are here, and he loses directly.

Qi's subordinates are quite capable, and he brought back the news Qin Xiao wanted not long after he went out.

Wang Xiaohua lives in 303 on the third floor of the tavern, and is said to be meeting the heads of the three major consortiums of the base.

"The three major consortiums, even if they get cheap, they sell well!"

In this way, Qin Xiao, whose anger was on the table, naturally couldn't sit still.

Dark Iron Tavern, Level 303.

Three middle-aged men with mature faces sat in this small guest room.

Opposite them, Wang Xiaohua sat in the corner with a pale face, and beside her, two guardians were following closely.

Wang Xiaohua is very flustered now. At this moment, she is very aware of her situation.

Therefore, for her own safety, she even had to pay for her own points and hire base guardians to protect herself.

"Wang Xiaohua, I think you should be very aware of your current situation! To be honest, in this situation, no one can save you except yourself!"

"Let's talk, from the moment you leave the base gate, tell everything you heard, seen, and experienced!"

"Otherwise, I can be sure that whether it is you or your royal family, it will all be over in one night!"

Among the heads of the three major consortiums, the guy on the left with a stubborn chin and a little bit acerbic opened his mouth.

There is nothing new in the words, nothing more than threats and intimidation, in order to find out what they want to know.

Moreover, this time, the other two major leaders also immediately agreed, and their opinions were rarely unified.

For the three major consortiums, no matter how they open this market, they will inevitably lose money.

The reason why it appeared here is really this result, and even they can't accept it.

In addition, as businessmen, they instinctively smell something.

Wang Xiaohua opened her mouth and swallowed her saliva, but she didn't know where to start.

"Ding dong…!"

Just then, the doorbell rang.

"Zhou Qian, Li Jin, Zhao Jia, open the door for Lao Tzu, otherwise, in the future, if the team of your consortium will meet one team, one team will be destroyed!"

"I'm Xiaotian's cousin, I must know the truth as soon as possible! Open the door!"

Outside the noisy door of Room 303, Qin Xiao's irritable voice, like thunder, bombarded everyone's heart.

If it wasn't for the Black Iron Tavern, if there were no red-eyed gamblers standing outside the corridor of this room, Qin Xiao would definitely blast the door with one kick.

The heads of the three major consortiums looked at each other, and finally gave their subordinates a look behind them.

The door opened, and the angry Qin Xiao walked into the room panting heavily. Several of his subordinates immediately guarded the door.

Entering the room, Qin Xiao, after looking at the two guardians beside Wang Xiaohua, moved a stool and sat beside the three major consortiums.

"Wang Xiaohua, you are my Xiaotian's woman. I won't be difficult for you today, but you must tell me what happened after you guys went out this time!"

"Why are Xiaotian and everyone in his team dead, that kid is still alive, so are you and him!"

"If you can't say why, I will let you and your royal family be buried with Xiaotian!"

Qin Xiao was on fire in his heart, and naturally he was not angry. Now this has been regarded as extreme tolerance.

Wang Xiaohua also knew that she couldn't hide it. Sooner or later, she would have to say it. In fact, she was actually waiting for Qin Xiao.

After all, as long as he can clarify this matter in front of Qin Xiao, he can basically clear his suspicions.

After clearing her throat, Wang Xiaohua said, "Brother Qin Xiao, we were tricked by that Zhang Lie!"

"That day, after leaving the base, we chased him all the way to Moonlight Lake, and then he took us through the cave behind Moonlight Lake Waterfall and entered a mountain forest beyond the world."

"It was a purple mountain forest. As soon as we entered, we found many spiritual plants, but just when we were happy, we completely fell into the trap he set for us.

"We were besieged by a genetic life form called the Purple Venomous Netherworld Scorpion. Although most of these scorpions are ordinary, they can be extremely numerous and fast, and have mimic stealth and very powerful poison attacks!"

"Zhang Lie used the Soul Rescue Flower, which can avoid the scorpion swarm, in advance. Brother Xiaotian took us to a fight with the scorpion swarm. In the end, after losing half of the team members, he turned on the golden armor and escaped into the ground."

"But at that time, we were all infected with the chronic blood poison of those scorpions, and the whole body began to be slowly anesthetized. Brother Xiaotian did the opposite and took us deep into the forest, ready to rest and find a way to retreat."

"After that, in the pit where we were hiding, Brother Xiaotian used a variety of antidote, but none of them could relieve the symptoms of poisoning!"

"After that, we were found by Zhang Lie, he tricked us into handing over the Soul Jade, and finally killed everyone including Brother Xiaotian, but I was the only one left!"

"Brother Qin Xiao, Zhang Lie is a vicious and cunning guy who has been pretending to be a pig to eat a tiger. We were all deceived by him, and everyone in the Black Iron Base was deceived by him!"

"Brother Qin Xiao, you must avenge Xiaotian and the others!"


At the end, Wang Xiaohua was already weeping.
