ch 20 Tension

Ultimate Gene Valkyrie - Chapter 20

[Chapter 0020 Tension]

"Raikage Slash…!"

With a burst of drinking, Qin Xiao's sword flashed with lightning, and the corpses within a few meters in front of him were like rain.

In the previous battle, Qin Xiao's position was not very good, and his luck was quite bad.

After killing all the way, let alone super ghost scorpions, he didn't kill a few mutant-level ghost scorpions, and he only had a few ordinary soul jades in his hands.

Seeing this super nether scorpion at this moment, it is natural that the leader of the action came over.

Of course, at the moment, he is just approaching, not in a hurry.

In the Void Realm, only those who deal lethal blows to genetic creatures can gain the approval of Void Will, devour flesh and blood to obtain gene points, and even ingest soul jade.

Super creatures, under normal circumstances, are already the strongest creatures that can be bred in the void world, their vitality is extremely tenacious, and they will never be easily killed.

Qin Xiao was waiting, waiting for this super ghost scorpion to be seriously injured or even dying.

"Chu Lan, keep an eye on Qin Xiao for me. Once you find him within 20 meters of us, you're welcome, just start!"

Qin Xiao's idea is really good, but as his old opponent, Chu Feng, how can he not know what he is thinking at the moment.

Almost as soon as Qin Xiao began to approach, he immediately explained to a heroic woman beside him.

"Got it, Brother Feng!"

As soon as the words fell, the heroic woman immediately took the two people on the left and withdrew from the ranks of containing the super ghost scorpions.

In fact, Qin Xiao was waiting, and Chu Feng was also waiting. At this moment, he didn't do his best at all.

Not a single core ability, or even the key soul jade, was revealed.

The five-yearly Void Title War is coming, and at this time, it is natural to keep as many points as possible.

What's more, Chu Feng knew very well that Qin Xiao was definitely not the only one who had thoughts about this super creature.

The Yun family team and the teams of the three major consortiums also came over unknowingly.

He didn't want to make wedding dresses for others, and he secretly ordered his subordinates to thicken the wind wall and activate the illusionary soul jade to block everyone's sight.

On the other side, he only used the Gusty Wind Sword and the Fengyan Quieting Art's Ting Feng Jue to stick to the Super Nether Scorpion.

The situation on the field became quite bizarre for a while, so that someone who was watching at the entrance of the cave behind the waterfall couldn't help but raise a chuckle.

This man is wearing a black hood and is also in a mimetic invisibility state, with no features at all.

The fierce battle on the field continued, but the man in black poured a tragic green powder against the waterfall.

Obviously, this guy hopes that this farce can be more lively, it is best to be busy when everyone is in a hurry.

The battle is still going on, Chu Feng is very patient, but its opponents are not so patient.


With a soft sound, Chu Feng's long sword struck again with the super ghost scorpion tail. At this moment, he could already feel the anger of the other party.

Yes, that's right! The Purple Poison Nether Scorpion was furious, completely furious! !

This state of being obstructed and unable to escape in front of him completely inspired its ferocity.

The purple poisonous gas all over the body suddenly transpired, and the super purple poisonous ghost scorpion made a move.

"call out…!"

A small ray of purple aurora flashed quickly, and suddenly brushed against Li Chu Feng's nose, causing him to break out in a cold sweat.

quick! too fast! Too dizzying, unable to respond! !

Chu Feng couldn't even see clearly how the opponent was attacking, and that purple light had already shot in front of him.

He was able to escape the catastrophe, it was purely an instinctive reaction of his body. He can dodge by instinct, but the players around him are not so lucky.

The purple light flashed, and the team member couldn't say a word, his head shriveled down, like a rotten persimmon after being ripe and air-dried, it fell directly to the ground and shattered.

In this process, there is no blood, no brains, and no more than three seconds before and after.

This head rotted and fell directly, turning into a mass of dead ashes.

Horrible, simply horrible! !

What is even more terrifying is that after the purple light flashed over the head, it did not weaken and pause, and it flashed away like a real aurora.

Anyone who is directly hit by this purple aurora will immediately begin to decay rapidly.

The purple light flashed, and in the curtain-like wind wall, there were immediately more groups of dead ashes.

"Nether Light!"

At the entrance of the waterfall, the man in black was startled, and almost subconsciously murmured.

Nether Light, the overbearing ultimate move of the Purple Poison Nether Scorpion using the powerful toxins and life force in its body.

It can corrupt everything in an instant, and the damage to various biological bodies is even more terrifying.

Even if the super genes of the Void Realm are full, they can't be hard-connected.

"Wind Wings!"

At this time, it was naturally difficult for Chu Feng to hold back. The moment he avoided the violet light, the gene source in his body exploded completely.

A pair of cyan-colored wings spread out suddenly, the left palm flipped lightly with the backhand, the light of the soul jade reappeared, and a long and narrow sword appeared out of thin air.

Wings of Wind, Qinghong Sword, and Chu Feng's signature abilities finally appeared.

Wind Slash!

The sword qi entwined with green and red slashed through a magnificent arc, and slashed down with a terrifying wind whistling.


With a light sound, the sword qi scorpion tails clashed, and a piece of scorpion armor the size of a fingernail was directly blown away.

This is not over yet, the Qinghong sword energy has just passed, Chu Feng, who has a narrow and long thin sword in his left hand and a cyan long sword in his right hand, has turned into a storm of sword blades, madly attacking the super nether scorpion.

"Ding dong… ding dong…!"

In the sound of extremely fast clashes, the Purple Venomous Nether Scorpion made a small squeak, leaving behind a few pieces of scorpion armor, which once again disappeared without a trace.

Chu Feng's double swords were like the wind, and he was about to chase after him, but the super ghostly scorpion raised its tail at the moment of disappearance, and another ghostly light blazed out.

"call out…!"

"Be careful!"

Having seen the terrifying power of the Nether Light, Chu Feng naturally did not dare to take it hard. While shouting a warning, his wings flicked slightly behind him, and his body forcibly moved sideways as if against physics.

The ghostly light flashed away, but Chu Feng's warning did not cause any casualties. It's just that a wind wall on the east side was completely opened in the moment when the purple light flickered.


"Tangle them for me!"

Seeing the opening of the wind wall, the thunder on Qin Xiao's body exploded, and in the loud shout, it turned into an electric light and swept out at high speed.

"Chu Jia Erlang, come on! Stop them!"

The heroic female voice sounded, and seeing Qin Xiao leading the team to rush forward, Chu Lan immediately brought her own team to greet him.


The sound of the collision of source power and the collision of gold and iron sounded almost at the same time. In this extremely complicated environment, the war between Qin and Chu began.

Zhou, Li, Zhao, the three teams, also immediately approached, stirring up the entire battlefield into chaos.

The parties scuffled among the scorpions, and a translucent cloud and mist gently floated across the battlefield and into the wind wall.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa…!"

Inside the curtain wind wall, the super nether scorpion has completely erupted, and the scorpion tail is flickering frequently, and the fierceness of the super creature is vividly displayed.

The Light of Netherworld was woven into a big net of death. Under this big net, there were seven or eight elites in the Chu family, and they ended up with no bones left.

At this moment, the super ghost scorpion turned into a looming purple light beam, which left with a single blow, and escaped with a single blow.

Chu Feng's brows could not help but wrinkle deeply.

The super purple poisonous ghost scorpion in front of him was the smallest of all super creatures he encountered.

In addition, he has the ability to hide genes by mimicry, and after a full-scale outbreak, he is not inferior to the speed of his own chain repairing wind zodiac cultivation technique.

In a short period of time, Chu Feng was also at a loss.

It's so tough, it's so tough! !


Just when Chu Feng was at a loss, a cloud of mist drifted in above the broken wind wall.

"Yun Bing, you are still here!"

Chu Feng didn't even look at it, the long sword in his hand quickly pursued, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

As if he had already guessed that Yun Bing would be the first to rush into it.

Yun Bing Yingying smiled and showed her figure, "It looks like you need help?"

"Haha, I can't talk about help, how about cooperation?" Chu Feng chuckled, but he did it simply, as if he had already had an idea.

"Cooperation? How will the battle power be distributed?" Yun Bing asked again.

"Don't interfere with each other, each has his own abilities!" Chu Feng whispered.

"make a deal!"

Yun Bing responded, the clouds and mist on his body unfolded, and a wisp of smoke rushed into the battle formation.

At the same time, outside the curtain-like wind wall, Qin Xiao, who was shooting like thunder, was finally stopped by Chu Lan, who had been staring at him for a long time.

But what Chu Lan didn't expect was that he had just stopped Qin Xiao, but the three major consortium teams suddenly dispersed, breaking through from three sides.

"The Swamp of Clouds!"

On the core battlefield, Yun Bing's long sword danced, and the clouds and mist all over his body dissipated.

These clouds and mists are like quagmire and ponds, making its speed drop several levels.

What's more terrible is that these clouds and mists appear to be light, but in fact they are extremely tough. Although the Super Nether Scorpion used both its tail and its tail, it was not able to break free immediately.

Wind Flame Sword Wheel!

How could Chu Feng let go of such an opportunity? Almost at the moment of the opponent's figure, he crossed his swords, and a huge sword wheel shot out at extreme speed.

At the same time, the wings of the wind spread out behind him, swooping down like a big bird.


With a muffled sound, the azure-colored wind-flaming sword wheel was intercepted by several mutated ghost scorpions that suddenly appeared at a distance of dozens of meters away. After cutting off two mutated ghost scorpions, it exploded.


The super ghostly scorpion squeaked rapidly again, and dozens of mutant-grade purple poisonous ghostly scorpions, like loyal soldiers, suddenly appeared beside Chu Feng, who was swooping down.

"Go away…!"

Chu Feng was furious, and the two swords danced again with the green rainbow blades. After strangling several mutated ghost scorpions, the thin sword turned into a breeze and wiped it towards the tail of the super ghost scorpion.

"Dark Cloud Sword!"

But his sword has not yet been implemented, but a long sword shrouded in clouds and mist is first stabbed on the body of the super ghost scorpion that cannot be avoided as well.


With a slight cracking sound, a smear of dark purple blood sputtered out, and the super ghost scorpion figure disappeared without a trace under Chu Feng's belated Qingfeng sword.

The disappearance this time is considered a real disappearance, and even Chu Feng's listening to the wind can no longer detect the opponent's position.


At this moment, the curtain-like four wind walls were all broken, and the heads of the three major consortiums and Qin Xiao finally broke through the obstacles of the Chu family and entered the core battlefield.

The six families reunited again, but the swords were drawn, the smell of gunpowder was very strong, but for a while, no one dared to move!

At the entrance of the waterfall, the smile on the face of the man in black became even more intense.