ch 22 The meaning of the word

[Chapter 0022 The meaning of the word]


With a soft sound, a water arrow shot out from the pool.

Its speed was so fast that it broke through the waterfall almost as soon as it was shot and appeared in front of everyone.

The terrifying cold air that spread on it already made everyone feel suffocated, and it directly blocked Zhou Qian's mouth.

At any rate, it is still in the top ten of the battle power list. The most basic perception ability is naturally no problem. If you encounter such a terrifying water arrow, if you don't know why everyone is retreating at this moment, it will be a waste of life.

However, knowing this is one thing, and dealing with it is another.

After all, this happened suddenly, and the speed of the water arrow was too fast. He was still thinking about how to pursue it.

The other three were different. Chu Feng and Yun Bing only paused for a moment, then pushed him away and rushed into the hole without a pause.

After that, Qin Xiao was even more desperate, and with a flash of electric light, he was directly pushed out of the hole.

Everything happened under the light and flint, and when Zhou Qian reacted, Bing Ling was almost in his body!

"Golden Gong Beast Shield!"

"The Infinity Gate!"

"Golden Light Body Protection Technique!"

Without the slightest hesitation, three huge masks instantly enveloped him.

"Puff puff… bang…!"

In the sound of three bubbles bursting, many shields in front of Zhou Qian were pierced within 0.1 seconds, and then his body turned into a cloud of blood mist with a dull explosion.


In the blood mist, a thumb-sized water droplet broke away from the blood mist and shot into the hole.

"Help me, or I'll die!"

"Lightning Slash!"

"Secret Cloud Sword!"

"Monsoon Blade!"

Qin Xiao, who finally entered the cave, shouted loudly. At this time, Yun Bing and Chu Feng didn't need to greet him at all. Almost immediately after the water droplets entered, they immediately launched their strongest attack.

The strongest attack is also the strongest defense. They have also seen Zhou Qian's tragedy, and no one wants to be the second him.


With a loud bang, the entrance of the cave behind the waterfall and even the entire mountain completely collapsed under the collision of the water droplets and the three-color source wave.

Yun Bing, Chu Feng, Qin Xiao, and even Li Jin and Zhao Jia, who had just rushed into the cave, were all buried in it.

Digging a trench, a water arrow, a landslide? This is too exaggerated, too scary!

In the jungle, Zhang Lie, who was dressed in black, couldn't help complaining, then turned his head and fled away.

It seems that in this Void Realm, apart from the natural disaster grade genetic creature that entered indiscriminately, the so-called Moonlight Flood Dragon should be the strongest and most mysterious existence.

According to Zhang Lie's judgment, this terrifying big white dragon has broken through the super shackles and reached the ultimate biological level.

The ultimate creature that is not repelled by the will of the void is a bit interesting! !

It seems that such an interesting existence must be added to the list of prey in the Void Realm.

While returning at a high speed, I was thinking about it in my heart.

In the Moonlight Lake, after the Moonlight Flood Dragon jumped up the mountain with an arrow, he didn't pay more attention to those ant-like existences.

After some restless swimming around the Moonlight Lake, he sneezed angrily, and then dived into the pool in a series of bubbles.

In the pool, Bai Jiao sneaked away, and there were various calls from above the ruins.



Just as the elites of each family called out loudly, two loud noises suddenly came from somewhere in the ruins.

Five embarrassed figures jumped out of the ruins, not Yun Bing, Chu Feng, Qin Xiao, who else could Li Jin and Zhao Jia be?




Seeing them appear, the elites of the family immediately surrounded them.

When they got closer, everyone really knew that the five were in a mess.

Especially that Qin Xiao, his entire left arm was almost completely shattered, not to mention the blood stains all over his body.

Just standing there is shaky and looks like he will rush to the street at any time, which makes everyone who stepped forward to respond are all stunned.

Apart from him, Yun Bing and Chu Feng also had bleeding from the corners of their mouths, and they seemed to be seriously injured.

In such a situation, although everyone did not know why, they immediately crowded up and surrounded the principals of each family.

Only the Zhou family lost their goal, and immediately gathered around Li Jin and Zhao Jia, and began to ask Zhou Qian's whereabouts in a low voice.

However, how did Li Jin and Zhao Jia know that they had just rushed into the hole, which led to the explosion, and then they were directly buried alive. Naturally, they had no idea.

"Brother Qin, what happened just now? Where's Zhou Qian?"

Because it was an alliance before, Li Jin's first target of inquiries was naturally Qin Xiao.

Qin Xiao shuddered when he heard the words, and after a moment of silence, he pointed at Chu Feng and Yun Bing tremblingly.

"Dead, Patriarch Zhou is dead! It's them… it's them…"

"Qin Xiao, why don't you spit blood!" Qin Xiao's hint was obvious, and Chu Feng naturally wouldn't let him splash his dirty water at will.

"Chu Feng, why don't you shut up, it was you and Yun Bing who pushed Patriarch Zhou out, and he died under the water arrow of the Moonlight Jiaojiao, how dare you make a quibble!"

Qin Xiao's face was angry, and he pointed at Chu Feng tremblingly and scolded him.

Shameless, none of the ten Chu Feng and Yun Bing were Qin Xiao's opponents.

Even if the wicked complain first, the key is that people can still be so righteous and awe-inspiring.

Yun Bing was stunned, Chu Feng genetically rioted, "You… you are so confuse right and wrong, believe it or not, I will kill you right now!"

"Hahaha, Chu Feng, your fox's tail is showing, you want to kill me?"

"Patriarch Li and Patriarch Zhao, we were attacked by extreme terrorist genetic organisms just now. In order to save their lives, these two directly launched Patriarch Zhou as a talisman, in order to escape!"

"Although I, Qin Xiao, are not talented, but when I go out, the righteousness is at the top of my list. Even if I give up this arm, I haven't flinched at all!"

"Pity that Zhou Patriarch has no bones left, it is extremely tragic! It is a pity that I am now disabled, otherwise I will fight with you as a scum!"

Qin Xiao's words are righteous, and he is unable to return to the sky when he is intent on killing thieves.

"Is the righteousness in the head? It's obviously…"


Chu Feng scolded loudly, but he didn't finish his scolding, Qin Xiao was already spitting out a mouthful of old blood, and he was "stunned".

"Digger, Qin Xiao, don't pretend to be dead!" Chu Feng twitched and cursed again.

Chu Feng has always been gentle and elegant, and he will talk about rational words first in everything, and he is rarely excited or even swearing.

But right now, not only did he utter foul language, but he was also full of foul language, which shows how shameless Qin Xiao is.

On the other hand, Yun Bing quickly calmed down, except for a stunned look at the beginning.

After Qin Xiao made such a fuss, Li Jin, Zhao Jia, and the rest of the Zhou family couldn't help but look at the two of them.

Li Jin even frowned and asked, "Miss Yun, Young Master Chu, do you have to explain what happened today?"

Chu Feng opened his mouth and wanted to curse, but this time he did not wait for him to speak. Yun Bing, who had been silent before, spoke up.

"Patriarch Li and Patriarch Zhao, they should have their own judgments if they can sit in this position. I don't need to say anything more about Qin Xiao's normal life."

"As for the explanation, I'll give it to you!"

"First of all, I, Yun Bing, guarantee by my personality that Zhou Qian's death has nothing to do with us."

"As for the specific cause of death, Qin Xiao's remarks are already preconceived, so I won't mention it here, lest you think I am changing!"

"In addition, I'll tell you clearly, if you have to put Zhou Qian's death on the Yun family, then you Zhou family, Li family, Zhao family, plus the Qin family all come, just write it down."

"The Yun family, we will accompany you to the end!"

"However, the two of you better think clearly, don't end up being a shotgun in someone else's hands without knowing it."

"Yes, Yun Bing's meaning is also my meaning, and my Chu family is willing to accompany you to the end!"

As soon as Yun Bing finished speaking, Chu Feng, who had calmed down, also immediately agreed.

Hearing these two people's words, Li Jin and Zhao Jia looked at each other for a moment, and then Li Jin said, "Okay, Miss Yun and Young Master Chu are worthy of being the top spot in the Void's combat power rankings. Our three consortiums have written down these words. !"

"I also made it clear that if this matter is related to Miss Yun and Young Master Chu, even if my three major financial groups fight to the last soldier, they will definitely seek justice for Patriarch Zhou!"

Yun Bing laughed lightly when he heard the words, "It's so good, I hope that the two owners of the family can see the situation clearly. Although my Yun family is not afraid of any challenges, I don't want to take the blame for others."

"That Moonlight Flood Dragon is too terrifying, I'm afraid it has already transcended the super existence, and everyone should be as careful as possible when they leave!"

As soon as these words came out, the audience was horrified, higher than Super? Doesn't that mean that the legendary Moonlight Flood Dragon is the ultimate creature! ?

its not right? The federal government has not stated that the highest level of the Void Realm can only breed super genetic life.

What is the current situation, the ultimate genetic life?

Danger! opportunity! !

No wonder Qiang Ru Yun Bing, Chu Feng, and Qin Xiao were all so embarrassed, and Patriarch Zhou died because of it.

"Thank you, Miss Yun Bing!" Li Jin's eyes twinkled, obviously thinking about Bai Jiao.

"Patriarch Li, if I say more, don't provoke that white scorpion. No amount of elites are enough. The gap between it and us cannot be made up by numbers!"

"Speaking of which, the Li family should be able to understand, let's go first!"

Seeing that Li Jin had thoughts about the white flood dragon and Yun Bing, who had seen the fighting power of the moonlight flood dragon, he kindly reminded him.

Then Yun Bing turned around and left with all the members of the two families, regardless of how the other party reacted.

"Wait, I want to ask Chu Shao another question."

When the two families had already walked a few steps, Zhao Jia, who was beside Li Jin, seemed to remember something, and suddenly asked aloud.

Hearing this, Chu Feng didn't return, and said with a little helplessness: "I'm sorry, Patriarch Zhao, I'm afraid I can't give you the answer to your question."

"That little thief is so cunning, I didn't even see a figure!"

As soon as these words came out, the audience was shocked.

The six major families gathered together to hunt, and in the end, the super prey was cut off, even if he did not know what he did, and no one was seen.

This Nima, I'm afraid no one will believe it?

However, believe it or not, this is the truth.

Zhao Jia also believed that Chu Feng should not lie about this matter, because he could not afford to lose this person!

The so-called six major families of the Black Iron Base have fallen hard this time.

The elites came out together, but they didn't catch anything, and they even suffered damages.

This day is definitely the darkest and least wanted to mention since the six major families entered the Void Realm.

The principals of the Six Great Families are secretly cursing in their hearts at this moment, the guy who picked their last fruit.

There is a kind of hidden life, once they are found, it will inevitably make him pay a painful price.