ch 24 cauldron of heaven

[Chapter 0024 The cauldron of heaven]

"What a Wang family! What a Wang Xiaohua! Good scheming! Good acting! Good strategy!"

"Unexpectedly, I, Qin Xiao, hunted all day long, but in the end, a young eagle pecked me in the eye!"

"After returning to the base, closely monitor Wang Xiaohua in the Black Iron Tavern, and immediately send someone to Shining City to stare at everything the Wang family does!"


With such a guess, Qin Xiao naturally aimed at the Wang family immediately. As for a small character like Zhang Lie, he might not even think about it for a while.

The revenge of the broken arm is unforgettable!

With the current medical technology, although the cost of repairing a broken arm is huge, there is still a way to think about it, but it will take at least a month.

That is to say, in the next month or so, Qin Xiao will no longer think about hunting genetic life to increase his strength, which may even affect the title battle in the void three months later.

If this is the case, then for Qin Xiao, it is tantamount to a devastating blow.

At this moment, Qin Xiao's hatred for Wang Xiaohua and even the entire Wang family can be described as monstrous.

Of course, at this moment, they are also targeting the Wang family, and Qin Xiao is not the only one who hates them.

The three major consortiums, Yun and Chu, almost immediately thought of Wang Xiaohua and the Wang family.

Wang Xiaohua didn't say much, she was just a rich family daughter, not a character, the entire Ningcheng Wang family was famous.

There are hundreds of bases in the Void Realm, and the Black Iron Base is just one of them.

The Wang family may not be famous in the Black Iron Base, but in the Bronze Fang Base in the extreme south of the Void Realm, it is the largest family.

The five-yearly Void Title War is about to start, and the major bases have also entered the final preparation stage. It is difficult to guarantee that no one will be careful at this time.

In this way, weakening some powerful opponents and paving the way for the seed players of their own bases is also a common thing in the past.

However, the previous black iron bases were not very strong.

But this time, Yun Bing, Chu Feng, and Qin Xiao of the new generation can all pose a threat to other base race players.

It is quite normal for someone to make a move to pave the way.

The most important thing is that everything in the Purple Poison Forest came from Wang Xiaohua's mouth, and she would be the first thing to think of when something happened.

Thinking of her, it will inevitably bring out the Wang family, which is unavoidable.

In fact, not only the Six Families, there are many people in the base, and their thoughts and thoughts are similar to Qin Xiao.

They all focused all their attention on Wang Xiaohua and even the Wang family, completely ignoring Zhang Lie, the bottom king who had long since disappeared from the genetic warfare list.

In this way, Zhang Lie was given another period of extremely clean development time.

That night, the representatives of the six families found the Black Iron Tavern almost immediately and wanted to confront Wang Xiaohua.

But what they didn't expect was that by the time they arrived at the Black Iron Tavern, Wang Xiaohua had already returned to the world overnight.

In this way, it is also true that the fear of crime absconds, or the name of retiring.

After all, before this bitch was still clamoring, as long as they entered the Purple Poison Forest and found Qin Xiaotian's corpse, everyone would understand who was telling the truth and who was telling the lie.

Right now, they had all been to the Purple Poison Forest and came back, but they were ruthlessly calculated when the bones were not found, but they ran away after looking for her to confront them.

Isn't this what absconding is?

As a result, the six major families immediately activated their own forces in this world and began to closely monitor all the movements of the Ningcheng Wang family.

Even the older generation of patriarchs began to take action after receiving the news.

Ningcheng, Wang Jian's new home.

Wang Xiaohua looked at his furious father eagerly, like a criminal awaiting trial.

"Xiaohua, you are too reckless. I said that the kid is a bit evil. I told you not to touch it or not to touch it. You have to touch it. Okay, something happened?"

"Tell me the truth, is Qin Xiaotian's death directly related to you?"

Wang Jianxin frowned deeply, and seemed to have realized the seriousness of the matter, staring at his daughter, not letting go of the slightest details.

As an old Jianghu, he even smelled a hint of danger, a feeling he hadn't had for many years.

Wang Xiaohua sobbed and said, "Dad, Xiaotian is my boyfriend, how could I kill him? Don't you even believe in your daughter?"

"I said it all, Zhang Lie did it all! He killed Xiaotian! Killed everyone! He stole our soul jade!"

"The person who entered the Purple Poison Forest, except me and him, all died. He left me with bad intentions and wanted me to take the blame for him!"

"He now pulls out another anonymous post, saying that when he saw me designing Brother Xiaotian and the others, they kept pouring dirty water. My daughter clarified it for a long time. Those fools in the base didn't believe me."

"Dad, please help me think of a way to clarify this matter, otherwise, depending on the attitude of the Qin family, they will finally do something to me!"

After Wang Xiaohua's remarks, Wang Jianxin breathed a sigh of relief, "Now that I know I'm afraid, why did you go earlier?"

"Every time you ask your dad to wipe your ass, one day your dad gets old and can't wipe it anymore, you're done!"

"Since this matter has nothing to do with you, why are you panicking, isn't this unfair?"

"As for the Qin family, you don't have to be too afraid. As long as you don't do it, Dad can protect you from being wronged."

"It's okay to prove your innocence. It's useless to say that it's broken. Since you and Zhang Lie returned to the base together, there is no innocence in this matter."

"The more you talk, the darker the description. In this regard, your background makes you a weaker party."

Hearing Wang Jianxin's words, Wang Xiaohua immediately calmed down, "Dad, what should we do, I buried Brother Xiaotian's body myself!"

"So, I have already said at the base before that as long as they find the body, it can prove that I did not lie, so I am innocent!"

"Xiaohua, you are still too naive. I just said that in this matter, you will never be innocent when you are alive, and you will always be more suspicious than Zhang Lie?"

"Because you were born in the Wang family, because compared to Zhang Lie, you are the strong, and he is the weak. In this world, people will only believe that the strong dominate the weak."

"However, you don't have to be too afraid. You are also from the Wang family. Don't say you haven't done it. Even if you do, just being a Qin family can't do anything to you?"

"Although your father and I don't have much status in the family, we are still the third generation of the royal family. The family will never let us be bullied for nothing."

"When I give your third uncle some breath and ask him to come forward to clarify, this matter should be over."

Wang Xiaohua said happily: "Really? That's great, Dad, can you communicate to the third uncle?"

"Qin Xiao is terrible, and the people at the base are even more terrible. They are still guarding outside my hotel room, so I don't even dare to go out of the hotel room."

"It's so annoying!"

Wang Jianxin didn't think much about it. After a little thought, he had already decided that this should be the best solution to the matter.

However, just when he was about to use the optical brain to communicate with Patriarch Wang Han, the optical brain communication at home rang at this time.

On the light screen, the source of the display is the Patriarch Wang Han.

Such a situation made Wang Jianxin feel a little strange in his heart.

However, he didn't dare not answer the call from the head of the house, and immediately pressed the answer button.

The next moment, the optical brain projector in the room was turned on, and a middle-aged man with a cold face appeared on the optical brain projector.

"My lord!"

"Uncle Three!"

Wang Jianxin and Wang Xiaohua immediately greeted each other, their gestures, language and demeanor were extremely respectful.

"Wang Jianxin, what do you want? Do you want to directly destroy the Wang family?"

"Within ten minutes, the clan elder will come to pick up Wang Xiaohua and immediately hand her over to the clan for disposal!"

That Wang Han didn't pay any attention to the politeness of the two, and he just slapped his head and covered his face, and directly stunned Wang Jianxin.

Realizing the seriousness of the matter again, Wang Jianxin was stunned for a moment before speaking again.

"Patriarch… the third child, you know, I'm just a daughter like Xiaohua. You said you can take it away, but at least you have to tell me what happened, right?"

Wang Jianxin really doted on Wang Xiaohua, even at this time, he didn't mean to let go.

"What's the matter? What else do you ask me about? What do you want to ask about your father and daughter?"

Wang Han's roar sounded, and Wang Jianxin's father and daughter could feel his anger across the screen.

"Just now, Qin Chongming, Zhou Tianqi, Yun Yi, Chu Tiannan, Li Qing, and Zhao You communicated to me one after another, and congratulated me in a strange way."

"Praise me for my good tactics, the road is well paved, congratulations to our Wang family for producing a peerless and good seedling with great ingenuity, but can't be too greedy?"

"What kills the super creatures with one arrow, destroys Zhou Qian, breaks Qin Xiao's arm, and even causes a storm inside the Black Iron Base."

"I want to know, what the hell is going on here?"

"Let Wang Xiaohua clean up and immediately go to the ancestral house to explain it well, otherwise, the family will not be able to protect her."

"Now, the six families have begun to closely monitor it."

The words of the head of the family, Wang Han, were like a bomb that completely exploded in the hearts of Wang Jianxin's father and daughter.

Without waiting for him to respond, the light and shadow communication has been hung up by the other party.

Obviously, the other party is just to inform them, tell them father and daughter, stay honest, the family can keep them.

At this moment, even Wang Jianxin was a little flustered.

"Xiaohua, explain to me clearly, what the hell is going on!" At this moment, Wang Jianxin almost always used a roar.

"Uuuu, Dad, I don't know, I don't know anything!"

"What captures super creatures, destroys Zhou's money, and breaks Qin Xiao's arm, I don't know, I just tell them how to get to the Purple Poison Forest!"

"It's not me, how could I do this! You know Xiaohua, how could Xiaohua have this ability?"

"It's Zhang Lie, it must be Zhang Lie, it's all about him, it's him who is avenging us, he wants to kill us!"

"It's him, it's him! It must be him!!"

How arrogant Wang Xiaohua was before, so hysterical now.

However, everything is too late. At this point, even if Wang Xiaohua can survive, her future life is doomed to be dark.