ch 27 Cultivation Method Auction

[Chapter 0027 Cultivation Method Auction]

As Zhang Lie expected, once the post was spread, the entire Black Iron Base was instantly detonated.

Forget the others. Last night, the leaders of the six major families, Yun Bing, Chu Feng and others, immediately identified the authenticity of this post.

After all, the things described on this post are basically inseparable from what they encountered that night.

Even some of these places are more detailed than those he has experienced.

Because the post described Qin Xiao's push for Zhou Qian in detail, Yun Bing and Chu Feng immediately called the post under their real names.

The moment they saw this post, they had basically concluded that the person who wrote this post must have been there that night, even not far from them.

The six major families sent people to investigate at the first time.

The result of the investigation was naturally nothing, but in the base, everyone's privacy was protected by the light brain and even the will of the void.

Not to mention sacred and inviolable, but without authorization, no one can know where and who is behind this anonymity.

It is precisely because of this that Zhang Lie dares to use anonymity again and again to control the whole situation steadily.

The enemy is open and secret, and whoever wants to deal with him, he will deal with whoever first, and after a post, he doesn't even pay too much attention to it.

Start browsing the trading version.

Zhang Lie believed that for a long time to come, both the Qin and Wang families would be in a state of utter wreckage.

I will never have the mind to pay attention to such a small person as him.

As for him, he might as well continue to make a fortune in silence.

On the trading page, the things that were hung up yesterday have already sold seventy-eighty-eight.

Among them, Qin Xiaotian and the Soul Jade of his team are the most sought-after, almost instantly killed by someone instantly.

The Void Realm is no better than the present world!

Here, in addition to the base, that is the bigger fist, let alone Qin Xiaotian's soul jade.

Even if one day, Qin Xiao was taken out of the soul jade and put it on the trading page, it would definitely be looted. There is no family power, so I dare not buy it.

As a result, Zhang Lie made another round of blood.

However, under the big head of the handicap, this point was not enough to make Zhang Lie excited.

Even, compared to this, he cared more about a reply on a post he asked to buy water-based martial arts a long time ago.

The reply came from a feminine pseudonym – Daffodil.

What the other party meant was that she had more than one copy of the water zodiac martial arts, but the quality was quite high, and she was afraid that Zhang Lie wouldn't have as many points to collect.

The tone of this reply is not too big, and Zhang Lie, who was in the past, really didn't dare to ask more.

After all, the money is shy, if others really have the goods, don't say it, and he can only watch it dry.

This will be different, no matter what you do, you are considered rich and powerful.

Immediately reply to the other party: "If you have the goods, you can directly show the video, don't be afraid that you don't have points, I'm afraid that your goods are not good enough!"

However, what Zhang Lie didn't expect was that he had just replied, and the other party replied immediately.

"It's really time for the little brother to come, and the little sister is currently auctioning."

After getting such a reply, how could Zhang Lie sit still, and generally it can be put up for auction, that's all good stuff.

Ordinary things can't be on the auction page at all.

After some negotiation, Zhang Lie entered the online auction page, and the other party did not use the robot hosting function of the auction page, and chose the real auction.

Good guy, the antique auction desk, the girl who goes by the pseudonym Daffodil, is dressed in an elegant little white dress, straight like a direct immortal.

On the platform, countless buyers congealed into virtual figures, sitting around, but they looked decent.

In front of her girl, a martial art robot was practicing a set of sword skills.

The immortal-like girl spoke with a sweet and wonderful voice, and briefly described the specific functions of martial arts in a sudden yin and yang.

"The spray knife, it takes a mysterious route that seems to be both real and imaginary. As soon as this knife comes out, the waves are really beautiful. In the waves, the blade's edge is faintly flickering, and people don't know where to live."

"It's definitely a rare good sword technique among the water zodiac signs. The low price is 7000. Are you interested?"

"I'll give 10,000!"

"I'll pay 12,000!"


Without waiting for Zhang Lie's reaction, the price soared to 15,000, which surprised him.

However, when the price reached 15,000, most people shook their heads and sat down and stopped bidding.

In fact, a book of high-level martial arts is worth 10,000 points.

In Zhang Lie's opinion, this set of swordsmanship is rather flashy, and since he uses the sword himself, he naturally has no interest in bidding.

The immortal-like woman, seeing this situation, did not ink any ink, and slapped her palm on the table, "Spray knife, 15,000 points, deal!"

"Next, it's Xiaodian's first finale martial skill, the water-based peak-level martial art "Hawking Fist""

"Hakuquan, a boxing technique that takes a long route."

This time, after the girl gave a brief introduction, she handed over the booth to the robot controlled by her optical brain.

As soon as the robot's fist came out, the punches were like ripples, like a breeze blowing over the water, but with irresistible power, everything was completely smoothed out.

It was a kind of terrifying mighty power that seemed to be soft and long, but was actually very strong.

Soft with firmness, firm with softness, long, domineering, irresistible, worthy of being the pinnacle of martial arts.

From Zhang Lie's point of view, this boxing technique is definitely a top-quality technique among the peak exercises.

Wave Fist, the name is a bit vulgar, but the power of this martial art is really not bad, Zhang Lie was moved.

"The peak water zodiac weapon of "Wave Fist", a fist that combines strength and softness, with a base price of 50,000! Brothers in need, shoot it!"


Daffodils just quoted the reserve price, and a man in red in the front row couldn't wait to quote his own price.

However, although this kid is in a hurry, the price increase is not high, so he added 5,000.

"Add 5,000 to the excitement, I'll give you 70,000 points!" On the top of the auction table, which should be regarded as the VIP seat, a young man showed a sarcastic smile.

"It's only 70,000. See if you can do it, Song Yi, you can count as you live more and go back. This martial skill is compatible with my little sister's zodiac. I'll give you 100,000!"

Qianlang was often beaten to death on the beach. As soon as the son's voice fell, not far from him, another man in blue opened his mouth with disdain.

"Peak martial arts, 100,000 copies, how much I want, your vision is not so high, 120,000!"

Another person made a bid, and the words were tit for tat as always, but the price jumped by 20,000.

The man in blue was dissatisfied, and said lightly, "The price should be increased slowly. You know a hammer. If I raise you by 30,000, 150,000, do you dare to follow me?"

Just when the man in blue was complacent, Zhang Lie couldn't help standing up and wrote lightly, "300,000!"