ch 30

[Chapter 30]

"Don't force me, just wait and see!"

Qin Chongming's face was full of bitterness, and for him right now, no matter what choice he made, it would be quite painful.

One is the family, the other is the son, how to choose? How to choose?

"Wait, Patriarch, what the Qin family lacks the most right now is time, so please make an early decision!"

"Yes, Patriarch, you wait, it is very likely that the entire Qin family will be wiped out!"

Qin Chongming's answer was naturally not the answer the other elders wanted, so he immediately put pressure on him again.

Everyone present looked at him, and Qin Chongming saw a determination in their eyes.

If he can't handle this matter properly, maybe he, the owner of the family, will be at an end.

It doesn't matter whether he is the head of the house or not, the key is that Qin Xiao's safety will not be relieved because of his abdication.

Even, as long as he retires at this time, Qin Xiao can be said to be dead and alive.

"Okay, I have a decision!"

"Shuzi Qin Xiao, the Void Realm broke into a catastrophe, deprived him of all positions in the Qin family, and expelled him from the Qin family today. His life and death have nothing to do with the Qin family!"

When this order fell, even Qin Chongming, who had been in the top position for a long time, was already blushing.

After all, expelling Qin Xiao from the house at this time is tantamount to pushing him into a fire pit.

Nine deaths!

But who knows how helpless he is, there is still a chance of life after nine deaths, and he will die if he continues to stay in the family.

Right now, he can only hope that Qin Xiao is smart enough to save his life in this storm with his own abilities.

"Patriarch, if you are like this, I'm afraid…"

"Don't say it, I'm the owner of the house, so I have my own considerations for making such a decision!"

However, even though Qin Chongming made such a ruthless decision, the elders in the family were still not satisfied.

Qin Chongming was the head of the family anyway, and he was always powerful, but the elder was interrupted as soon as he retorted.

"If Qin Xiao is expelled, the Yun and Chu families should be relieved. If they compensate for some resources, they will naturally be happy to sit on the sidelines."

"The three major consortiums are just things that are foxes and tigers. They have tasted some sweetness during this time, and they should know how to stop."

"Expelling Qin Xiao from the wall is the best explanation for them. If they have a grievance and a debt, they can have revenge and complain. What does it have to do with my Qin family?"

"Keep an eye on the Wang family. The Qin family suffered heavy losses this time. It's all thanks to that bitch of the Wang family. This debt will be recovered one day!"

Qin Chongming's domineering declaration resounded throughout the top-floor conference room, bringing the majesty of the head of the family to the extreme.

For a while, no one dared to refute him.

"Okay, since there is no objection, let's go ahead and execute it!"

"Remember, after blasting that Shuzi out of Qin's house, he claimed to the outside world that he absconded in fear of crime, and was expelled from the door!"


With this sound falling, Qin Chongming was the first to walk out of the conference room.

Liaocheng, Renji Hospital.

Qin Xiao, who was lying on the hospital bed, suddenly flashed a text message on his right wrist.


Qin Xiao's thoughts moved, the text message was opened, and a familiar voice entered his ears.

The next moment, Qin Xiao received several news that his federal card was frozen and that he was expelled from the Qin family.

In just a few seconds, all Qin Xiao's accounts with records in the family were frozen!

At this time, Qin Xiao finally began to face this matter.

Expel the Qin family?

How is this possible, he is Qin Chongming's only son, he must have made a mistake!

How could the old man expel him from the family? If he is exiled from the family, who will inherit this great Qin family in the future?

Thinking of his father as the head of the family, Qin Xiao suddenly realized that the previous message of "run quickly" sounded a bit like the old man in his own family.

This was amazing, Qin Xiao immediately turned back to the message and began to listen to it repeatedly.

Once, just once, Qin Xiao, who was serious, immediately heard the owner of the voice.

Father, Qin Chongming, is really him!

He really sent himself such a short message in such an anonymous way! !

Opening the shutters, Qin Xiao saw several cars of the three major consortiums from the window with excellent lighting.

If he didn't understand anything, then he had lived in vain for so many years.

Before, although he heard some rumors, he always believed that his father could withstand the pressure and protect him.

But he didn't expect that in just five days, he would be expelled directly from the house.

Although he knew that his father must be under pressure to do so, he would still be somewhat resentful.

Of course, this resentment was not for his father, but for the elders of the family. In the past two years, his reputation in the void world has brought many benefits to the family.

Unexpectedly, when such a thing happened to him, the elders of the family simply gave up on themselves.

However, no matter how resentful he is towards the family at the moment, he can only drag his stump arm, which has just been operated on, and start to flee like a bereaved dog.

Qin Xiao is not stupid, and Zhou Qian's death can basically be counted on his head.

He naturally knew what would happen if he fell into the hands of the three major financial groups after losing the protection of the Qin family.

With his escape, the Zidulin incident finally came to an end.

Among the six black iron families, they were basically tossed enough.

Even the Yun and Chu families have entered a state of exhaustion due to the repeated dispatch of troops.

However, the two families were not busy working in vain. Whether it was in this world or in the Void Realm, they were all very rewarding, and it was worthwhile for Zhang Lie to set them up as pawns to use their strengths.

In addition to the Zhou family, the other three consortiums, Zhou, Li, and Zhao, actually made a lot of money.

Only the Qin family has basically disappeared from the Black Iron Base after this incident.

The so-called Six Families of the Black Iron Base may be renamed the Five Families from now on.

Of course, in this series of events, the only real winner is Zhang Lie.

In one design, Wang and Qin were directly half-crippled, Qin Xiaotian died, Wang Jianxin was exiled, and Wang Xiaohua and Qin Xiao fled like bereaved dogs.

The most wonderful thing is that he also allowed all parties to form various hatred chains in various frictions.

In this way, he also forcibly removed himself from that dangerous situation temporarily, which can be described as killing with one stone.

Black Gold Hotel, Zhang Lie's room.


With a light sound, Zhang Lie patted his right palm lightly, and the ripples seemed to be extremely slow, but in fact they spread rapidly, and a large steel shield in the mimetic environment cracked in an instant.

Based on Zhang Lie's previous genetic martial arts skills, peak martial arts wave boxing, after five days of continuous study, it is already a small achievement.

I have to say that this set of martial arts is really very suitable for Zhang Lie, and it is quite handy to use, which makes Zhang Lie very happy.

After stopping the wave boxing drill, Zhang Lie started the monstrous sword drill with the Purple Poison Nether Sword in his hand.

The monstrous swordsmanship tends to be epee-style, which is relatively simple. The key is that the potential revealed from the genetic level is very difficult to grasp.

A hundred people can cultivate a monstrous sword, and they can practice a hundred kinds of sword stances, and each person's stance is different.

Even if the sword stances are roughly the same, there will still be differences on a subtle level.

But this condensed self-sword potential is the biggest difficulty of this exercise.

Fortunately, Zhang Lie is not a simple character. In the past five days, except for the time to practice the wave boxing, he was almost completely absorbed in this monstrous sword.

The profound foundation of past and present life, coupled with the excellent ability to control their own genetic resources and even all aspects.

In the end, he got started with his own abnormal gene core and the wonderful practice of fish and dragons.

At this moment, in the mimetic environment, behind Zhang Lie, a monstrous big fish was swimming smartly and at will.

Between its swimming, the monstrous sword power flickered and disappeared, lacking the rigidness of the robot drills at the auction, and adding a real mystery and unpredictability of the ocean.

"call out…!"

After gaining momentum for a long time, Zhang Lie took the dagger in his hand and gently cut it down. As it fell, the big fish in the mimetic environment raised his head and jumped up.

The monstrous waves came out with the dagger, and a small mountain was directly razed to the ground.


After a sword blow, Zhang Lie exhaled a turbid breath and exited the mimetic environment, showing a trace of fatigue on his face.

The power of the monstrous sword did not disappoint him, but the consumption of the body and even the source power was quite large.

Generally speaking, it is worthy of the name of the superb martial arts, but it cannot be used as a conventional martial arts for the time being, and can only be used as a killer in the final desperate time.

At this point, Zhang Lie's martial arts chain repair has temporarily come to an end.

It has to be said that whether it is Wave Fist or Taotian Sword, both have the characteristics of mass killing, which can also be considered to make up for Zhang Lie's previous shortcomings.

In addition, the intensive training during this period and the increase in genetic points made Zhang Lie's fish-dragon nine-transformation move from the middle stage of the first change to the later stage.

The source of energy in the body has greatly increased, and the little red fish in the gene core is even more delicate, like a real life.

Zhang Lie's data in all aspects of the Void Realm has also undergone considerable changes.

Zhang Lie: Ordinary life.

Techniques: Basic Techniques, Advanced Level, Yulong Nine Transformations, Late Stage of One Transformation, Wave Boxing, Beginner, Monstrous Sword, Beginner.

Number of genes: 140 basic genes, 100 mutant genes, 19 super genes

Soul Sea Soul Jade: Super Silver Liquid Jade Insect King Soul Jade, Mutated Wind Wolf Soul Jade, Bloodthirsty Ant Soul Jade, Pot-bellied Devil Frog Soul Jade, Mutated Pot-bellied Devil Frog Soul Jade, Super Purple Poison Netherworld Scorpion Soul Jade.

Based on two extremely powerful super soul jades, he cultivates several genetic martial arts, the lowest of which are high-level genetic martial arts.

At present, Zhang Lie's data is not unflattering.

On the genetic power list, with only the support of these data, he has no record of any record, and he has already ranked 53rd.

This is also the result of his major practice at the mortal level, which is a big hindrance. If it is calculated according to the general advanced practice, this ranking may have to move up a few places.

Zhang Lie didn't care about these rankings. He had not planned to reveal his strength yet, so he had already chosen to hide the ranking of the combat power list.

Otherwise, the news of the counter-attack battle power list at the bottom would have detonated the entire black iron base long ago.

After packing everything up and staying in the house for five days, Zhang Lie finally planned to go out.

Next, his attention should be placed on the super gene life and the several elixir that are urgently needed to refine the No. 2 limit potion.