ch 35 yun family raise

[Chapter 0035 Yun Family Raise]

"Of course there is a chance. Before I cultivate other exercises, I always have a chance!"

"The opportunity is when the adrenaline reaches a certain peak. As long as it is reached, it can break through at any time!"

"It's just that every once in a while, they have to replenish those three kinds of food, so you should understand."

"As for the success rate, have I not guaranteed it?"

Back to the topic, Zhang Lie was quite serious.

And his answer also made Yun Bing and Chu Feng relieved.

Simply put, as long as you don't practice other exercises and regularly replenish the necessary nutrients your body needs, you will always have opportunities.

In theory, on the basis of ample time, the probability of failure is zero, and everyone can break through the limit.

"So, we'll be fine. The rest of the points will be transferred to your previous account within today."

"But you promised my sister before that you must let her break through without waiting for her trial to finish?"

When he got the answer he wanted, Chu Feng didn't make a promise directly, and Yun Bing nodded in agreement.

Zhang Lie naturally didn't forget the deal with Chu Feng's sister Chu Xun. After all, Zhang Lie's nose could be of great use.

And at the front of the main tent, Yunmeng and other guys who eat food slowly are also ready.

Even because they already had a successful example, they walked quickly to the entrance of the proving ground, and their hearts were full of expectations.

How much they didn't believe Zhang Lie before, then how curious they were about him now, after all, this magical limit breakthrough came from this man.

They are all looking forward to the trial. After all, they have no idea what happened in the trial field before.

Not knowing it at all, meeting them would be a life-and-death thrill.

There were 4 people left untested, but with the emergence of successful examples, Chu Xun, who did not intend to participate, also decisively joined them.

Looking at the five people in front of him, Zhang Lie didn't have much to say, and let them start.

But when Chu Xun walked past him, Zhang Lie suddenly leaned in and whispered in the little girl's ear.

Then, without waiting for Chu Feng and others to react, Chu Xun was directly pushed into the trial field.

Two or three minutes later, the results came out, Chu Xunzhen successfully broke through, and Chu Ling also successfully broke through.

But the remaining three Yun family members, including Yunmeng, did not make a breakthrough.

To be honest, Zhang Lie was actually a little disappointed in this effect.

After all, encountering a life-and-death crisis in an unknown situation is not a big thrill.

But a total of 11 people participated in the trial, and only 4 people in total succeeded in breaking through. This probability is really not high.

However, he didn't bother to worry about it for the time being, and Chu Xun's successful breakthrough also represented the achievement of his previous agreement with the other party.

"Haha, Young Master Chu, Miss Chu, congratulations, then our previous transaction can be concluded, and then we have to admit it!"

The brothers and sisters of the Chu family broke through, making Chu Feng in a good mood, and immediately responded with laughter: "Haha, happy together, happy together! Since it is an agreement, my Chu family will not default on their debts."

"Besides, let's not talk about the agreement, no matter what, this time it is our Chu family's favor for you."

Hearing Chu Feng's words, Zhang Lie laughed out loud, "Haha, good! It's so good, I'll be disrespectful to that little brother."

Then, Zhang Lie bowed his hands to Yun and Chu, "It's a matter of today, so let's say goodbye!"

After the words fell, Zhang Lie no longer had the slightest nostalgia, turned around and left.

"Slow down!"

However, just as Zhang Lie turned around, Yun Meng grabbed him.

"Little brother, you are too partial, right? 4 people broke through, and the Chu family accounted for 3 people, so I can't give back to the family?"

A jade hand, pierced through the black robe, landed on Zhang Lie's arm.

The instant contact caused a flash of electricity in both of them' hearts.

So much so that Zhang Lie could hear three points of resentment and jealousy from Yun Bing's words.

In fact, Yun Bing did not expect that he would negotiate with the other party in such a tone.

But there was no way. Looking at the lost Yunmeng, she knew that if she didn't fight for it now, her sister Yunmeng's breakthrough time might be extended indefinitely.

"Miss Yun Bing, I know you are a little unwilling, but as I said before, I can't guarantee the success rate!"

"But you just promised that girl Chu Xun that you can definitely let her break through, right?"

Zhang Lie spread his hands to express that the current situation was beyond his control, but Yun Bing immediately brought out the little girl Chu Xun.

Zhang Lie said helplessly, "Little girl Chu Xun, I'll repeat what I whispered to you before I put you into the trial."

"Liar, you big liar, you say the more relaxed the better, but I almost scared this girl to death!"

Chu Xun was suffocating Zhang Lie, but at this moment, when he heard that Zhang Lie was embarrassed to mention this, he immediately exploded.

Of course, this is what Zhang Lie wants.

"Actually, there's really no trick to this kind of thing. I just played a little trick to reduce the little girl's vigilance to the lowest level."

"So, you should all understand!"

Zhang Lie's explanation was not clear, but Yun Bing still didn't believe it.

Maybe this mysterious guy has given her too much shock and made her have blind confidence in him in this matter.

"I don't care, anyway, our Yunmeng has to break through today!" Yun Bing began to splash.

The goddess Sapo, this made the elites of Yun and Chu surprised.

Zhang Lie smiled helplessly, "Miss Yun Bing, I can try it, but I can't guarantee whether it will be successful or not!"

Yun Bing was delighted when she heard the words, "Okay, let's try it, I…"

Zhang Lie interrupted with a wave of his hand, "You can try it, but before that, let's talk about the price first."

"I helped Miss Chu family before because she has a good nose. I will ask others for help in the future. I don't know what compensation Miss Yun Bing plans to give me?"

Yun Bing was stunned, but he didn't expect that Zhang Lie would be so formulaic, "What reward? What reward do you want?"

"Points, exercises, soul jade, whatever you want, feel free to speak up, as long as it is an exchange of equal value, my Yun family can accept it!"

Zhang Lie smiled and said, "Miss Yun Bing is quite generous, but these things, I don't really need them right now, kid!"

"Let's do it, I'll make a move to replace Miss Yun Bing once. I wonder if Miss Yun Bing can accept such a condition?"

Yun Bing thought for a while after hearing the words, "This condition is fair, but let's talk about it first, I won't do anything to help Zhou!"

"Hahaha…Miss Yun Bing, please rest assured, the kid who asked Miss Yun Bing to deal with them won't be humans, but most likely genetic beasts!"

Zhang Lie didn't hide it, he said it directly.

Hearing Zhang Lie's words, Yun Bing naturally had no objection, and nodded to agree with Zhang Lie's conditions.

With that, Zhang Lie looked at Yunmeng, who was staring at him, and sighed lightly, "That's it, Miss Yunmeng, let me go to the trial grounds again!"