Ch 38 Prepare to hunt]

This soul-suppressing female frog was licking in the afternoon, but she didn't notice that there was a "big fish" that completely concealed her figure under the stone where she was standing.

Of course, Zhang Lie is naturally extremely cautious at this moment.

Diving to the bottom of the stone with extreme speed, with very small movements, began to pick the black coral on both sides of the oval stone.


With a light sound, no matter how careful Zhang Lie was, he still made a noise when he was picking the fifth black coral.

At this moment, Zhang Lie's heart beat in his throat.

There was no other way. The colorful frog on the stone was a super creature. From the open space, Zhang Lie might still be able to try to kill it.

But in the opponent's lair, if this is discovered, it is really hanging.

Fortunately, the female frog was taking a nap. She lowered her head and rolled her eyes, but did not do anything else, making Zhang Lie a false alarm.

The excellent psychological quality made him freeze at that moment, and thus escaped the catastrophe.

If there is a flaw just now, I am afraid it will be the end of a frantic escape.

The next thing went smoothly. It only took about two or three minutes. Under the oval stone, a dozen black corals with the best quality all entered the pockets of Zhang Lie Dadu Magic Frog.

After completing the collection task, Zhang Lie didn't dare to wait any longer. After all, the male frog was nearby. If it was blocked by the other party in the cave, it would be really cool.

After getting the black coral he wanted, he didn't have any intention of continuing to explore, and immediately left the black water hole at the fastest speed.

What surprised Zhang Lie was that he had been hiding all the way and was almost back to where the barbecue grill was, but he still hadn't seen the trace of the soul-suppressing frog.

Not to mention the soul-suppressing frog, even the carcasses of several genetic beasts that were killed before disappeared.

There are obvious battle traces on the scene, the battle traces of large genetic beasts.

But after looking around for a while, Zhang Lie was stunned that he didn't find either side of the battle.

Just when Zhang Lie didn't know where to start his pursuit, the two gene-hunting teams from before were eager to try and sneaked up from the miscellaneous.

Both teams were extremely cautious, as if they wanted to come up to check, but were timid.

No wonder Fang Yi and Sun Mengmeng were like this, the movement before was really scary.

This is outside the base, and anything can happen.

Just as the two teams were approaching cautiously, Zhang Lie, who was wearing a glass battle armor, suddenly appeared in the middle of the two teams.

"Team… Captain!"

"High… tall man!"

Someone stammered and exclaimed, causing everyone in the team to look at Zhang Lie immediately, the weapon in his hand immediately raised, and his eyes were full of alertness.

Discovering the enemy's situation, the genetic warrior's first reaction is to raise his weapon.

However, after the two captains saw the figure in front of them, they immediately asked their subordinates to lay down their weapons.

Just kidding, they all saw this fight before.

Both of them are quite clear that if this one is malicious, they should already be lying down.

"Big boss, is it really you? Are you here to save these people?"

Before Zhang Lie spoke, the male captain rushed out with an exaggerated expression.

It was so strange that Zhang Lie couldn't help laughing and crying, but after seeing the other side's face clearly.

Zhang Lie, who was hidden in the glazed armor, was also full of astonishment.

With a resolute face and a pleasing expression, this guy turned out to be Fang Yi!

Fang Yi! The ever-changing devil Fang Yi! ? This meow is really full of surprises in life! !

Who is Fang Yi?

The lucky ones who obtained the Super White Liquid Jade Insect King Soul Jade in the previous life were also a few strong men who went out from the Black Iron Base.

To put it simply, the glass-shaped armor on Zhang Lie's body should have belonged to the boy in front of him.

He never thought that he would meet this kid in this way here.

"Hello, I'm Sun Mengmeng!"

Zhang Lie's attention was all on Fang Yi. It wasn't until the female captain greeted him that he came back to his senses, but the corners of his mouth also unknowingly raised a smile.

I really can't tell what fate is. I didn't expect to meet Fang Yi who was robbed of the opportunity here.

"Hehe, how are you guys, looking at you guys like this, you must be old people. You should know what I'm here for?" Zhang Lie lowered his voice and made it clear.

"You want to know what happened here?" Sun Mengmeng's eyes flickered, as if she could see Zhang Lie through the glass helmet.

"Well, when I killed those mutant genetic beasts before, you were here, you should know something about it!"

"Big brother, we're here too! We heard some frogs and roars in the distance before, and with this scene, there should be other super creatures coming."

"Based on my experience here for months, it's most likely the big cat on the mountain!"

In the face of Zhang Lie's question, Fang Yi usually opened his mouth and went overboard.

"Big cat? What big cat?"

"Lightning raccoon, a super creature that looks like a cat, with two antlers on its head, it can discharge!"

This time, without waiting for Fang Yi to speak, Sun Mengmeng grabbed the right to speak.

Zhang Lie finally figured out what the so-called big cat is, and has a clear picture of the current situation.

So, two super genetic beasts fought because of my Gale Pork BBQ?

With a scruple in mind, Zhang Lie said to the two of them, "Want to hunt down super genetic creatures?"

As soon as these words came out, the two teams even breathed heavily, and a sharp light flashed in their eyes.

Super gene, super soul jade, that is the ultimate demand of gene warriors in the void world, who can withstand such a temptation.


Fang Yi and Sun Mengmeng spoke in unison, and the answer did not surprise Zhang Lie.

Wealth and wealth are in danger. With such an opportunity, the two captains and even the team members would not let it go easily.

Entering the city according to their own strength, it will take at least a few months or even longer to challenge the weakest super creature.

"Report your gene numbers, the combat style you are good at!"

The environment here is complex, and the state of super creatures is also quite complicated. Having a few helpers will bring considerable convenience to Zhang Lie.

Of course, Zhang Lie's move mainly wanted to send Fang Yi a good fortune. After all, no matter his past life or this life, Zhang Lie's impression of Fang Yi was not bad.

As for Sun Mengmeng, it's pure shit luck.

The right place, the right time, the right identity, and the right attitude gave her this opportunity.

"Fang Yi, normal gene 100, mutant gene 60, super gene 0, good at attacking!"

"Sun Mengmeng, 100 normal genes, 50 mutant genes, 0 super genes, good at sniping!"

"Yang Ze, 100 normal genes, 30 mutant genes… good at trap placement!"

"Li Feng, 100 normal genes, 30 mutant genes… good at defense!"

"Sun Xiaowu, 100 normal genes, 40 mutant genes… good at attacking!"

"Zhou Ying, 100 normal genes, 30 mutant genes… good at ambush!"

There are a total of six people in the two teams, and each has their own emphasis on fighting styles. It's just the gene points, which is indeed a little greeting.

Even if it was a response, only the two captains were barely competent. Other team members can also set up traps and cannot appear on the front.

"Okay, come and listen to the tactical arrangement!!"