Chapter 40

In this way, it will naturally fall into the hands of everyone.

When the Soul Requiring Frog landed, there would be no trace of Sun Mengmeng and the others.

Zhang Lie's instructions were very clear before, and they moved immediately after a salvo. Naturally, everyone didn't dare not listen to Zhang Lie's instructions.

No one would joke about their own lives. The targets they are hunting now are super genetic beings, and they will die if they are careless in battle.

The strength is not enough, the intelligence quotient comes together, the so-called shot to change a place, nothing more than that.

Sun Mengmeng and Fang Yi, who had already moved to the safe area on the right, showed their figures again, and started harassing each other again with long-range attacks.

This time, the Soul Requiring Frog was completely angered.

After a few low-pitched whistles, the black water vapor on the surface of the body swelled, and with a slam on the feet, he wanted to jump and chase again.

But at the moment of taking off, a silver figure suddenly appeared.


The lavender splendor flashed, and a black-purple long sword was deeply pierced into its thigh.


With the sound of tearing the cotton cloth, the soul-suppressing frog leaping into the air, the flesh and flesh of the thighs instantly rolled and blood flowed.

A horrific scar pulled from its thigh to the end of its calf.

Sneak attack, successful sneak attack!


Even a super creature like the soul-suppressing frog made a mournful frog cry under this sword.

What's even more terrifying is that the Purple Poison Nether Sword is a highly poisonous sword, and the blood flowing from the thigh of the soul-suppressing frog has changed from the original light blue to a bizarre tragic green in an instant.

What made it a little helpless was that, because of the powerful force of kicking the ground before, the body of the soul-suppressing frog still involuntarily flew towards Sun Mengmeng's position.

However, this soul-suppressing frog croak when he rose into the air still caused some trouble for Zhang Lie.

The moment the frog croaked, the terrifying black sound wave turned into a storm visible to the naked eye, immediately sweeping Zhang Lie, who was ready to escape after a blow.

Before the sound wave arrived, the terrifying storm had already ruined everything around.

Zhang Lie's chest was extremely tight, and he had the illusion that his entire body was about to burst open.

Fortunately, he had already expected that two huge noise-isolating earmuffs had already protruded from the two ears of the glass helmet.

At the same time, the source energy of the whole body has already spread all over the body.

Naturally, his hand was not idle, only to see his right palm shake, water waves suddenly appeared, and the waves seemed to be weak, and they continued to surge up.

"Clap clap clap clap…!"

The continuous sound rang out, the storm was blocked for a moment, and at this moment, Zhang Lie's feet moved, and the waves disappeared.


It was not until this time that Soul Requieming Frog finally landed on the position of Fang Yi, Sun Mengmeng and others.

However, this time, not only did he lose his target again, but he even fell into the trap that had been prepared for him.

This is a pothole more than ten meters deep, and the hole is densely filled with various sharp tools.

As a super creature, Soul Requieming Frog is rough-skinned and thick-skinned, but ordinary sharp blades are no threat to him.

Of course, the premise is that it is in perfect condition, and he is far from perfect at the moment.

Because of the terrifying scorpion poison brought by Zhang Lie's sword before, it needs most of the source power of Soul Frog to suppress it.

As a result, the body surface lost its source protection, and the soul-suppressing frog sitting in it was fine elsewhere. The key point was that the chrysanthemum was severely injured, and blood stains flowed from the thigh.

Fortunately, the super creature's foundation is really good. It seems to be a serious injury. In fact, it can only be regarded as a skin injury, but the location is rather awkward.

Next, what he needs to face is the real test of life and death.

Because the thigh was also injured, coupled with the repressive frog that was ravaged by toxins in the body, he lost the ability to jump out of the big pit.

This also means that waiting for him will be passively beaten, and even eventually consumed alive.


Before he could react, a purple wave was already coming.


The frogs croaked loudly, and the soul-suppressing frog, which was full of grass and trees, directly launched the soul-suppressing frog croak. Under the black shock wave, the purple waves turned into a purple mist.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa…!"

At the same time, the sound of the wind roared, and almost at the moment when the shock wave passed, arrows, flying spears, and flying axes came one after another.


The soul-suppressing frog began to croak continuously, and the black shock wave continued to resolve all the long-range attacks of Fang Yi, Sun Mengmeng and others.

In this way, the source energy consumption in his body has also increased, but Zhang Lie and the others stopped attacking at this time.

In the pothole, the purple mist lingered around, and the soul-suppressing frog didn't notice at all, and his body was gradually numb.

He started to try to jump out of the pothole, but only his severely injured right leg and weak source force made him a little powerless.

In this way, the soul-suppressing frog calmed down and began to try his best to suppress or even expel toxins from his body.

A hundred meters away from the pothole, I heard that there was no movement in the hole for a long time.

Fang Yi and Sun Mengmeng were both eager to try.

Among them, Fang Yi was even a little impatient: "Boss, there is no movement, it's almost there, right?"

Zhang Lie chuckled and said, "As the saying goes, injured beasts are the most dangerous, and these injured genetic beasts are naturally even more terrifying. If you want to die, go up!"

Both of them were stunned when they heard the words, but facing the temptation of the super gene and even the super soul jade, Sun Mengmeng couldn't help but said, "No way, you didn't say before that the poison on your sword is very poisonous. Domineering?"

"I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. The poison on my sword is really domineering, but it takes time for it to work."

"Forget about other genetic beasts. In the face of a genetic beast like Soul Requieming Frog, if you can't stand it with a random roar, you have to explode directly. Be cautious, okay?"

Zhang Lie naturally understood the urgency of the two, and explained again with a smile.

He said this, and the two of them naturally wouldn't think about going to death, so they had to wait patiently, making Zhang Lie a little dumbfounded.

"Okay, don't dangle in front of my eyes, it's still early, in order to minimize the risk, you have to take it slow!"

"Idle is also idle, Fang Yi, take everyone down and set up sentries around to avoid being disturbed by others!"

"It's just me and Sun Mengmeng here!"

As soon as Zhang Lie said these words, Fang Yi immediately turned his eyes to the side, and a strange light flashed in his eyes.

"Why, you can't trust me?" Zhang Lie asked with a smile.

"How can you, without us, you can take down this soul frog, let's go right away!"

Fang Yi's heart was like a mirror, but he reacted immediately.

Zhang Lie smiled and said, "Don't worry, I didn't mean to give you up, don't think about the soul jade, a certain amount of genetic meat will still be distributed to you."

As soon as these words came out, Fang Yi and the team members behind him immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, they have no right to speak in front of Zhang Lie, what he says is what he says, and no one can refute them, and they are powerless to resist.

Even if he didn't give them anything, they would have nothing to do with Zhang Lie, and they even had to thank him.

Now that the other party has made a promise, their hearts are naturally stable.

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