Chapter 64 Fearless Challenge

"Uh, there's nothing wrong, it's just boring, I want to play with you?"

The little girl spoke slightly cautiously.

"Playing with me? Are you really treating yourself as a child?"

"Forget it before, for the sake of your brother's face, I didn't care about you, I didn't expect you to make further progress?"

"Listen, now, immediately, immediately, get out!" At this moment, Zhang Lie was furious.

Pointing at the door with one finger, he scolded the little girl sharply.

No wonder he is like this, after all, the look in this little girl's eyes can be said to be quite dangerous.

If you don't show your attitude in this situation, it is very likely to give this little girl the wrong information.

And once misunderstood, it can be troublesome.

That's why Zhang Lie directly bombarded people so unsentimentally.

"Go out, go out, what is fierce?"

The big change in Zhang Lie's attitude before and after, the little girl was even more aggrieved.

She, who has been spoiled by her family since she was a child, has ever suffered such treatment, and immediately ran out of the room with a crying voice, hiding her face.


Until the other party ran out of the room, Zhang Lie couldn't help muttering.

She is the victim, how can this girl be so wronged?

"Forget it, don't think about it, it's time to see our armor!"

The little girl's operation this morning was just an episode in Zhang Lie's case.

Now comes the real critical moment.

Central area, S-class forge.

When Zhang Lie entered it, the forging robot who had received Zhang Lie before immediately recognized him.

"Hello, customer No. 0645, your order has been completed, would you like to pick it up now?"


When it comes to robots, Zhang Lie has no politeness, and simply expresses his intentions.

"Received, please accept it!"


Under the electronic synthesis sound of the robot, the machine sounded again, and an equipment box popped out from the extraction area in the room.

In the next moment, a set of cool, delicate, and beautiful, but with a bit of hideous armor, appeared in front of Zhang Lie.

The perfect combination of dark red and dark purple, the right sharpness at the joints, the overall streamlined design, the purple poisonous ghost scorpion, the super bloodthirsty ant, and the two super life forms made Zhang Lie's eyes a little blurry.

The armor is divided into six parts: helmet, breastplate, skirt, boots, shoulder armor, and armguards. Each part is exceptionally perfect without the slightest flaw.

Zhang Lie had actually seen the design before, but after seeing the real product, he was still amazed.

At this moment, Zhang Lie only had one thought in his heart, it was worth it!

Two kinds of super genetic materials, plus 800,000 points are all worth it!

Faced with such a battle armor, even Zhang Lie couldn't wait, and immediately took out the battle armor and began to put it on.

But for a moment, Zhang Lie, who was dressed in black, turned into a heroic presence in purple armor.

On the upper body of the battle armor, the source force moves at will, and a layer of light blue source energy shield has emerged on the surface of the battle armor.

After experimenting with the defensive power, Zhang Lie was very satisfied.

"Guest No. 0654, your order has been completely handed over, good luck!"

Seeing Zhang Lie take out the battle armor, and even finish wearing it and show a satisfied look, the robot's stereotyped formula sounded again.


With a simple thank you, Zhang Lie finally put on the black robe on his battle armor and walked out of the forging room.

As soon as this set of armor came out, Zhang Lie was 100% sure that he could carry out the Xiongxincao plan he made earlier.

Even, because of this set of battle armor, the choice of collection location can be more radical.

Collecting elixir and hunting super genes are both correct!

Giant Bear Peak, a remote area of the Black Iron Base, the magnetic field of the mountain peak is disordered and appears strangely floating.

Also due to the magnetic field that may change at any time, in this continuous floating rock, falling rocks all year round are extremely dangerous.

However, it is precisely because of the disordered magnetic field here that a group of giant bear-like genetic beasts live without fear of the disordered magnetic field.

They are flounder bears!

Flounder bears, a kind of bear-like genetic beast that masters the power of the earth, they are strong and powerful.

Adult flounder bears are generally super genetic beings, usually 7-8 meters tall and weigh more than ten tons. They can easily throw hill-like stones, which is extremely terrifying.

And the most terrifying thing is that this kind of bear is a family gregarious creature.

In other words, there are at least two or three, and ordinary people don't dare to attack them.

When the old flounder bears are about to die, they will wait quietly in a certain place to die.

After they die, under a specific geographical environment and a specific magnetic field, a kind of crystal-like grass will grow in the heart of these flounder bear corpses.

This kind of grass is Zhang Lie's configuration, the last medicinal material of the No. 2 limit potion.

This place is called Heimugang.

Of course, Hlimb Harbor is not the only place in the Giant Bear Peak that produces bear heart grass.

After all, some old flounder bears died before they even walked into it.

In this case, bear's heart grass is usually not grown, but there are always cases.

Originally, Zhang Lie's idea was to take the risk of sneaking into the vicinity of Heimu Harbor under the condition of concealment, looking for these "in case" relics from the sea.

But now, he decided to dive directly into the deepest part of Hilmu Harbor and conduct a large-scale sweep.

Of course, Flounder Harbor is a sacred place for Flounder bears, and no other creatures are allowed to approach.

Zhang Lie wants to sweep, no matter how small the movement is, I am afraid that it will inevitably attract the attention of Flounder.

Even, fighting is inevitable! !

The remote Giant God Peak was already in front of him, Zhang Lie showed an excited look at the corner of his mouth, but his figure gradually disappeared in this smile.

Holding the Purple Poison Nether Sword in his hand, Zhang Lie directly entered the strongest mimicry and officially entered the Giant God Peak.

As soon as he stepped out, he felt that his entire body actually sank, as if the weight of the whole person had undergone a huge change.

Under such a situation, Zhang Lie naturally began to adjust his breathing, but in his walking posture, trying his best to reduce the impact of gravity on his mimic hiding.

However, the moment he lifted his foot hard, the gravity completely disappeared.

This time, Zhang Lie, who was caught off guard, just stepped into the foot of the mountain, and his entire body was fully revealed.

Let Zhang Lie look in front of him, this magical mountain, once again showing a faint smile.

It seems that it is really not easy to enter this mountain.

However, as a gene hunter, Zhang Lie is naturally not afraid of challenges, and even excited by challenges.

After all, since his rebirth, he has been in a relatively safe area.

He has not set foot in such a difficult place for a long time.

The difficulties encountered at this moment not only did not discourage him, but also aroused his desire to conquer.

After all, he is also a rebirth, so this first step naturally didn't stop him for long.

After some subtle perception, he soon mastered the method, successfully stepped into the mountains, and began to look for the traces of Halibut!