Chapter 70 Surprise Meeting


When the Aoki Werewolf faced the current Zhang Lie, they did not have much resistance to pull the entire group.

Not to mention the solitary super-gene life of the Rising Sun Beetle. After being found by Zhang Lie, it was beheaded in two or three times.

However, it is precisely because he is a solitary super life, and mutants are also difficult to find, so Zhang Lie can't guarantee jade.

This Rising Sun Beetle eventually only contributed its own body and produced Soul Jade.

However, for Zhang Lie, after having a more perfect Aoki werewolf soul jade, its soul jade is no longer so important, and it doesn't hurt to have it.

After hunting two super genetic beings, and hunting down several mutant genetic beasts on the way, the sky gradually darkened.

The first hunt of the extreme team was completed perfectly.

This time the hunt gave everyone in the team a more intuitive feeling of Zhang Lie's strength.

For Zhang Lie, everyone was really convinced and convinced.

The mind to follow him is also more reliable, and several of the team members are even planning to go to Ningcheng to find Zhang Lie.

The Dark Iron Tavern, where the extreme squad sits at a table.

Since following Zhang Lie, the hotel has become a permanent place for everyone.

You know, before again, Fang Yi and Sun Mengmeng were all camping in the rest area of the Black Iron Base with their team members.

In the spacious hall, the corpses of several mutant genetic beasts and two super genetic beasts were randomly placed on the ground.

"Mengmeng, Zhou Ying, I'll leave the cooking to you!"

"Everyone else will help to deal with it, this is our gene feast!"

After Zhang Lie's greeting, everyone immediately moved.

The so-called do-it-yourself food and clothing, and soon a sumptuous gene meal that makes people jealous will be served on the table.

The busy people also opened their stomachs and ate happily.

Of course, while they were eating and drinking, the voices of the will of the void were also beating their eardrums diligently.

Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

Yang Ze took a drink and bowed deeply, then said seriously, "Boss, the fighting power you showed today is really too powerful."

"If I didn't know about your gene number, I would even doubt whether you are a world breaker full of super genes."

"Super creatures are also killed in two or three times, which is too exaggerated!"

"I have decided to leave for Ningcheng tomorrow. Please accept me as your disciple and teach me to become stronger!"

To be honest, Yang Ze suddenly came here, Zhang Lie didn't react for a while, and was stunned.

"Apprentice, okay, come on then!"

However, it was only for a moment, he immediately reacted, and responded positively to the other party in an understatement.

Zhang Lie thought to himself, anyway, this extreme martial arts hall is about to be built, and it is almost time to come at this time.

But as soon as he said these words, the table was messed up. When others saw that Yang Ze had succeeded in apprenticeship so easily, they were all envious.

In particular, Li Feng, who was from an ordinary family, would never let go of this opportunity. He immediately stood up with a glass of wine and said that he would also apprentice and go to Ningcheng to join Zhang Lie.

As for Zhang Lie, since he planned to open a martial arts hall, he naturally wouldn't think that there were too many disciples, and naturally he was not afraid.

In this way, the six people, including Fang Yi and Sun Mengmeng, naturally became his disciples.

Everyone agreed to teleport out of the Void Realm tonight, and directly teleport Ning Cheng through the teleportation device in this world tomorrow.

As a result, everyone was in a hurry to eat this sumptuous dinner.

After the last stack of super gene dishes was emptied, everyone quickly left the room on the pretext of going back to clean up.

To be honest, everyone at this moment can't wait to meet him.

The originally lively room quickly quieted down, making Zhang Lie feel a little lonely.

Of course, his loneliness didn't last long, and it soon dissipated under the exciting sound of void will.

After ingesting two super creatures, four mutant genetic creatures, and a sufficient amount of flesh and blood essence.

Zhang Lie's overall data soared again.

Zhang Lie: Ordinary life.

Cultivation Techniques: Basic Cultivation Technique · Ultimate Grade, Fish Dragon Nine Transformation · Demon Snake Transformation Middle Stage, Wave Step · Advanced, Folding Wave Palm · Advanced, Soft Water Transforming Jin · Advanced, Wave Fist · Intermediate, Monstrous Sword · Beginner.

Number of genes: 160 basic genes, 132/150 mutant genes, 55 super genes.

Soul Sea Soul Jade: Super Silver Liquid Jade Insect King Soul Jade, Super Purple Poison Nether Scorpion Soul Jade, Super Bloodthirsty Ant Soul Jade, Super Changchun Mirage Soul Jade, Super Aoki Werewolf Soul Jade, Mutated Wind Wolf Soul Jade, Mutated Potbellied Demon Frog Soul Jade.

Such data is not an exaggeration.

The super gene mad account is 15 points, and the mutant gene is overflowing with 32 points.

You must know that the overflowing 32-point mutant gene is a limit gene with a larger increase than the 32 super gene.

To be honest, if he were to fight with the previous Aoki Werewolf at this time, the opponent might not be able to stop him even a single move.

There is no way, the increase of this gene has made Zhang Lie's physical combat power to a terrifying level.

It is rude to say that at this moment, it is said to be Aoki Werewolf.

Even those like Yun Bing and Chu Feng, whose super genes are almost full, can be regarded as a half-step world breaker, and they are not enough to see in front of Zhang Lie.

"Ding dong…!"

A crisp sound, just as Zhang Lie admired himself, the doorbell rang

Zhang Lie walked out of the kitchen while ordering the smart kitchen robot to start cleaning.

As for the guy ringing the doorbell, Zhang Lie thought that it was probably some frizzy guy in the team who forgot something and came back to get it.

But even so, since the incident with the little girl Chu Xun, Zhang Lie has attached great importance to the matter of the concierge, so he still walked to the door by himself.

I plan to see who is ringing the doorbell first.

It doesn't matter if you look at it, but it's startling when you see it.

Outside the door, Yun Bing, Yun Meng, Chu Feng, and Chu Xun were standing in unison, causing Zhang Lie to be stunned.

This is coming to the door. Are you in such a hurry?

I'm sorry for myself if I don't kill you a ton!

The other party took the initiative to bring them to the door, Zhang Lie naturally did not intend to hide, and even at this moment he didn't even need a black robe to disguise, and directly opened the door.

As soon as the door was opened, Yun Bing and Chu Feng immediately recognized Zhang Lie.

"Zhang Lie!"

The two exclaimed almost at the same time, and it was not difficult to hear from their exclamations that at this moment, they only thought that the mysterious guy was meeting Zhang Lie here.

But I didn't dare to think of Zhang Lie and the man in black as one person, after all, the gap between the two is too great.

They didn't, but it didn't mean that Chu Xun didn't.

After all, he had seen Zhang Lie's appearance before, and at this moment he heard his brother and sister Yun Bing exclaim in surprise.

The little girl was in a mess in an instant, and she couldn't help but say in a trance, "Isn't this a big black head? How could it be…"

"No…could it be! That big blackhead…that's…that's…"