Chapter 79 Inheritance of the Strong

The next thing is even simpler.

After a simple negotiation, Narcissus Girl and Zhang Lie finally set a unified price for all existing grades.

Advanced exercises – 6,000 points.

Peak Exercise – 200,000 points.

Legendary exercises – 2.5 million points.

Unsurpassed Exercise – 30 million points.

After the exercises and other steps are determined, the next step is to wash the sand and find a suitable exercise.

Of course, with Zhang Lie's personality, he naturally started from the most advanced and unparalleled exercises.

In fact, there are a total of two superb exercises here, one "Wind and Thunder Dance" and one "White Light Dragon Seal".

Zhang Lie casually looked at the engraving exercises, "Wind and Thunder Dance" is a rare hybrid exercise.

In the engraved video, a fairy-like beauty is dancing with the wind and thunder, the wind is sweeping, and the thunder and lightning are surrounded.

The source power is like a breeze blowing on the face, and it is like a thunderbolt, and it changes in a thousand ways.

Yuan Li transforms the two zodiac signs of wind and thunder at the same time, which is a rare good practice.

However, this is just a book of major training exercises, except for a set of body techniques, there are no other supporting genetic martial arts.

If you want to repair the chain, you need not only a strong genetic foundation, but also a large number of wind and thunder genetic martial arts.

But it's not that easy to fix.

Zhang Lie didn't dislike it either. After watching the video's speed of movement, and after confirming the superb technique, he immediately won it.

This is a superb technique, even if it is just a set of body techniques, 30 million points is definitely not a loss.

To be honest, Zhang Lie is a little curious now, where did this Baibaoxuan get these exercises.

You must know that once the Void Realm in the previous life has a unique practice method, it will definitely cause a sensation.

In this life, this so-called Baibaoxuan actually took out two copies.

Could it be that, in the last life, was he really limited by poverty?

Yes, I'm wrong, anyway, with my current financial resources, 30 million copies of a masterpiece are absolutely as much as I want.

After watching the video, Zhang Lie directly clinched "Wind and Thunder Dance".

The first order was a big order with 30 million points, which also made Narcissus excited.

The next process was extremely fast. Zhang Lie passed the decision immediately after making the decision, and the bases communicated with the optical network to pay.

Soon, an exquisite practice engraving scroll was sent to the hotel room where Zhang Lie was.

Taking out the exercises, Zhang Lie didn't even take a close look, but plunged into the video of "White Light Dragon Seal" instead.

"White Light Dragon Seal", a rare light-based exercise, which is biased towards genetics.

In the video, a middle-aged man, after a simple operation of the source power, unexpectedly appeared fine silver scales on the body surface.

These silver scales are like a set of dragon scale battle armor, turning the middle-aged man into a dragon man in an instant.

Then, this guy punched a set of punches, and each punch shook the earth and shook the mountains and dazzled Kyushu, with terrifying power.

However, it can be seen from the video that if you want to repair the chain, you must first have an extremely mellow source of light.

Otherwise, the source power will be enough for the chain repairer to drink a pot.

However, the unparalleled cultivation technique is a rare opportunity, so Zhang Lie naturally won it without any surprises.

After winning all the two excellent books, Narcissus' face also bloomed with a smile.

This is still the case for the peerless exercises, not to mention the legendary and peak levels after that.

As long as Zhang Lie can see, he will win all of them.

As Zhang Lie said before, he will not purchase less than 45 copies this time.

But in fact, Zhang Lie finally won a total of 54 exercises.

The nine basic elements are as few as 4-5 and as many as 7-8, and the consumption points are also close to 100 million.

To tell the truth, this is the first time Narcissus has seen people and bought exercises like this.

Of course, from her point of view, the more Zhang Lie buys, the higher her commission will be.

So this afternoon, the smile on her face was also exceptionally bright.

After the handover of the latter exercise was completed, Narcissus said with an incomparably bright smile: "Mr. Paojiao, your exercises are all in place!"

"Then, our deal this time is over!"

"Thank you for your support of Baibaoxuan and Narcissus!"

"If you have the opportunity to come to the giant bear star, you must tell Narcissus, let Narcissus do the best of the landlord's friendship, this is my communication number."

Before Zhang Lie could say anything, a string of optical network communications had already been projected.

It can be seen that the little girl is really happy today.

Zhang Lie chuckled lightly: "Well, okay, that's fine, then don't deny it!"

"Then how can you, it is an honor for you to come here, how can you not admit it!"

"But let's talk about it first. Narcissus has limited abilities. You can't dislike us when that time comes!"

"By the way, although I don't know where you are going to open the martial arts hall, Narcissus still wants to wish your martial arts hall a smooth opening here!"

"Besides, starting from today, you are a tens of millions of customers of Baibaoxuan!"

"No, it should be said that the first customer close to 100 million, and I am your exclusive customer service!"

"You can talk to me if you have any questions about buying and selling commodities."

"Me and the team behind me will do our best to fulfill your demands!"

I have to say that Narcissus is a successful sales customer service, and her words always make Zhang Lie feel more comfortable.

He was not hypocritical at this moment, and immediately asked, "There is one problem!"

"I asked last time, but I'm not very satisfied with your answers. I hope to hear different answers this time!"

Narcissus was stunned when she heard the words, she probably guessed what Zhang Lie wanted to ask, and immediately said softly, "What are you asking about is the origin of the practice?"

Zhang Lie nodded.

"Simply put, these exercises are the relics of the previous generation of powerhouses, so you should understand?"

As soon as Narcissus said this, Zhang Lie nodded again, a strange color flashed in his eyes, and his heart exploded.

That's right, the previous generation of powerhouses, I know the tombs of several real powerhouses.

Not to mention, there is one on the earth, how can I forget this one?

If it wasn't for Narcissus, Zhang Lie would not have thought about it at all.

You know, since the last century, human beings have entered the era of gene-hunting in different dimensions.

In this less than a hundred years, there are many wonderful people among human beings.

Some are still in the deeper dimension and different space now, and some have unexpectedly fallen.

In the last century, humans and the Kos Zerg had a close relationship.

In any period of time, the powerhouses who fell unexpectedly, in addition to sudden death, most of them will leave inheritance, so that someone can inherit their genetic martial arts and continue to fight for mankind.

Most of the inheritances are genetic exercises, or their own personal treasures.

Thinking of this, Zhang Lie immediately said excitedly: "Well, thank you for telling the truth, I have the opportunity to go to the Giant Bear Star and I will invite you to dinner!"

For Zhang Lie's excitement, Narcissus naturally didn't understand why, and immediately smiled: "Okay, then we'll be here first today, I'll go back to do business first!"

"Okay, bye!"

After hanging up the light and shadow communication, Zhang Lie's face became more excited.

A wonderful inheritance plan is being quickly constructed in his mind.