Chapter 83 The end of the retreat

Fang Yi pondered for a moment when he heard the words, and then said in a low voice, "Major practice, "Dance of Wind and Thunder"!"

"What? Are you going to practice "Dance of Wind and Thunder"?"

If the honest Li Feng chose Bai Guanglong to seal Zhang Lie was just a little surprised, Fang Yi's choice of Fengleiwu surprised him.

After all, Fang Yi had a pretty good foundation for the water zodiac before.

Could it be that the allure of this peerless technique is so great? Even a celebrity like Fang Yi in his previous life would not weigh the pros and cons at all?

"Well, can't you?"

Zhang Lie's reaction made Fang Yi aware of his attitude.

"It's not impossible, but you have to tell me why!"

"After all, in the entire team, your original exercises are considered the best!"

"Why do you suddenly want to switch to Fengleiwu? You shouldn't be the kind of person who only looks at the skill level."

Zhang Lie opened his mouth to look again, and what was expressed in his words warmed Fang Yi's heart.

After all, Zhang Lie asked this question and even wanted to stop him, but he was actually thinking of him.

In fact, Fang Yi chose Fengleiwu, naturally, not because of the skill level, he had his own reasons.

"Boss, do you believe me?"

However, Fang Yi did not give any reason, but began to question Zhang Lie.

"Of course I believe in you, if I don't believe in you, you won't be here! It seems that your kid has some little secrets?"

Zhang Lie squinted at Fang Yi, making the latter feel like a needle.

In fact, in life, no one has any secrets.

At this moment, Zhang Lie was actually trying to test Fang Yi on purpose.

The latter is quite true. Under Zhang Lie's eyes, he immediately expressed his position: "Boss, don't worry, no matter how much I keep secrets, I will definitely not harm you, nor will it harm our team."

"It's just that I'm still a little confused about this. I'll report it to you in two days?"

Fang Yi answered cautiously, and felt a little embarrassed.

"Okay, one or two of you, I've made me look down on it. If you want to practice, then practice."

"What about other exercises? What did you choose?"

Hearing Zhang Lie's direct agreement, Fang Yi was also stunned for a moment, but he immediately reacted and said, "Sword technique "Tiangang", boxing technique "Divine Wind", movement technique "Flowing Cloud"."

When Fang Yi's three exercises came out, Zhang Lie was a little surprised again.

"Tiangang", the legendary spearmanship of the thunder zodiac, practiced to the extreme, the source power can transform the thunder, and the power is unpardonable.

"Kamikaze", a legendary wind attribute boxing technique, a magical sanshou with multiple changes in the fist and palm, known for its fast speed and strangeness.

"Liuyun", a legendary wind-type movement technique, is extremely fast, but it looks like a drifting cloud, hence the name Liuyun. It is a very rare and very difficult movement technique to practice.

The three exercises, if calculated according to the difficulty of repairing the chain, can be regarded as the existence of extremely difficult chain repair.

Fang Yi would choose them unexpectedly, it seems that this kid's ambition to become stronger is more fiery than others.

"You can also choose, and you should have your own ideas, so I will interfere too much."

"Then good your practice, go and repair the chain!"

Knowing that Fang Yi had his own ideas, Zhang Lie stopped talking, handed over the exercises and sent him to practice.

As a result, only Sun Xiaowu and Zhou Ying were left to pick out the exercises.

However, the two of them, no matter what, they all chose the zodiac signs that they had practiced before.

Sun Xiaowu, majoring in martial arts, chooses the legendary "King Kong Indestructible", the peak swordsmanship "Shuo Jin Zhan", the legendary boxing method "Golden Scale Dominance", and the movement method "Golden Light and Shadow".

Zhou Ying, majoring in martial arts, chooses the legendary level "Qingling Battle Body", the marksmanship "Mitian Congblade", and the fist and palm "Back Wind and Willows".

Sun Xiaowu was quite well behaved, but this Zhou Ying also surprised Zhang Lie a little, or rather surprised.

Because she is the only one who chooses to focus on physical training, except for Li Feng.

After explaining a few words to the two of them, he handed them the exercises and let them start practicing freely.

In this way, Zhang Lie's entire team fell into a state of crazy practice.

One month, a full month in the void world, Zhang Lie was the first to exit this closed state.

Because just now, his new practice "Sparkling" finally entered the intermediate level.

Other wave fists and monstrous swords also benefited a lot.

Especially the wave boxing, under Zhang Lie's unremitting efforts, can be regarded as perfect.

The practice of kung fu cannot be done behind closed doors, but also requires actual combat.

All, after Zhang Lie explained to everyone, he left the Black Gold Hotel on his own, ready to hunt a wave of super genes.

After all, his super gene is far from the full value.

Void title battle is imminent, if super genes are dissatisfied, they will not be able to dominate the crowd.

After leaving the Black Gold Hotel, many people looked at Zhang Lie with awe and even fear after seeing Zhang Lie.

There was no way, since he confronted Qin Xiao at the gate of the base, and then was treated with courtesy by Chu Feng and Yun Bing.

The base has been circulated, and several stories of the bottom king Zhang Lie's counterattack

And these stories are varied, and there are all kinds of versions.

But no matter what version, there is a core point in the end.

The bottom king, Zhang Lie, was no longer at the bottom. No matter what method he used to climb up to Yun Bing and Chu Feng, he was now a big man.

A big man who can decide their life and death at will when necessary.

Therefore, most people in the base will naturally fear him, or even be afraid of him.

Of course, some people are in awe, and some people are envious and jealous.

Envy, jealousy and hatred with brains will be buried deep in their hearts without revealing the slightest.

But the kind of brainless, but it is easy to be used by people.

For example, Wu Kedi, the Magic Eagle, ranked 43rd on the Black Iron Base Void Combat Power List.

Wu Kedi, a child of the Wu family in Liaocheng on Earth, is arrogant by nature and very handsome, and his life has always been smooth.

Until he met the goddess in life – Yun Bing, his life changed dramatically.

He fell, completely fell, and he vowed to get the other party.

So he began to approach Yun Bing in various ways and started a crazy pursuit.

It's a pity that Yun Bing didn't even care about his pursuit, and he didn't even give a straight eye.

Originally, when Wu Kedi wanted to come, the other party did not accept him or even looked down on him, it must be because he was not strong enough.

So during this period of time, he was frantically repairing chains and hunting frantically. In a short period of time, he rushed from the 111th place in the original Void Battle Power List to the 43rd place.

According to his plan, within three months, he will be able to ascend to the throne of the first combat power of the Black Iron Base, completely shattering Yun Bing's pride.

Let her face herself and even fall in love with herself.

Unfortunately, the imagination is full, but the reality is quite backbone.

When he rushed to the 43rd, he was told by a caring person that his goddess already had a master.

And this person is still the bottom king in the base who has been ridiculed for several months.

A sloppy, incompetent, weak, ugly fellow.

Like this, how can he, Wu Kedi, bear it?

kill him!

Regardless of the rumors or the truth, that guy must die!