Chapter 85 Exceeding Expectations

Coming out of Yunmengze, the voice of Void Will resounded in Zhang Lie's mind: The Void Title Battle will be held in three days, starting today, you can register!

This news not only sounded in Zhang Lie's mind, but all the members of the Void Realm received a reminder from the Will of the Void.

"It's about to start!"

"In this Void title battle, I must win the leader!"

"It's time to go back and get ready!"

The members of the various bases in the Void Realm are all excited about this reminder message. They are excited to participate, and even more excited not to participate.

This is the ultimate show. The major events in the void world every few years have always been the time when major financial groups are making money.

Just received this message prompting that each base is headed by a consortium and started to open gambling games.

Although it is said that this title battle is hosted by the Federation, this kind of peripheral gambling is not something that the Federation can manage.

In this black iron base, although there are only five of the six masters left, and the Zhou family's vitality was greatly damaged before, it did not hinder the establishment of this gambling game in the slightest.

As for what to bet in this game, it depends on the information held by the three major consortiums.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Zhang Lie at the moment. At this moment, he is on his way to the Black Gold Hotel.

In fact, all members of the Void Realm can receive this news, which means that Fang Yi and others should have also left the customs.

At this moment, although they have definitely gained something from the cultivation technique.

However, when Zhang Lie hurriedly returned to the familiar room, it was empty.

"What's the matter, don't those bastards come out yet?!" However, just as Zhang Lie was about to go to the training room to find them, a red arrow shot through the air.

This arrow is not unpleasant.

However, when the arrow was pulled, Zhang Lie could clearly perceive the fire element source power emanating from the air.

The fire zodiac sign, how could he be unfamiliar with it after being immersed in it for many years.

In Sun Mengmeng's eyes, the arrow that was supposed to hit was cut into two pieces by a flash of purple light when it touched Zhang Lie's back.

"Team Zhang, your strength has improved a lot since you went out!"

"You're not bad either!"

While speaking, Sun Mengmeng, who was stepping on the explosive flame step, was already killing him from behind.

"call out…!"

The wind whistled softly, and a dark red long sword stabbed out from behind Zhang Lie at high speed.

However, before the sword hit the ground, Zhang Lie in his vision had already dissipated like a bubble.

"Captain, I'm tired of seeing your stealth trick!"

At the same time as she spoke again, Sun Mengmeng turned the offense into defense, drew a circle with the long sword in her hand, and tightly wrapped herself in it.

For a time, his whole body was covered with strong dark red flames.

"It's a good response, but this trick doesn't make any sense to me?"


Just as Sun Mengmeng was in shock, the purple ghost sword had already broken through the flames and stuck to her neck.

As for the long sword in her hand, it fell to the ground with a clang and shattered.

The rich dark red flames around him also slowly dissipated with Zhang Lie's appearance.

"Not bad, but still need to work hard."

"Good captain!"

When the words fell, Sun Mengmeng walked aside to rest, while Zhang Lie looked around vigilantly.

Although the team members under his command did not have too many limit gene points, and now they are re-cultivating the exercises, there are many ghost ideas.

If you accidentally follow their way, you will lose a lot of face.

These guys obviously took him to test the chain repair results.

However, this is right in Zhang Lie's mind, because such a collision can be regarded as the most intuitive way to find out.

Zhang Lie is also very proud. This month, under the stimulation of various high-end exercises, how much progress they have made.

Of course, what he was most curious about was Fang Yi and Li Feng.

Because these two people can be regarded as starting from scratch.

However, Zhang Lie was not waiting for someone else, but another girl in the team, Zhou Ying.

However, as soon as Zhou Ying entered the door, she waved her hand and said, "Captain…the four of them are waiting for you in the practice room…it is said that this place is too small…it can't be used…"

Zhang Lie was happy when he heard it.

Good guy, these few seem to be confident about themselves!

"how about you?"

When Zhou Ying heard this, she muttered in a low voice, "I'll just take two moves with you, captain, right?"

While speaking, Zhou Ying already had an extra mutated soul weapon in her hand.

Zhou Ying is good at ambushes. Zhang Lie just took a step, and the scene in this hall was replaced by a bamboo forest.

Zhou Ying is a rather shy person, and her fighting style is also the same.

Zhang Lie looked around with interest, his eyes were full of approval.

"Captain, it's not a good habit for you to look around!"

When the words fell, Zhou Ying held the gun in both hands and slammed it toward the ground.


The wind whistled softly, and Zhang Lie's whole body was immediately enveloped by dozens of green lights.

This month, Zhang Lieke has been hunting super genetic beasts.

Although the fighting instinct has not returned to the peak state of the previous life, it is still impossible for an attack of this level to touch the corner of his clothes.

After a few simple sideways, it seems that after avoiding the Cuimang by the slightest, the body shrinks and flashes through the layers of blades.


He had just pierced through the clump blade, and countless green bamboo leaves had rushed forward like sharp flying knives.

Facing the sharp bamboo leaves like a storm, Zhang Lie waved his left arm lightly, and the source force spit out tiny ripples.


The ripples collided with the bamboo leaves, and the bamboo leaves flew all over the sky.

At this moment, a touch of emerald needles, which were extremely imperceptible, shot Zhang Lie silently from the bamboo leaves in the sky.


With a loud bang, Zhang Lie tapped his index finger lightly, and the green needle was blocked to reveal his figure.

In fact, there is no green needle, but it is Zhou Ying's spear.

"One finger! Team Zhang, you too…"

"Zhou Ying, you are very good. You have made great progress, far exceeding my expectations!"

Zhou Ying pouted a little aggrieved, but before she could express this little emotion, she immediately disappeared under Zhang Lie's praise.

"Really? Captain Zhang, you're not trying to comfort me, are you?"

Being highly recognized by Zhang Lie, Zhou Ying naturally smiled happily, but she was always shy and a little less confident.

"Of course, have I panicked at you?"

"Thank you for your affirmation, Zhou Ying will definitely work harder in the future and never fail your cultivation!"

Men die for those who are confidants, and women are honored for those who please them.

Zhang Lie affirmed again, which moved Zhou Ying a little.

One Zhou Ying had already surprised him, and there were still four people in the big training room.

At this moment, Zhang Lie couldn't wait to see what kind of super meal these four people prepared for him.