Chapter 90 Appetizers

Chu family, conference room.

Chu Feng and all the high-level Chu family are all located in it.

On the light and shadow meter in the conference room, a scene of white flames soaring into the sky is showing up repeatedly.

A group of high-level executives were chatting and discussing while watching, and they also swept to the door from time to time, as if they were waiting for something.

At this moment, two Chu clan spies rushed in quickly.

All the executives in the conference room immediately focused their attention, and the impatient Chu Feng couldn't wait to say, "Come on, tell me what's going on!"

"Young Master, judging from the reactions of the major families in Liaocheng, there should be no doubt that the relics of the predecessors were born!"

"The ruins of the ancestors of Liaocheng? Do you know who it is?"

The two spies shook their heads in unison, "My subordinates don't know!

"What was the reaction of the major families in Liaocheng?" Chu Feng asked again.

"Get out of the nest immediately, no accident, it should be coming soon!"

"Well, it came out in full force, it seems that this ruin has some background!"

Hearing what his intelligence officer said, Chu Feng muttered to himself, and then said, "You two, stand by at the door!"


Facing the Young Master's order, the two Chu clan spies didn't dare to hesitate at all, and immediately left the conference room with a respectful response.

"Father, what do you think about this?"

After understanding the situation, Chu Feng tilted his head to look at Chu Lin beside him, wanting to hear his opinion.

"There are many strong people from Liaocheng, among them, the famous ones, Eclipse, Demon Eye, and Gray Light, have all been confirmed to perish!"

"The eclipse of the moon is even included in the Sumeru Ceremony. If the relics of this birth belong to one of them, the Liaocheng city will be turned upside down!"

"Huaxia's top family, the local big forces in Liaocheng, will definitely rush over!"

"How can our Chu family be absent from such a grand event?"

As soon as Chu Lin came to this conclusion, Chu Feng's face was already full of joy.

Obviously, father and son thought of it together.

In fact, at this moment, the family that received the news and was going to rush to it immediately was more than just a Chu family?

In Kyoto, the Yun Family Conference Room, the same scene was staged again.

After all, Liaocheng is not too far from Kyoto, and a short-distance transmission can reach it directly.

This is the case with the Yun family, as are the other big clans in Kyoto.

Of course, Zhang Lie and the others who were exploring in the Eclipse Castle would naturally not know what happened outside the ruins.

Because now they are preparing to accept the first inheritance of the eclipse ruins.

Pushing open the bronze gate of the castle, there is a deep corridor in front of you.

On both sides of the promenade, two rows of retro robots stand with swords, which are quite majestic.

"Boss, this first test will not be these antique robots, right?"

Seeing this scene, Yang Ze couldn't help but stand up.

After all, no matter how majestic these robots are, there is no denying that they are indeed antique.

Zhang Lie chuckled and said, "Hehe, yes, it seems that you despise these old antiques? Then you can try it first!"

Yang Ze could hear Zhang Lie's joke, but after looking at the old-style robot in front of him, he immediately said proudly: "Just try it, just try it, I really don't believe it!"


The words fell, and Yang Ze had already stepped into the corridor.

"Warning, find the intruder, start expelling!"

"Warning, find the intruder, start…"

The moment Yang Ze stepped into the corridor, the eyes of the two outermost robots flashed red.

With two swoops, the two alloy long swords had already clashed into a fire fork, which was pushed towards Yang Ze at a high speed.


Haikou has already boasted that Yang Ze would not be cowardly at this time.

The arm trembled, and a mutated soul martial long sword was firmly blocked in front of him.

However, the terrifying power on the fire fork directly forked Yang Ze out of the corridor.


Everyone was amazed in unison. From their point of view, Yang Ze was forked out almost as soon as he stepped in.

"Are these robots so strong?" Fang Yi asked suspiciously.

Zhang Lie smiled: "That's right, don't look at them as antiques, but in fact, I am afraid that all of these internal drives and technical procedures have been transformed by Wuzun Eclipse!"

Experts can know if they have it as soon as they reach out. Although Yang Ze was a little careless just now, he could already feel the powerful power of these robots after a short battle.

But he was forked out with a single blow, and Yang Ze was still somewhat dissatisfied, and he was about to rush in again as soon as the sword was raised in his hand.

"Okay, with your current strength, it's difficult to break through their Eclipse Moon Sword Formation. If you force a pass, you're likely to be injured, so watch carefully!"

Zhang Lie grabbed Yang Ze and shook his wrist at the same time, and the Purple Poison Nether Sword appeared on the palm of his hand.

At the moment when the strange ghost sword appeared, Zhang Lie shot into the corridor at high speed like a purple thunder.

"Warning, find the intruder, start expelling!"

"Warning, find the intruder, start expelling!"

"Warning, found…"


Zhang Lie was so fast that he rushed to the middle of the corridor in an instant.

At the same time, more than a dozen robots in the corridor rang out their alarm bells instantly, red flames ignited all over their bodies, and they all rushed towards Zhang Lie furiously.

Their long swords overlapped each other, or dashed forward on the ground, or slid against the wall, or flew in the air, instantly forming a huge sword net, sealing all the space where Zhang Lie could move.

However, seeing them react like this, not only did Zhang Lie not panic at all, but a faint smile appeared on his face.

In fact, the reason why he rushed forward was that he wanted to gather them together, so that he could solve it one by one.

After all, he is also quite enthusiastic about the peerless and attributeless "Eclipse Moon".

"Torrential – Drizzle!"

With a low shout, Zhang Lie's source energy exploded in an instant under the sword net cover, and his right arm and hand disappeared instantly.

At the same time, countless purple drizzle suddenly exploded all over his body.

The crisp impact and the sour squeezing sound resounded throughout the corridor in an instant.

"Boom bang bang…!"

In the huge muffled sound, a dozen or so flaming robots were thrown to the ground at extreme speed almost at the moment they came around.

All the dust settled, all the fallen robots had a small purple-black hole between their eyebrows, and no one got up.

The source of terror, the unpredictable swordsmanship, and the robots scattered all over the place, made everyone standing at the entrance of the promenade once again aware of the gap between them and Zhang Lie.

"Zhou Ying, if you remember correctly, you should have learned advanced mechanics, so let them clean up the battlefield!"

"The core of these robots also has some value!"

Seeing that everyone was stunned again, Zhang Lie immediately asked them to clean up the battlefield.


At such a moment, everyone will naturally no longer be stupid and act quickly.

After the robot was cut off by Zhang Lie's sword, the flames of its entire body had already been extinguished, revealing its silver-white metallic body again.

Everyone also quickly learned how to open the chest and take the core. In just a few breaths, the battlefield was cleaned up and returned to Zhang Lie.

These robots on the promenade are just appetizers.

Walking through the promenade, everyone came to a small square.

In the center of the square stands a huge statue, a man with a huge sword slashing his shoulders and looking at the world.

Male, middle-aged, with a giant sword, and with a serene and cold charm, plus appearing here, this statue should be the original image of Wuzun Eclipse.

Below the statue, unpruned flowers and plants grow wildly, making the whole small square look a bit messy.

"Boss, is this the Eclipse Moon Martial Lord?"