Chapter 94 Fighting poison with poison


After a short period of darkness, Zhang Lie appeared in a small underground stone room.

The stone room is not big, the stone lamps on the walls are dim, and there is a person in the corner.

Or should I say, sitting on a skeleton.

To be honest, this so-called heritage treasure house made Zhang Lie feel a little disappointed.

After all, given the ostentation of the castle before, this underground treasure house of inheritance is a bit shabby.

You must know that this is the inheritance treasure house of Wu Zun Eclipse, and it shouldn't be like this, not to mention the splendor.

However, no matter what Zhang Lie thinks, this is the treasure house of the inheritance of Wuzun Eclipse.

I glanced left and right, and there were no treasures piled up like mountains, and I didn't see any cultivation technique inheritance scrolls.

In this so-called heritage treasure house, apart from the skeleton, no one has anything superfluous.

After a careful search, Zhang Lie finally turned his attention to the skeleton.

In his previous life, he did come to this ruin, but he never came to this heritage treasure house.

But after the treasure house of inheritance was opened, a guy who claimed to be the descendant of Wuzun Eclipse appeared.

That person not only mastered the eclipse moon field, but also learned the Luoyue Spirit Fire Sword.

It's a pity that this guy has a bad mind and finally died under the arbitration after the beast tide in the alien space.

The eclipse field has also been lost!

However, after staring at the jade-colored skeleton for a long time, Zhang Lie still did not find anything.

There is no extra-dimensional space on the phalanx to bring out to accommodate the equipment, and the clothes on the body are also ordinary without the slightest difference.

This situation makes Zhang Lie a little crazy.

After all, he spent a long time, but he came to the eclipse moon field.

What is the current situation, do you want to go home empty-handed?

Zhang Lie began to rummage around, but he was out of respect for the deceased.

His movements were extremely careful, and he hardly touched each other again.

"What, are you disappointed?"

After some searching, Zhang Lie's face became more and more disappointed, but it was at this moment.

Inside the small stone room, the lights suddenly went out, and a soft white moonlight shone down.

Under the moonlight, a heroic shadow slowly appeared in front of Zhang Lie.

A faintly visible majestic face, a large uniform, and a sharp sword.

Let Zhang Lie immediately determine his identity the moment he sees him.

"Eclipse Moon Wuzun!"

"Yes, it's me!"

"I'm going, can you still talk? You…is this a human or a ghost?"

"Haha, it's not a human, it's not a ghost, it's an afterimage!"

"Afterimage? Can the afterimage communicate normally?"

"This is a bit troublesome to explain, time is precious now, you can think of me as a highly intelligent AI!"

Zhang Lie was a little speechless, but the Moon Eclipse Wuzun took the trouble to give a simple explanation.

"Okay, Lord Eclipse Moon Wuzun, I'm sorry to disturb your long sleep!"

"As a great being who has made countless contributions to mankind, you should know my purpose!"

"Of course, you're here for Eclipse, right?"

"That's right, your eclipse of the moon has a very terrifying effect on the dissolving of the source of genetic beasts. It's a pity that it was lost!"

When the two asked and answered, they were quite frank.

The afterimage of Wuzun Eclipse said with a slight smile, "Hehe, you are not polite at all!"

""The Eclipse" and the derived eclipse field, that is my lifelong effort, why do you think that I will pass it on to you?"

Zhang Lie raised the corner of his mouth, "Why? You left this space and your heroic deeds!"

Eclipse Moon Wuzun smiled even more, "Haha, good boy, it suits my taste, you must have done your homework before coming here!"

"If that's the case, then I won't go around in circles and accept the final test!"

The words of Wu Zun Eclipse made Zhang Lie a little surprised.

After all, they had just chatted a couple of times, and the other party didn't know him at all, so it was about to be tested?

However, Zhang Lie didn't have to think about it, when Wu Zun Eclipse's words fell.

The four walls of the entire underground stone room were suddenly filled with strange flame runes.

The unparalleled terrifying coercion directly acted on his body, almost not pressing him directly to the ground.


With a loud explosion, Zhang Lie almost instinctively burst out his source power under such terrifying pressure.

The black devil snake appeared and protected him in the formation.

However, at the moment when his source power exploded, he immediately noticed the abnormality.

He clearly felt that his body surface and even the source energy in his body were rapidly dissolving!

That's right, ablation, or disintegration!

At this moment, he was coiled on the black devil snake in the center, and a faint black mist was floating.

This strange ablation method… Eclipse Moon Realm! ?

Zhang Lie was shocked, but then he was full of excitement.

That's right, this strange ablation method must be the realm of the eclipse!

After personally experiencing the so-called eclipse field, he is bound to acquire this set of exercises.

There's no way, this thing fits too well with his Rank 2 Demon Snake Transformation.

Of course, these are all later stories.

At the moment, he must first find a way to slow down the speed of the source power dissolving.

Otherwise, at the current rate of ablation, within five minutes, his source power will be completely dissolved.

Even, not only the source power, but even the gene core will have problems after a long time.

Moreover, if you can't pass this test and get the approval of Wuzun Eclipse, you won't be able to get this exercise.

How to do?

What can be done to delay or even inhibit the source of ablation?

Under the full eruption of the source power, the speed of the source power ablation seems to be faster.

However, if the source power is not released, the body must bear the extremely terrifying pressure.

This eclipse field is really difficult to deal with.

For a time, Zhang Lie had a lot of thoughts, but he just couldn't come up with any plan.

The source power is melting faster and faster, and if you can't think of a way, you will be out soon.

However, it is useless to be anxious. The more critical the moment, the more you need to think calmly.

Thinking of this, Zhang Lie immediately sat down calmly.

He began to slowly feel the ablation of the source of the body surface, or the subtle changes at the moment of being stripped.

It is a delicate process like ant gnawing!

That's right, it's ant bite!

And the more turbulent the source power erupts, the faster the speed of decomposing and gnawing, I guessed it right before.

With this conclusion, Zhang Lie immediately contracted the source force and compressed them all into the gene nucleus.

But in doing so, the body is directly exposed to terror.

Zhang Lie's body trembled slightly.

Fortunately, he is already full of Void genes, and his body has been strengthened by extreme genes.

If you change to other Void Realm Gene Warriors, I am afraid that you will be crushed into serious injuries in the moment of withdrawing the source power.

After barely enduring the coercion, Zhang Lie's nine-transformation and magic-snake-transformation techniques in Zhang Lie's body instantly turned to the extreme.

The body instantly turned into a single piece of iron, and all the source energy was condensed in the gene nucleus.

The whole person turned into another source of corrosion.

Fighting poison with poison and decomposing with corrosion is the only method Zhang Lie can think of at the moment.