Chapter 102 Back to Beijing together

what's the situation?

Are you being so confused by yourself?

For a while, Zhang Quan couldn't accept this result!

He just took it, and he couldn't even see Zhang Lie's movements. In fact, under the obscurity of smoke, almost everyone present could not see clearly.

However, the source power is a derivative of the body. Zhang Quan mixed the source power to condense the huge palm, but the perception is very clear.

That arrogant, domineering, but strangely corrosive magical wave of light was the root cause of his instant disintegration of his source power.

This man… and myself are completely two levels of existence!


Seeing that Zhang Quan not only did not agree, but his eyes were still rolling, Zhang Lie immediately knocked him out with a flick of his finger.

Zhang Quan's straight down collapse means Zhang Lie's victory.

Different from the situation when Chu Feng won, except for Chu Feng Yunbing, who knew his strength, and the members of his own team, everyone else, including the uncles of the major families, were shocked and could not tell. words come.

This kid… pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger!

At this time, Chu Zhennan finally understood why Yun Bing and Chu Feng supported Zhang Lie so much, and even that little girl Yun Bing was desperate to keep this Zhang Lie.

After a full ten seconds of silence, the Yun Chu family broke out with a huge cheer.

"Hahaha! Brother Lie, you can do it with a snap of your fingers. It's too perverted!"

After calmly walking back to the team, Chu Feng immediately laughed and ridiculed.

Yun Bing didn't speak, but his eyes were full of brilliance.

At this moment, Zhang Lie's heroic gesture was deeply imprinted in her mind.

As for the two little girls, Chu Xun and Yun Meng, they were hanging directly on Zhang Lie's arms, shouting loudly.

On the other hand, which side of the Liaocheng forces was completely dumbfounded.

Everyone's expressions were as ugly as if they had been forcibly fed a few mouthfuls of flies.

Disgusting, too Nima is disgusting!

Who would have thought that this World War II would be such a result?

What is the origin of Zhang Lie? A guy with Zhang Quan's strength can make a move in seconds?

This Nima, are you sure it's not cheating?

In fact, under the supervision of so many eyes and uncles of various families, cheating is obviously unrealistic.

Right now, I can only smash my teeth and swallow it.

But they jumped up and said they were going to fight this bet. Now that the loss is so ugly, there is still a face to stay here.

After a few simple sentences, all the power lords except the four major families in Liaocheng quickly left the ruins after taking a deep look at Zhang Lie.

"Hoo! Finally gone!"

Seeing everyone leave, Zhang Lie finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Yun Bing said with a grumpy smile: "Okay, in front of us, don't act, I don't think you've ever worried!"

"Who said that, there are so many of them, it's really troublesome to fight!"

Speaking of this, Zhang Lie did have a way to escape. After all, he was most familiar with the terrain of the ruins.

If you really can't be kind, it's no problem to get out on your own, but Fang Yi and Su Mengmeng are left hanging.

"Alright! Alright! Let's be serious, no matter what, I have to thank you all this time!"

"These few exercises are good, you guys take them!"

The reason why the Yun and Chu families were able to protect Zhang Lie from death was that they had seen through the fact that those big families did not dare to go to war rashly.

The second is the value of Zhang Lie, which is worth their favor.

After that is friendship.

Zhang Lie also saw through Yun Bing and Chu Feng's thoughts, but no matter what the reason was, it was already commendable for them to be able to do this.

Especially Yun Bing, who even took out the black goods of absolute darkness at a critical time, it can be said that he overwhelmed everything.

Even if they don't want to order anything, the elders in the family will never allow them to return empty-handed.

Taking such a big risk, it should be rewarded by reason and reason.

Although for these big families, the exercises are not very valuable, but the things left by Wuzun Eclipse, no matter how common they are, must have their own uniqueness.

Zhang Lie didn't talk nonsense, he directly took out two exercises and put them in front of them.

"Wind Movement" and "Yunji" are at the peak level, and they are two of the seven peak exercises in the last inheritance of Wuzun Eclipse.

He wouldn't get acquainted with Chu Feng and Yun Bing if there was no benefit, but from some previous transactions, Zhang Lie had already initially agreed with the two.

"Why, I don't like peak-level exercises? Then I can put them away!"

"This is another kind of augmentation practice besides the main practice, right?"

The two of them wanted to shirk the blame for a while and continue to keep Zhang Lie's favor. How could they know that Zhang Lie would not take this kind of trick at all.

The posture is to put away the exercises and not talk about them, and also intends to reveal the characteristics of the exercises, and the two of them can't sit still immediately.

In fact, not to mention them, the two clan uncles around them were also a little bit unbearable.

"Big brother! Big brother! Brother lie! Don't! Aren't we polite!"

As soon as the voice fell, Chu Feng immediately used his shadowless hand to directly touch the "Wind Movement".

Yun Bing calmly took away "Yunji".

As people of two lives, Zhang Lie can naturally hold their minds, and putting away the exercises is purely to scare them.

He has always paid for his kindness and avenged his revenge.

This time they helped him, and it was considered a real favor other than trading, so these two exercises were deserved by the Yun family and the Chu family.

Even if they don't want it, Zhang Lie will still stop at the end.

The farce is over and the spoils are divided, and it's time to say goodbye.

"Okay, that's all for today, thank you for your help today, we'll be in Japan for a long time, see you soon!"

When the words fell, Zhang Lie was about to leave with his team, but was stopped by the uncles of the Chu Yun family.

"Little friend stay!"

During the whole process just now, Zhang Lie, Chu Feng, and Yun Bing were all communicating, but the two old men didn't say anything.

The two exercises really won the hearts of the two elders.

And the other party is not only sensible, but also has extraordinary potential, and it is already worth making friends with Yun and Chu.

"Little friend, we have been in the capital with the Zhou, Hao, and Qian families for decades, and we are quite familiar with each other!"

"It shouldn't be so easy for them to give up. To be on the safe side, go back to Kyoto with us and then teleport away!"

At this point, if Zhang Lie doesn't understand, he will live in vain.

Indeed, this is the relic of Wuzun Eclipse!

They also know that they have obtained the inheritance. If they leave so easily, I am afraid they will not be able to make a difference when they go back?

Here, the Yun and Chu families are guarding, and they have made an oath. Naturally, it is hard to say more, but it does not mean that they have given up.

After all, no matter how strong Zhang Lie is, he is still only a junior.

If the other party insists on targeting, if the uncles of the three big families lose face and bully the small, Zhang Lie really can't handle it.

In this way, Zhang Lie immediately said sincerely: "I was negligent, thank you two uncles for reminding me, then it is better to be respectful than to obey!"