Chapter 104 Fighting Insects

At this time, among the high-rise buildings in Kyoto, bugs and humans were slaughtering everywhere.

Several minutes have passed since the Zerg broke through the air, and countless genetic warriors stood up. Low

The military has also initially established a line of defense, and the families of all sizes in Kyoto are also united in their efforts to resist the invasion of the Zerg,

The casualties of civilians in Kyoto have been reduced a lot, and a steady stream of military gene warriors have been transmitted from the teleportation array.

The scene was temporarily in a stalemate.

"Damn it! It's a critical moment! Are you all fucking eating!? Hit me up with all those bugs in the sky! Don't let them get close to the teleportation array!"

Beside the teleportation array, countless blue-winged worms are strafing the teleportation hall like a wingman.

The soldier with a national character roared angrily, and the guns in his hands kept jutting, obviously red-eyed.

Their appearance immediately gathered all the genetic warriors who were sticking to the teleportation formation.

At this time, what everyone needs is unity, fighting each other like a piece of sand, and the teleportation hall will be captured sooner or later.

There was no official participation before. Although everyone fought against the enemy together, no one obeyed the other, let alone obeyed anyone's orders.

The emergence of the federal government's military can justifiably gather everyone's strength and allocate tasks reasonably.

After a while, the situation around him temporarily stabilized.

Li Tian, the commander-in-chief of the military brigade, immediately summoned all the team leaders and gathered outside the teleportation hall.

"Hello everyone, I'm Li Tian, the third head of the Kyoto garrison team. I'm here to protect the Eastern Teleportation Array by order from a superior!"

"Hey Captain Li, since he's an official, come out and preside over the overall situation!"

"Yeah, Zerg is not easy to deal with, if one is not good, Kyoto will have to finish!"

The appearance of Li Tian gave the leaders of all parties the backbone.

"Hahaha! Good! Everyone is good!"

"So, let's get to know each other briefly and connect the communicator!"

"Boy! I think you were very eye-catching in killing insects just now. What's your name?"

"Zhang Lie!"

Zhang Lie did not expect that he would be the first to be named, and his simple and straightforward response made everyone remember this seemingly weak young man.

Next, with a few simple operations, Li Tian connected Zhang Lie's communication watch to the official channel.

And Zhou Hong, Yun Bing, Chu Feng, and the leaders of all parties joined the teleportation array defense frequency band at Li Tian.

After a simple exchange, everyone also has a certain understanding of each other's strength.

In the entire teleportation array, the strongest are the uncles of the Yun and Chu families, namely Chu Zhennan and Yun Zhongzheng.

Both of them are full of super genes in the Shura world. The ordinary dog bugs and blue-winged bugs that appear at the moment can be said to be one of them in your hand.

If you don't consider the consumption, the two can defend the attack from one side.

No, now Chu Zhennan is facing Li Tian and asked: "Time is running out, let's discuss how to resist the next wave of Zerg attacks!"

"Through the test just now, they already have a certain understanding of the current defensive strength of this teleportation point!"

"Then they attack, it will only become more and more difficult to deal with!"

Chu Zhennan, who was covered in red and green juice, had obviously killed countless insects in the previous battle, but the old man's eyes flashed with determination.

Li Tian paused and snuffed out the cigarette butt in his hand.

"Well, the battle between the military and the Zerg is not once or twice. This is their usual tactic!"

"In the beginning, it was cannon fodder to test the water. After most of our medicinal pills are consumed, some elites will be dispatched!"

"The wave just now wasn't even a test, it was at most foreplay. It is estimated that the overwhelming number of bugs will come soon."

"Next, let me arrange the specific personnel guarded by all parties!"

Then, Li Tian took all the thousands of people present at the fastest speed, front, back, left, right, sky, and five directions.

Zhang Lie and the others, as juniors, were finally assigned to the north side, where the pressure was the least.

Just as Li Tian had just set it up, and before everyone had time to take their seats, the sound of violent arthropod collisions and the flapping of wings sounded from all directions.

The second round of the Zerg offensive is here!

"Everyone! Hurry up to the designated position, the most common bugs are still here, everyone try to retain the source and physical strength! Leave it to us first!"

As soon as the voice fell, the two ordinary insects, the dog bug and the green wing bug, were like waves and dark clouds, and they came towards the teleportation array at high speed.

The gun that Li Tian had never put down in his hand roared again.

At the same time, his soldiers with high-tech weapons immediately opened fire to meet the enemy.

And although he said so, but who would stand by and watch, everyone entered a fighting stance in an instant.

They are based on the teleportation formation walls of all sides, some long-range attackers or those who use firearms stand in the middle, and on the periphery are some good hands in close combat.

kill kill kill!

Everyone present had this idea in their hearts, and in just one second, humans and Zerg collided again.

The guns roared, and the source was surging. In this battlefield where technology and source coexisted, countless flesh and blood were flying. Zerg and humans were all red-eyed. I don't know how long it took, or the surrounding comrades. who is still alive.

Gradually, there are fewer and fewer bugs, and fewer and fewer humans.

Fortunately, the teleportation formation was not broken, and there were always reinforcements from other cities pouring out to join the battle.

"Huh! After a wave of melee, China Post has beaten back another wave of worms!"

Li Tian leaned on a broken wall and watched the insects flying far away in the sky, knowing that the next battle was coming soon.

In the battle just now, most of the people who had previously communicated with China Unicom in the garrison communication band had been killed or injured.

For example, the Chu Yun family, who have always been friends, still suffered serious casualties under the tacit cooperation and the care of the two clan uncles.

And that week, the uncles of Hao and Qian San's family were not here, so it was naturally more miserable than the Chu Yun family at this moment.

On Zhang Lie's side, due to Zhang Lie's proper command and low defensive pressure, the losses were minimal.


The sound like a maggot in the tarsus mobilized everyone's fighting spirit again. Li Tian boldly patted the dust on his buttocks, took the muzzle that had just cooled down, and aimed at the blue-winged worm at the front. .


"Here again! Kill!"

Another wave of defensive battles started!

I don't know how long it has passed, and how many worms died under his sword. Zhang Lie is already a little numb from killing him now. above.

So do others…

Chu Feng kept stabbing the sword in his hand, and Yun Bing kept opening his bow to shoot arrows one after another, shooting into the heads of the Zerg.

Li Tian's finger on the trigger seems to have never loosened…

Finally, under everyone's defense, the second wave of insects was also blocked by them.

And this time, the casualties were even more severe.

Even the Chu Yun family killed and injured a lot of their disciples, and Zhang Lie's team, Yang Ze and Zhou Ying, were seriously injured!

The rest, except Zhang Lie, were all injured, but only slightly.

And this time, the Zerg didn't even give them time to breathe, and the overwhelming insect swarm shrouded the world again.

"That's the blue flame worm!"

"Inktail worm!"

"Netherwind Insect!"

In the teleportation formation guard brigade, people kept exclaiming.

These are the bugs they have only seen in books, but at this moment they appear in front of them at such a close distance.

A kind of terrifying oppression that made them feel like they were suffocating.

Too strong, these are elite bugs!

On the other hand, Zhang Lie, not only did not panic, on the contrary, he was a little excited.

Because he knows that the appearance of the elite means that the war is coming to an end.

If they can survive this wave, then victory!

On the contrary, it is turned into insect food.

"Everyone! Work harder! The last wave!"

Li Tian directly threw away the gun in his hand, and the source of terror burst into the swarm with extreme speed.

At the same time, all the masters who were reserved before, also at this moment, burst out with all their power and took the initiative to charge up.

The final battle has begun! !