Chapter 106 Killing the Center


With a loud bang, the Styx River poured out. Although the three-star ink tail could be avoided, the ordinary ink tail was unavoidable. Hundreds of ordinary ink tail worms instantly melted into the blood-colored Styx.

Even so, Zhang Lie was still dissatisfied, because his goal from beginning to end was only one, and that was Samsung Mowei.

Because at this moment, he has used his cards to his full potential. If he can't solve the opponent in a short time, he will be the one who will be solved in a while.


There was a wolf howl, the world shook, and the Samsung Mowei just got out of the Styx attack range, and Zhang Lie followed like a shadow.

"Wave Fist: Destruction!"

With a roar, before waiting for the other party to react, Zhang Lie's left hand was full of blue veins, and a bursting uppercut punched.


Punching out the dragon whistling bursts, a blood-colored mad dragon, violently slammed on San Mowei.


With a muffled sound, the Samsung ink tail flew up like a meteor.

The wind whistled, and the three-meter-high Sanxing Mowei, with its chin raised in the air, naturally attracted the attention of countless people on the battlefield.


Under the wall of the teleportation hall, the military commander of the northern battlefield also immediately discovered the fighter.

His reaction was very fast, and he gave an order almost as soon as the Samsung Ink Tail flew into the air.

"Sniper! Quickly give support! Destroy its eyes!"

"Bang! Bang! Bang…!"

Dozens of huge air-breaking sounds formed together, and more than 20 God-destroying snipers at the top of the teleportation hall pulled the trigger together.

Dozens of lines of fire cut through the space in an instant, and almost at the same time as the sound rang out, the twelve compound eyes of Samsung Mowei were shot.

"Crack… bang bang bang!"

But Samsung Mowei is an elite worm after all, and he immediately senses the danger when he takes off.

The spikes on the head suddenly grew violently, turning the entire head into a jungle of spikes, blocking most of the god-destroying bullets.

However, this God-destroying bullet, as one of the military's ultimate weapons against alien monsters, is by no means a plaything.

Although most of them were unsuccessful under the desperate defense of Samsung Mowei, there were still a few bullets that pierced through the shattered spikes and shot into the eyes of Samsung Mowei.

The three eyes in the twelve compound eyes of Samsung Mowei instantly turned into three coke holes.

It's a pity that the Zerg's vitality is tenacious. Although the three-star ink tail was injured, it did not lose his life.

Instead, it became more brutal because of the injury.

The huge pain in the eye socket caused it to let out a shrill scream, and the spikes and poisonous needles all over the body erupted, turning the whole body into a green ball of light.


With a bang, the ball of light burst, and the poisonous needles and thorns were like the sunlight illuminating the earth, launching an indiscriminate attack.

"Monster Sword Dragon Bite!"

At this moment, in a low roar, a terrifying blood-colored dragon swept out with lightning from below, swallowing the bursting green light ball in one bite.

A fine crackling sound came from the mouth of the blood-colored dragon.

What's surprising is that Samsung Mowei's full force erupted, but it failed to break the dragon bite for a while, and was even completely suppressed.

The terrifying corrosive water source is frantically eroding and squeezing the Samsung ink tail.

Its beetles began to crack, soften, and even fall off, and blood oozes faintly from its eyes, nose, mouth, and seven orifices.

Under such a deadly threat, Samsung Mowei is naturally even more crazy!

It began to urge the spikes on the body surface and the poisonous needles in the mouth at all costs, and a more terrifying poisonous needle storm broke out.

The fine impact sound became more and more intense, and the green ball of light in the red mad dragon's mouth became more and more intense.


With a loud bang, the blood-colored mad dragon could not escape its fate after all, and the red mist covered the sky and the sun.

At the same time, the green ball of light that had just erupted with all its strength was temporarily dimmed.

But this is not yet, in the howling of the wind, a blood-colored figure pierced through the red water mist and shot directly at the head of Samsung Mowei.


The sword force like a wave fell along with Zhang Lie's explosion.

At this moment, Zhang Lie is at the end of his force, and Samsung Mowei is in the gap period of the poison sac after the outbreak.

This gap period is no more than ten seconds at most!

In this short ten seconds, this three-star ink tail was unable to spawn stingers in batches, and its attack ability was reduced to a minimum, which was the only chance for Zhang Lie to kill him.

Once missed, life and death are ectopic.

Therefore, Zhang Lie even took the initiative to close the Aoki Werewolf illusion that was protecting his body, and channeled all the source power into the Purple Poison Nether Sword in his hand.

The whole person shot out like a monster meteor.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa…!"

The wind whistled softly, and Samsung Mowei, who was in a weak state, managed to shoot three green light poison needles, showing a pin-shaped lasing to Zhang Lie, or forcing him to change direction.

What disappointed him was that Zhang Lie didn't change direction at all, and didn't even make any defensive moves.

However, a set of glass-shaped soft armor suddenly appeared on the body surface.

"Clap clap clap…!"

With three muffled sounds, Samsung Mowei's three poisonous needles all hit the target, but it is a pity that these three poisonous needles did not cause fatal damage to Zhang Lie.

One of them burst into the head, and even pierced the glass armor that Zhang Lie's white liquid jade worm soul jade transformed into.

The two sticks in the chest pierced Zhang Lie's body, but they only pierced the skin and did not hurt the internal organs. They could only be regarded as minor injuries.

Everything happened between the electric light and flint. At this moment, Samsung Mowei's body is in an irrepressible state of falling.

It can be considered as poor as a donkey, falling into absolute passiveness.


With a roar, under Zhang Lie's meteor thrust, the two sides crashed to the ground like a meteorite.

At the same time, the Purple Poison Nether Sword in Zhang Lie's hand finally pierced into the eye socket of Samsung Mowei as he wished.


In the dust, Samsung Mowei burst into an extremely miserable neigh, and a dark green blood column rose into the sky.

A sword poured into the brain, and the strong acid-like corrosive source was surging, and the head of Samsung Mowei was instantly corrupted and exploded, and the dead can't die again!

And its last miserable cry shocked the entire northern swarm, and even the human side.

For the Zerg, Samsung Blacktail is the control center of the northern battlefield, and its death immediately throws the Zerg into chaos.

For the guarded humans, it is natural to be very happy to see this scene, because of the sudden death of the center, their defensive pressure has been cut by more than half.

"Haha, dead! Samsung Mowei is dead!"


"Zhang Lie, great job!"

"Haha, good boy, he really succeeded!"

"Zhang Lie? Who is this kid? The defender on our north side?"

"I looked very young before? Is it that strong? One person can handle the three-star ink tail, and the future is bright!"

"Oh! Oh! Oh!"

"Wang Wang…!"


In an instant, on the human side, there was an explosion of cheers.

At the same time, among the insect swarms, there was a huge scream because of the death of Samsung Mowei.

However, after a short period of chaos, the Zerg who lost their center showed a strong execution.

They reacted immediately and rushed towards Zhang Lie, whose source power was depleted.