Chapter 108 Loaded with Honor

The previous performance of Zhang Lie and others is obvious to all.

To be honest, it would be too chilling if they were buried in the sea of worms at this moment.


Amid the loud shouts of killing, dozens of teams jumped into the sea of worms like dumplings, turning into a dragon and dashing in the direction of Zhang Lie.

"Brothers, there is help, cheer up, we can definitely go out!"


Zhang Lie's loud shout caused everyone's somewhat confused eyes to focus again.

Everyone in the team broke out with all their strength again, making the team's forward speed a little faster.

On the other side, seeing Zhang Lie and others moving forward at such a speed, the rescue team became even more crazy.

The original 30-second journey was only 10 seconds, and the rescue team came to Zhang Lie and others.

In a critical situation, there was no courtesy or thanks. As soon as the two sides converged, they immediately retreated quickly under the cover of military fire.

At the same time, more and more powerhouses rushed out of the teleportation array.

After losing the center, the fighting power of the northern Zerg was significantly reduced, and humans gradually took the initiative in the battlefield, and even began to push back slowly.

However, Zhang Lie and even most of the team could not see these situations.

Except for Zhou Ying, the other five people passed out one after another when they returned to the safe area.

The battle was too brutal, and there were at least hundreds of wounds on their bodies.

Such a wound, the amount of bleeding alone is enough for them to drink a pot.

If it were ordinary people, they would have already lost their blood and died. Fortunately, they are all genetic warriors, and their self-healing ability is quite strong, so they can save their lives.

"Medical team, hurry up, save people!"

Zhou Ying immediately shouted and urged, and the military medical team rushed over immediately.

Zhang Lie didn't know what happened after that, because after this battle, he was in a coma for two days before waking up.

However, according to Zhou Ying, the battle to defend the capital was finally won.

The Zerg, from the deployed soldiers to the star warships, were all annihilated by the human powerhouses.

The Heavenly Emperor Lei Heng, one of the three great emperors of mankind, came in person and destroyed all the Zerg battleships outside the wormhole with just one move of Heavenly Punishment.

Let his reputation on the earth reach its peak in an instant.

However, war is war, and even the victorious side has paid a very painful price for it.

According to incomplete statistics, the casualty rate of civilians in Kyoto reached 50% in this battle, and the casualty rate of genetic warriors who spontaneously guarded reached 40%.

The death and injury rate of the military genetic warriors of the Kyoto garrison reached 60%, and various facilities and buildings were extensively damaged, resulting in extremely heavy losses.

This is still the result of countless people, regardless of their own safety, guarding them with all their might.

Without these people, the capital might have been completely reduced to ruins. Therefore, in addition to the Emperor Leiheng, many people have also been characterized as heroes.

For example, Liu Xi, the King of Gale, who will perish with the five-star Netherwind Insect, and Fu Yifang, the King of Yan who killed the five-star Blue Wingworm by himself.

Another example is Zhang Lie, who solved the three-star black tail alone, and Wang Xiaofan, a military master who died with the five-star dog and insect king, and so on. Therefore, the war is famous throughout China and even the entire human world of the Federation.

Their heroic performance in battle was highly praised after the war.

The federal government and the Chinese government also rewarded their performance in the war at the first time.

For example, Zhang Lie at this moment, just after listening to Zhou Ying's report, the ward was surrounded by water.

The federal government and the Chinese government almost immediately sent people over to express their condolences as soon as they received the news.

"Haha, as expected of our hero Long Lang Zhang Lie, he can go to the ground in two days with such a serious injury!"

In the high ward of the Kyoto Security Hospital, a military colonel came in without concealing his praise.

"Me, Dragon Wolf?" Zhang Lie was a little puzzled.

"Haha, it seems you don't know yet!"

"Let me explain to you, Dragon Wolf or Dragon Wolf King is your current name!"

"As for the origin of this name, it is naturally caused by the transformed form and moves during the fierce battle with Samsung Mowei!"

The colonel patiently explained that a middle-aged man in federal uniform beside him was also full of admiration.

"Yes, Dragon Wolf Zhang Lie, you are now our national idol! As a part of the earth, we are all proud of you!"

"In addition, your heroic deeds have been highly recognized by the federal military. This is the Galactic Warrior Medal just sent by the federal government!"

"From now on, you are the federally awarded Galactic Warrior, and you can enjoy all the social benefits under this honor!"

The words of the middle-aged man made Zhang Lie a little confused.

Galactic Warriors?

This is an incredible honor, and the welfare of citizens such as high bits is high.

To be honest, at this moment, Zhang Lie didn't realize what he had done.

In such a situation, all his reactions in the battle were almost instinctive.

However, Zhang Lie didn't even have time to receive the Galactic Warrior Medal.

The Huaxia military colonel also took out a box and said with a smile on his face: "Haha, the Federation is so generous, as your motherland, Huaxia, naturally, you can't be stingy!"

"Dragon Soul Warrior Medal, I don't need to explain the meaning of this medal!"

Dragon Soul Warrior, as its name suggests, means a warrior who inherits the spirit of the Chinese dragon.

In the country of Huaxia, they also enjoy generous social benefits and the highest level of protection when necessary.

Because, this medal is not only a kind of welfare, it is more of a kind of inheritance.

Those who are awarded this kind of medal will also be regarded as the pillars of China by default.

Under the circumstances that reasonable conditions allow, the support provided by the state will be the maximum.

The two boxes were opened, a galactic warrior medal shining with stars, and a golden medal branded with a dragon pattern shining brightly.

Don't underestimate the two medals themselves, among which the Galaxy Medal is a free pass for the transmission of the galaxy.

As for the golden dragon pattern medal, it was engraved by the strongest man in China, Emperor Lei Heng, with the protection pattern of the thunder thunder.

When necessary, it can block several blows from emperor-level powerhouses without breaking them, which can be called a life-saving artifact.

"Take it, this is the honor you have exchanged with your life!"

There is no need to take advantage of the bastard. Since the federal government and the Chinese government are so enthusiastic, Zhang Lie naturally has nothing to be polite.

Immediately received the medal solemnly, and thanked them one by one.

Seeing Zhang Lie accepting the medal, the two of them left after another courtesy.

After all, in this war, there are dozens of people like Zhang Lie.

Although most of them have fallen, the honors and benefits that can be sent are to be sent regardless of life or death.

As soon as the two officials left, Zhou Ying, Yang Ze, Li Feng, Chu Xun, Yun Meng and others immediately surrounded them.

"Wow, boss, your medal is really beautiful!" Zhou Ying said with envy on her face, looking at the shining medal.

"Zhou Ying, that's enough. The value of these two medals cannot be described as beautiful!"

On the side of Yang Ze, after hearing this, he immediately complained ruthlessly.