Chapter 113 polished rough jade

Zhang Lie nodded slightly, if he just heard the name of Nirvana Desert, the extreme team members would be afraid, then there is absolutely no need to go.

"The next step is your warm-up. Use all your strengths to attack me. Remember not to be merciless." Zhang Lie's lips squirmed, his voice was not very loud, but it reverberated in everyone's ears.

Sun Mengmeng and Fang Yi were both stunned for a moment. Everyone attacked the captain. After the tragic war before, the potential of the limit gene point and the exercises were several grades higher than before.

But Zhang Lie intends to fight mercilessly with one enemy and many enemies, in other words… fight to the death! !


Sun Mengmeng looked hesitant, Zhang Lie was their benefactor, and they made them unscrupulous to take action against him.

After all, even in case, they didn't want to really hurt him…

"Okay, don't be hypocritical, just your ability, worry about yourself more!" Zhang Lie's mouth slightly raised a confident smile.

Seeing this, Sun Mengmeng and others were also relieved!

That's right, Zhang Lie, that's their captain, he'll never do anything unsure, never!

"Captain, then we're welcome." Sun Mengmeng smiled and was relieved. The rest of the team took a deep breath, and battle intent gradually rose in their eyes.

The source power is running, the light is swallowed, the wind is blowing, and it is on the verge of triggering!

"Remember, don't keep your hands!" Zhang Lie continued to exhort, otherwise this warm-up would be completely meaningless.

Sun Mengmeng and the others all nodded heavily, and then directly pulled the bowstring in their hands.

The source power is running in his body, the arrows burn into flames, the space is twisted, and the flames gradually turn into purple flames.

Zhang Lie's pupils shrank slightly. Judging from the breath of Sun Mengmeng's exercises, she made a lot of progress.

"call out..!"

With a roar of fire, Zhang Lie, who was secretly admiring, was pulled back, Sun Mengmeng let go of the bowstring, and the purple fire arrow went straight to the door.

A purple meniscus suddenly appeared, making the purple flames on the arrows more vigorous, and the space distortion could hardly see the silhouette.

"The superposition of fire attributes!"

The corners of Zhang Lie's mouth raised slightly, and just as the arrow was about to reach him, the mutant hurricane wolf soul jade was activated.

They saw Zhang Lie's figure blurry and agile, bending and dodging like a snake, but Sun Mengmeng and the others couldn't see Zhang Lie's movements clearly.

Dodging the attack, Zhang Lie's old-fashioned experience made him go straight to Sun Mengmeng. The Purple Poison Nether Sword blew a dazzling purple light, and Sun Mengmeng's hair stood up immediately, and the sense of crisis of death came instantly.

Only at this time did she really understand how terrifying Zhang Lie's strength was.

Zhang Lie approached very fast, and Sun Mengmeng had to retreat quickly.

In terms of movement skills, no one in the extreme team can outperform, so the distance between the two sides has not been pulled apart, but has been shortened at an extreme speed.

If only Sun Mengmeng was alone, a disadvantage at this point would be enough to suppress her, but Sun Mengmeng was not alone at this time.

There are five comparable comrades behind her.

Zhang Lie chose this method to warm up, which is to let them really get used to the feeling of the imminent death crisis.

In addition, I also wanted to hone the cooperation between their team. After the last battle, they all improved a little. Zhang Lie's move was to fight while the heat was hot, and squeeze them again.

As for the success or not, it also depends on them. After all, the teamwork is not a matter of one person.

In this dazzling effort, Zhang Lie had already deceived Sun Mengmeng, and the Purple Poison Nether Sword in his hand went straight to Sun Mengmeng's head without any pause.

The breath of death rushed towards her face, and Sun Mengmeng's hair danced wildly, her face instantly pale.

"Dong dong!"

will die! really die!

Zhang Lie's substantive killing intent made her heart beat violently and her breathing became extremely rapid.

In just a moment, she realized the real fear of death?

"Still hesitating? Do you really want to die?" Zhang Lie shouted.

Sun Mengmeng woke up suddenly, a cloud of purple flames burst out from under her feet, and her figure escaped from Zhang Liejian in a dangerous and dangerous way.

"Burst Step! Not bad!!"

Zhang Lie's mouth was playful, but his hands were not relaxed at all. With a light step on his feet, the earth rippled like a wave of water, and his person was like a water dragonfly, sticking to it very quickly.

As soon as the waves came out, Sun Mengmeng's most dangerous moment had come. If there was no teammate to support Sun Mengmeng, it would be difficult to survive the next move.

wow wow.

There was a wave of water on the left side, and a huge fist was approaching Zhang Lie, but it was Yang Ze who used the wave fist that he was very familiar with at this time.

All the light and flint, support finally came.

The corner of Zhang Lie's mouth was slightly raised, his left hand shook slightly, and the huge wave-like fist instantly collapsed.


With a loud bang, Yang Ze's body flew out backwards. How could Yang Ze be compared with Zhang Lie in terms of wave boxing.

However, Zhang Lie chose the same move, but used a different punch, which naturally had a deep meaning.

No, Yang Ze flew upside down, his eyes flickered, and he clearly understood this punch.

"I said, with this intensity, do you want to watch Sun Mengmeng die?"

After Yang Ze, the support was cut off, Zhang Lie spoke coldly, and there was already some anger in his words.

As soon as these words came out, everyone also woke up instantly. If they really fought to the death, Sun Mengmeng would have died several times with their performance.


Li Feng shouted loudly, he stepped on the aurora, and the long sword in his hand was even more radiant, and the sword qi flew like a coiled dragon.

The corner of Zhang Lie's mouth was light, and "The Shining Dragon Sword" was worthy of being a legendary swordsmanship. How long did Li Feng practice, he was able to burst out such power.

However, it has not been fully grasped. The layman seems to be very powerful, but for Zhang Lie, it is not a big threat.

The Purple Poison Nether Sword danced lightly, touching the tip of Li Feng's sword in an understatement, and the sound of the tsunami and dragon's roar merged with each other.

Under the blinding white light, Li Feng retreated as if struck by lightning, while Zhang Lie stood still.

"It's now!" Li Feng shouted.

Zhang Lie looked sideways and saw that the rest of the team had formed an encirclement, completely blocking his retreat, and Sun Mengmeng also pulled the bowstring again.

Obviously, Li Feng's previous sword was aimed at covering, not attacking!

"Okay, that's what it looks like!"

The corner of Zhang Lie's mouth raised a faint smile, and the wave of the wave palm and the wave fist were shot in succession, and the right hand danced with monstrous swordsmanship.

The attack angle is tricky, and he specifically picks the flawed areas of the team to attack. First, he hits Sun Mengmeng's arrow with one sword, and then pushes back Yang Ze and Li Feng with one punch and one leg.

It seemed like a desperate situation, but it was easily resolved by Zhang Lie. However, just when Zhang Lie believed that he was absolutely safe, a vine suddenly burst out of the ground and wrapped around his legs.

At the same time, he suddenly felt a chill down his spine, and he was firmly locked by a murderous intent.

Behind him, the wind raged, and the thunder danced wildly!

A swipe pointed at the vest edge, with unstoppable power, lasing!

Fang Yi, it must be him!

Zhang Lie didn't need to look back to know who was behind him, and judging from the power of the source power, this blow should be the strongest blow he had after gaining momentum.

From the moment Sun Mengmeng escaped danger, everything in the team was just for this blow!