Chapter 118 Someone is doing something



With a miserable insect chirping, the poor magic sand beetle finally died early in the dance of swords.

The dark eight thin legs of the magic sand beetle swayed, and then gradually stopped moving. The wind and sand blew past, and the huge body was covered with yellow sand and slowly became stiff.

"Ding! Participate in killing the super magic sand beetle, without obtaining the soul jade, devour the super magic sand beetle meat, you can ingest 1-10 super gene points!"

The voice of the will of the void sounded, and to everyone's disappointment, the sandworm did not contribute soul jade.

Seeing this, Fang Yi shook his head helplessly. He only got super gene value after working hard for a long time, which is really disappointing.

However, this super soul jade is impossible to find, but it is impossible to ask for it.

Seeing that Fang Yi and others were a little lost, Zhang Lie helplessly shook his head.

"Don't forget, what is the real reason for coming to the desert this time? Although I didn't get the soul jade, I still have super genes. After the super genes are full, there will always be soul jade!"

Listening to Zhang Lie's words, everyone's expressions became condensed, and then they put away the magic sand beetle and continued to move towards the depths.

As the crowd gradually deepened, the team encountered many super genetic beasts, many of which were stronger than the magic sand beetle, and Zhang Liejun was on the sidelines.

Although the battle seemed to be difficult, the extreme team eventually resisted the pressure and won one victory after another.

When I got here, I was used to the environment here. I walked through a small oasis, but Zhang Lie stopped.

"Captain, what's the matter, why don't you leave?"

Sun Mengmeng asked curiously, at this moment, her white armor was already pitch black, and she was quite embarrassed.

The rest of the team was no better.

"It's here, you can go back." Zhang Lie stretched his waist.

"Just here, why do I feel like this is just over the periphery?" Sun Xiaowu hurriedly asked, this time he had obtained a lot of gene points.

"I mean I went back by myself. I'll take you out when you're exhausted, and don't get too close to the central area." Zhang Lie said lightly.

Sun Mengmeng's face changed when she heard the words, she was about to open her mouth to say something, when she saw Zhang Lie's body suddenly lit up, and suddenly disappeared in place.

Everyone in the extreme team was stunned, this girl is walking too fast, right?

Sun Mengmeng's face twitched.

"The captain just left?" Yang Ze and Li Feng felt as if they had lost something.

"Could it be that you still don't know the captain's intentions?" Sun Mengmeng took a deep breath and said, her beautiful eyes gleaming.

The rest of the team members were shocked when they heard the words.

"The captain was there in the previous battles. He gave us a lot of confidence and made us fight fearlessly, but when he's not around, we can only rely on ourselves." Fang Yi said lightly, first bypassing the crowd towards Go ahead.

The eyes of the rest of the extreme team gradually became calm and determined, and they followed without the slightest hesitation.

At this moment, there is only one thought in their hearts, to be alone! Do something for the captain! !

Besides Zhang Lie, he walked out of the desert of annihilation without any psychological burden. After fighting all the way, as long as the extreme team did not go deep into the center of the desert, basically there would not be too much danger.

And, if he's been there, what's the point of this experience?

"It's really unpleasant that there is constant sandstorm inside." Zhang Lie looked down at himself, who was full of sandstorm, and shook his head helplessly. His black clothes were stained with countless sand grains, and a lot of sand grains fell into his boots. Very uncomfortable.

At this time, if you take a comfortable hot bath, wouldn't it be fun to repair the chain in Haosheng?

Thinking of this, Zhang Lie Yue felt that the yellow sand in the boots was very disgusting, and then quickened his pace and walked towards the hotel.

After taking a hot bath in the hotel, Zhang Lie sat cross-legged on the soft bed, absorbing the light from the source, and began to understand the eclipse of the moon Wuzun carefully.

Zhang Lie: Ordinary life.

Cultivation Techniques: Basic Cultivation Techniques, Research Level, Nine Transformations of Fish and Dragons, Middle Stage of Demonic Snake Transformation, Eclipse of the Moon? Beginner, Wave Step·Advanced, Folding Wave Palm·Advanced, Soft Water Transforming Jin·Advanced, Wave Fist·Advanced, Monstrous Sword·Advanced.

Number of genes: 160 basic genes, 150 mutant genes, and 100 super genes.

The basic gene breaks the limit, the mutation gene limit

Soul Sea Soul Jade: Super Silver Liquid Jade Insect King Soul Jade, Super Purple Poison Nether Scorpion Soul Jade, Super Bloodthirsty Ant Soul Jade, Super Changchun Mirage Soul Jade, Super Aoki Werewolf Soul Jade, Mutated Wind Wolf Soul Jade, Mutated Potbellied Demon Frog Soul Jade.

Now Zhang Lie's Void Data is unprecedented in the entire Void Realm.

The understanding of the eclipse of the moon was quite smooth, because Zhang Lie actually unwittingly turned on his full power in the previous wormhole invasion battle.

That kind of life-and-death perception made his understanding of the eclipse moon field and even the demonic snake change to a higher level. Perhaps before the Void Title Battle, he could make breakthroughs in these two exercises.


At this moment, the communicator in Zhang Lie's hand suddenly made a sound.

He opened his eyes and looked at some familiar faces on the communicator. It was the communication number of lawyer Zhang Hong and Zhang.

Calling at this time, is it because of the martial arts?

With doubts, Zhang Lie took over the communication from lawyer Zhang Hong.

I saw Zhang Hong's familiar face appearing on the light curtain, and his expression was a little dignified, and his brows were slightly wrinkled.

"Mr. Zhang, there are some problems with the business procedures of the martial arts hall. I'm afraid you need to come back and talk about it in this world."

Zhang Hong said solemnly, not even that professional smile appeared.

Zhang Lie gradually realized that the formalities were not easy. After he hung up the communicator, he hurriedly returned to reality from the Void Realm.

And went straight to Zhang Hong's law firm.

"What's wrong with the procedure?" Zhang Lie asked, looking at Zhang Hong who put a cup of hot tea in front of him.

"This is Mr. Zhang. The original procedures were basically passed, but on the way, he received a federal approval error, and the martial arts qualification examination certificate cannot be processed." Zhang Hong sat opposite Zhang Lie and said slowly.

Zhang Lie's brows were slightly wrinkled, and the procedures for this martial arts hall were generally a bit complicated.

However, there are no problems with other procedures, except for this qualification assessment certificate, which is a bit strange.

The so-called qualification assessment certificate, to put it bluntly, is the proof of the strength of the curator of the martial arts hall. After all, the martial arts hall is not something that ordinary people can open.

However, given Zhang Lie's performance in the Kyoto Guard War, there is no need to worry about the qualification assessment certificate. On the contrary, the land procedures may not be smooth. I didn't expect that there will be a problem with the qualification assessment certificate now.

"How is this possible? Could it be that the other party didn't know that I was planning to open a martial arts hall?" Zhang Lie asked in a deep voice.

"The federation naturally knows that the process went smoothly before, but after the federal officer in charge of the process went out to answer a phone call, his attitude changed greatly, and he did not release the card owner qualification test certificate."

Zhang Hong sighed.

Hearing this, Zhang Lie understood, that someone secretly prevented him from opening this martial arts gym.